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News from the Branches. 1st January to 31st March

1st January to 31st March.

Greater London.

BATTERSEA.—Concert by the Junior Imperial League, with address by Mr. Rham, Honorary Secretary of the Branch. Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

Life-boat Day.

BERMONDSEY.—Concert, with address by the Rev. A. M. Peckham, Chairman of the Harrow Branch.

BRIXTON.—Address to the Brother- hood by Captain Basil Hall, R.N.

CHINGFORD.—Bridge and Whist Drive, with address by the District Organizing Secretary.

CHISLEHURST.—Whist Drive, with address by Colonel F. J. Edlmann, D.S.O.

CLAPHAM.—Drawing-room meeting, given by Mrs. 0. Picton Davies, Major V. B. Rogers, D.S.O., M.C., D.L., presiding. Speaker : Sir Godfrey Bar- ing, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management.

ERITH.—Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

HACKNEY.—Collection at Clapton Orient Football Ground.

HAMMERSMITH.—Special Meeting at the Town Hall, the Mayor presiding.

Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment. Branch formed.

HAMPSTEAD.—-Special Meeting at the Town Hall, the Mayor presiding.

Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment.

HAREFIELD.—Concert, with address by the District Organizing Secretary.

HAYES.—Concert, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

HORNSEY.—Special Meeting, called by the Mayor. Speaker : Mr. H. A. Baker, a member of the Committee of Manage- ment.

Entertainment by the North Harrin- gay Musical and Dramatic Society, with address by the District Organizing Secretary. Lantern Lecture at the Library by the District Organizing Secretary, with the Mayor presiding.

Lantern Lecture at the Ferme Park Baptist Chapel by the District Organiz- ing Secretary ; and Lantern Lecture to the Junior Fellowship by Mrs. Ford, wife of the Honorary Secretary of the Branch.


MITCHAM.—Two Concerts, with ad" dresses by the District Organizing Secretary.

SOUTHGATE.—Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secre- tary.

TOOTING.—St. Peter's Presbyterian Library Society—Lantern Lecture by the Rev. A. M. Peckham. Whist Drive, with address by the District Organizing Secretary. Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

WALTHAMSTOW.—St. John's Concert, with address by the District Organizing Secretary. St. Mary's Concert.

WHEATHAMPSTEAD.—Address to the Women's Institute by Miss Silvester, Hon. Secretary of the St. Albans Branch.

WOODFORD & EPPING.—Bridge Drive, with address by the District Organizing Secretary. Children's Play at the house of Mr. E. W. B. Dennant, Hon. Treasurer.

Talk on the Service by Mrs. Wall, the President of the Branch. Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

WOOLWICH.—Special Meeting at the Town Hall, called by the Mayor.

Speaker : The District Organizing Secre- tary. Branch formed, Hon. Secretary, Mr. E. Stubbs.

Thirteen lectures and addresses were given by the District Organizing Secre- tary, in addition to those mentioned.

North-West of England.

ACCRINGTON (LANCS.). — Annual Whist and Bridge Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE (LANCS.). — American Tea, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

BLACKPOOL (LANCS.).—Annual Meet- ing on 3rd March. Amount collected last year £530, as compared with £594 in the previous year. Presentation to the Branch Honorary Secretary, Councillor C. E. Tatham, of inscribed binoculars, and to six retired members of the Blackpool Life-boat Crew of Life- boatmen's Certificates, awarded by the Institution. Annual Whist Drive and Dance in aid of the funds of the Black- pool Life-boat Band.

BLACKROD (LANCS.).—Annual Meet- ing of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Amount collected last year £12, as compared with £15 in the previous year.

BOLTON (LANCS.).—Whist Drive and Dance, organized by the Ladies' Life- boat Guild.

BURY (LANCS.).—Annual Meeting on 9th March, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Amount collected last year £178, as compared with £186 in the previous year.

CARLISLE (CUMBERLAND). — Annual Meeting on 13th February, the Mayor of Carlisle, President of the Branch, in the chair. Efforts of the past year : Life- boat Day, Dance and two Whist Drives.

Amount collected last year £327, as compared with £328 in the previous year. Miss Binning appointed Honorary Secretary in the place of Mrs. Shepheard- Walwyn.

CARNFORTH (LANCS.).—Annual Meet- ing of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 13th January. Amount collected last year £101, as compared with £93 in the previous year.

CREWE (CHESHIRE).—Annual Meeting on 24th March, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Amount collected last year £73, as compared with £68 in the previous year.

DAEWEN (LANCS.).—Concert by the scholars of St. James's Day School, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

DOUGLAS (ISLE OF MAN). — Annual Meeting on 18th March, His Excellency the Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of Man, Patron of the Branch, presiding. Amount collected last year £654, as compared with £720 in the previous year.

DUKINFIELD (CHESHIRE). — Annual Whist Drive and Dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

FLEETWOOD (LANGS.).—Special Meet- ing. Presentation to the late Mr. Roger Fogg, Honorary Treasurer of the Branch for twenty-eight years, of the Framed Photograph of a Life-boat going out to a Vessel in Distress, awarded to him by the Institution.

GRANGE-OVER-SANDS (LANCS.). — Entertainment, arranged by Miss R.


HINDLEY (LANCS.).—Annual Meeting on 25th March. Amount collected last year £73, as compared with £79 in the previous year.

Annual Whist Drive and Dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Second Whist Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

HOLLINGWORTH (CHESHIRE).—Whist Drive and Dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

HORWICH (LANCS.).—House-to-House Collection.

KENDAL (WESTMORLAND). — Bridge and Whist Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

LANCASTER.—Football and Cinema Collections and Concert, all organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

LIVERPOOL.—Annual Meeting on 11th March, the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Amount collected last year £3,472, as compared with £3,347 in the previous year.

Presentation to Mr. B. J. Kirkham, Honorary Secretary of the New Brighton Branch, of the inscribed binoculars awarded to him by the Institution.

Performance given by Miss Edina Thraves.

LYMM (CHESHIRE).—Life-boat Day.

LYTHAM (LANCS.).—Annual Meeting on 5th February, the late Sir William Macara, Bt., in the chair. Amount collected last year £381, as compared with £175 in the previous year. Mr.

William Gregson elected Honorary Secretary of the Branch in the place of Mr. Charles A. Myers.

Bridge Party, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

LYTHAM ST. ANNE'S (LANCS.).—Meet- ing of the Committees of the Lytham and St. Anne's Branches, when a resolu- tion was passed that the two Branches be amalgamated, and, in future, be named " Lytham St. Anne's Branch." The following officers were elected: Chairman, Sir Thomas Smethurst, K.B.E. ; Joint. Hon. Treasurers, Mr. J.

Pearson, J.P., and Mr. S. E. Towill; Joint Hon. Secretaries, Mr. W. Gregson and Mr. R. V. Pye. Presentation to Mr. C. A. Myers, retiring Honorary Secretary of the Lytham Branch, after forty years' service.



—Meeting of the Executive Committee, at which Mr. P. M. Oliver, M.P., was elected Honorary Secretary, in succes- sion to Sir Edwin Stockton, J.P.

Annual Meeting on 11th February, the Lady Mayoress, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, in the chair. Speakers : Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution, the Mayor of Salford, the Archdeacon of Manchester (the Ven. Noel Lake Aspinall), Mr. M. H. Harris, Secretary of the Great Synagogue, Brigadier J. James, Divisional Com- mander of the Salvation Army, Mr. F. R.

Stansfield, Hon. Secretary, Benevolent Fund of the Co-operative Wholesale Society, Captain C. E. Froggatt, R.D., R.N.R., Mr. C. E. Fielding, and Mrs.

Henry Bronnert. Mr. W. H. Flanagan, J.P., was appointed Chairman, in succes- sion to the late Captain W. C. Bacon.

Amount collected last year £3,739, as compared with £3,973 in the previous year.

ARDWICK.—Address by the Branch Secretary to the Downing Street Co-operative Guild.

CHORLTON-CUM-HARDY. — Grand Concert, arranged by Miss F. Anstee, a member of the Ladies' Life-boat Committee. Whist Drive, arranged by the District Committee. Dancing Displays by the pupils of the Stock- bridge School of Dancing.

CORNBROOK.—Address by the Branch Secretary to the Cornbrook Women's Guild (Co-operative).

BLACKLEY.—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Collections at the Palladium Cinema and Palais de Danse.

DROYLSDEN.—Address by the Branch Secretary to the Co-operative Women's Guild.

GORTON.—Special Meeting. Ladies' Life-boat Guild formed.

LOWER CRUMPSALL.—Meeting held on 29th January, convened by the Rev. H. A. Wahltuch, Rector of Lower Crumpsall. District Committee formed. Mr. P. M. Oliver, O.B.E., M.P., was elected President; Mr. J.

Lees-Jones, J.P., and Mr. W. A.

Burke, Vice-Presidents; Miss Hankey, Honorary Treasurer; and Mr. R.

Bray, Honorary Secretary.

OLD TRAFFORD.—Annual Dance.

PRESTWICH. — Address by the Branch Secretary to the Women's Co-operative Guild.

CLAYTON.—Annual Meeting on 31st March.

HALE.—Bridge Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

NEW MOSTON.—Special Meeting.

Ladies' Life-boat Guild formed.

NELSON (LANCS.).—Collections at the Queen's Cinema, in connexion with the Life-boat Film, " Heroes of the Sea," carried out by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

OLDHAM (LANGS.).—Annual Meeting of the Branch and Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 16th February, the Deputy Mayoress in the chair. Amount col- lected last year £319, as compared with £295 in the previous year.

Annual Whist Drive and Dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

PIEL (BARROW).—Bridge and Whist Drive, arranged by Mrs. Chislett.

PRESTON (LANCS.).—Annual Meeting on 12th March, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Amount collected last year £317, as compared with £402 in the previous year.

CLAYTON GREEN. — Jumble Sale, arranged by Miss A. Gardiner.

RISHTON (LANCS.).—Fourth Annual Ball.

ROCHDALE (LANCS.).—Annual Meet- ing of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on the 14th January, the Mayor of Rochdale, President of the Guild, in the chair.

Amount collected last year £226, as compared with £138 in the previous year.

ROMILEY (CHESHIRE).—Annual Meet- ing of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 20th March. Amount collected last year £40, as compared with £36 in the previous year.

STANDISH (LANCS.). — Bridge and Whist Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

TOTTINGTON (LANCS.).—Whist and Bridge Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. House-to-House Col- lection.

TYLDESLEY (LANCS.) — Annual American Tea, followed by a Fancy Dress Ball, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WHALEY BRIDGE (CHESHIRE). — Dramatic Performance by the Whaley Bridge Play Club.

WIGAN (LANCS.).—Life-boat Day.

WORKINGTON (CUMBERLAND). — Annual Children's and Adults' Fancy Dress Balls, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WORSTHORNE (LANGS.).—Lantern Lecture by Captain W. Halstead. Per- formance by the Worsthorne Dramatic Society.

North-East of England.

ALTOFTS (YORKS.).—Lantern Lecture.

BARNSLEY (YORKS.).—Children's Ball.

BRADFORD (YORKS.).—Annual Meet- ing on 21st January, the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair.

Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day, Matinee. Amount collected last year £1,760, as compared with £1,855 in the previous year.

BRIDLINGTON (YORKS.). — Annual Meeting on 3rd March, Major Strickland, President of the Branch, in the chair.

Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day, Organ Day, Concert. Amount collected last year £286, as compared with £247 in the previous year.

Annual procession and service in memory of the lives lost in the great gale of February 10th, 1871. Perform- ance of the Life-boat Play " Their Business in Great Waters." Sunday Concert.

CAWTHORNE (YORKS.). — Whist Drive and Dance.


DARLINGTON (DURHAM). —Annual Meeting on 20th March, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair.

Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day, Garden Party, Bridge and Whist Drives.

Amount collected last year £174, as compared with £157 in the previous year.

Whist Drive.

DONCASTER (YORKs.).—Annual Meet- ing, the Mayor presiding. Amount collected last year £83, as compared with £98 in the previous year.

Life-boat Day.

DRIFFIELD (YORKs.).—Whist Drive and Concert.

GATESHEAD (DURHAM). — Bridge Drive.

HALIFAX (YORKS.). — Whist and Bridge Drive.

HECKMONDWIKE (YORKS.) — Annual Meeting and Supper. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day, Bridge Drives, Concert. Amount collected last year £63, as compared with £67 in the previous year.

HOLMFIRTH (YoRKS.).—Whist Drive and Supper. Whist Drive.

LEEDS (YORKS.).—-Two Bridge and Whist Drives. Bridge Drive.

MELTHAM (YORKS.).—Whist Drive.

REDCAR (YORKS.).—Special Meeting.

Ladies' Life-boat Guild formed. Dance and Jumble Sale.

RYTON (DURHAM).—Annual Me_eting, Mrs. Hanson, President of the Guild, in the chair. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day. Amount collected last year £30, as compared with £27 in the previous year.

SCARBOROUGH (YoRKS.). — Bridge and Whist Drives.

SELBY (YORKS.).—Dance.

SHEFFIELD (YORKS.).—Lantern Lec- ture.


STOCKTON (DURHAM). — Carnival Dance.

TYNEMOUTH (NORTHUMBERLAND). — Annual Supper given by Ladies' Life- boat Guild to the Crew, the Mayor of Tynemouth presiding. Bridge and Whist Drive.

WAKEFIELD (YoRKS.).—Bridge and Whist Drive.

WEST HARTLEPOOL (DURHAM). — Bridge and Whist Drive.

WITHERNSEA (YoRKS.).—Public Meet- ing and Tea.


BADSEY (WORCESTER). — Life-boat Day.

BIRMINGHAM.—Annual Meeting on 18th March, the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speaker : Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management. Pre- sentation of the Gold Brooch awarded by the Institution to Mrs. Spencer, Honorary Secretary of the Wolver- hampton Branch. Amount collected last year £2,503, as compared with £2,427 in the previous year.

Presentation by Mrs. Geoffrey Bird, Chairman of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, of the framed photograph of a Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress, awarded by the Institution to Miss G. Brockbank.

Concert by the City Police Band, with an address by the District Organizing Secretary. Collections during a week at the Royal Theatre and the Hippo- drome. Collection at Balsall Heath Picturedrome, when the Life-boat Film, " Heroes of the Sea," was shown.

House-to-House Collection. Three lectures and a wireless talk given by the District Organizing Secretary.

BRISTOL (GLOS.).—Annual Meeting, Commander Harvey presiding. Speaker: The District Organizing Secretary.

Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day, Annual Ball, Pantomime. Amount collected last year £1,063, as compared with £1,195 in the previous year.

Pantomime arranged by the Branch.

Addresses given to eight schools in Bristol and Avonmouth, and to the Thornbury Women's Institute, by the District Organizing Secretary.


COVENTRY (WARWICK). — Collections in " Empire " Picture Theatre, " Broad- way " and " Grand," when the Life-boat Film, " Heroes of the Sea," was shown.

GRIMSBY (LiNCS.). — Bridge Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild' LEAMINGTON (WARWICK). — House- to-House Collection. Theatre and Cinema Collections, and Collection in the " Bath Cinema," when the Life-boat Film, " Heroes of the Sea," was shown.

LICHFIELD (STAFFS.).—Annual Dance.

NEW MILLS (DERBY).—Life-boat Day.

Collections in Cinema, when the Life- boat Film, " Heroes of the Sea," was shown.

NOTTINGHAM.—Annual Meeting on 26th January, the Lord Mayor, Presi- dent of the Branch, in the chair.

Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment. Efforts of the past year : Life- boat Day, Sunday Concert, and various special efforts organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Amount collected last year £202, as compared with £162 in the previous year.

Meeting of Ladies' Life-boat Guild, held by the kindness of Mrs. Lewis at Mevell House.


—Life-boat Day.



RUGBY (WARWICK).—Annual Dance.

RUGELEY (STAFFS.).—Annual Ball.

SOTNTHORPE (Lines.).—Performance by the Santon Dramatic Society of the Life-boat Play, " Their Business in Great Waters." SMETHWICK (STAFFS.).—Bridge Drive.

STROUD (GLOS.).—The Dansant.

WALSALL (STAFFS.). — Collection at Cinema, when the Life-boat Film, " Heroes of the Sea," was shown.

WOLVEHHAMPTON (STAFFS.). Life- boat Day, with Life-boat taken through the streets. Collections at Cinemas, when the Life-boat Film, " Heroes of the Sea," was shown. Life-boat Dance.

Eight lectures and addresses were given by the District Organising Secre- tary, in addition to those mentioned.

South-East of England.

AYLESBURY (BUCKS.).—Theatricals.

BIGGLESWADE (BEDS.). — Lecture to Brotherhood Meeting by Admiral Sir Lionel Halsey, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., K.C.I.E., C.B., a member of the Com- mittee of Management.

BIRCHINGTON (KENT).—Theatricals.

BRIGHTON (SUSSEX).—Presentation by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, to Mr. H. King, the Honorary Secretary, of the Vellum recording his appointment as a Life-Governor of the Institution, at a luncheon given in Mr. King's honour by Mr. B. J. Saunders, President of the Branch. Among those present were Captain the Right Hon. the Earl Howe, P.C., A.D.C., R.N.V.R., a member of the Committee of Management, and the Mayors of Brighton and Hove.

CAMBRIDGE.—Films shown. House- to-House Collection.

CANTERBURY (KENT).—Annual Meet- ing, the Mayor in the chair. Amount collected last year £178, as compared with £146 in the previous year.

CATERHAM (SURREY). — Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Mr. James Blair.

CHELMSFORD (ESSEX).—Whist Drive and Bridge Drive.

CHICHESTER (SUSSEX). — Lantern Lecture by the Honorary Secretary.

CHORLEY WOOD (HERTS.). — Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Miss Edmonds.

DARTFORD (KENT).—Whist Drive.

Three lantern lectures by Mr. P. Kemp.

EASTBOURNE (SUSSEX).—Address at a Brotherhood Meeting by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management. Theatricals. Concert.

EAST DEREHAM (NORFOLK).—Branch formed. Mrs. Wormald, Honorary Secretary.

FOLKESTONE (Kent).—Supper given by the Branch to the Crew. Presen- tations of the Certificates of Service awarded on the closing of the Station.


—Films shown.

GRAYS (ESSEX).—Life-boat Day.

GUILDFORD (SURREY).—Concert with address by Sir Maurice Cameron, K.C.M.G., a member of the Committee of Management.

HASTINGS (SUSSEX).—Lantern Lec- ture by the Honorary Secretary.

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD (HERTS.).—Lan- tern Lecture to Baptists' Young People's League by the Honorary Secretary.

Lantern Lecture at Locker's Park School by the Honorary Secretary.

HYTHE (KENT).—Concert.


LITTLEHAMPTON (SUSSEX).—Lantern Lecture by the Honorary Secretary.

MARGATE (KENT).—Party to Life- boatmen's children.

PALLING (Norfolk).—Presentation by Captain Guy Fanshawe, R.N., a member of the Committee of Management, of the Certificates of Service awarded to Cox- swain and Crew on the closing of the Station.

RAMSGATE (KENT).—Triennial Life- boat Dinner to the Life-boatmen, pro- vided by the legacies of the late Admiral Sir George Back and the late Mrs. Susannah Stephens. Mr. George F.

Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution, presided, supported by the Mayor of Ramsgate, Mr. E. J. W. Bgrrajo, Assistant Manager of the Prudential Assurance Company, Ltd., donors of the present Ramsgate Motor Life-boat, and Mr. E. G. Crocker, the Honorary Secre- tary of the Branch. Whist Drive and Dance.

RAMSEY (HUNTS.).—Branch formed.

Hon. Secretary, Mrs. Warde.

SAFFRON WALDEN (ESSEX).—Lantern Lecture.

ST. IVES (HUNTS.). — Theatricals.

Presentation by the Mayor of the Gold Brooch awarded by the Institution to Miss Mary Knights, the Honorary Secretary of the Branch.

SELSEY (SUSSEX).—Presentation to the Coxswain of the Bronze Medal, and to each member of the Crew of the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum, awarded to them for the service to the yacht Lucy B., of Rye, on 2nd November last. The presentations were followed by an entertainment.

SLOUGH (BUCKS.).—Concert at Iver.

SOUTHEND (ESSEX).—Annual Meet- ing, Alderman Sir John Francis, J.P., Chairman, presiding. Amount collected last year £479, as compared with £526 in the previous year.



WALTON AND FRINTON (ESSEX). — Annual Dinner to the Life-boat Crew.

Presentation by Brigadier-General R. B.

Colvin, C.B., T.D., Lord Lieutenant of the County, of the Institution's Thanks on Vellum, awarded to Coxswain J. C.

Byford for the service to the yacht Auriga on the 22nd November last.


WEYBRIDGE (SURREY). — Life-boat Day.

WORTHING (SUSSEX).—Annual Meet- ing on 20th March, the Mayor presiding.

Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment. Amount collected last year £528, as compared with £686 in the previous year.

Dinner given by the Committee to the Crew on the closing of the Station.

Two lectures and addresses were given by the District Organizing Secre- tary, and two by Captain Basil Hall, R.N., in addition to those mentioned.

South-West of England.

APPLEDORE (Devon). — Presentation to Mr. H. C. Whitehead, the Hon. Secre- tary, by Mr. George F. Shee, M.A.

Secretary of the Institution, of the Vellum recording his appointment as an Honorary Life-Governor.

BOURNEMOUTH (HANTS.). — Whist Drive, arranged by Mrs. Ball, the Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life- boat Guild.

BRIDGWATER (SOMERSET).—Presenta- tion to Mrs. Ferguson, the Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, of the Framed Photograph of a Life-boat Going out to a Vessel in Distress, awarded to her by the Institution.

BRIDPORT (DORSET).—Annual Meet- ing, Rear-Admiral C. H. Fox, C.B., President of the Branch, in the chair, supported by the Mayor. Speaker : the District Organizing Secretary. Amount collected last year £59, as compared with £84 in the previous year.

COWES (I.W.). — Annual Life-boat Dance and Children's Party, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Major- General the Right Ho'n. J. E. Bernard Seely, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., a member of the Committee of Management, present.

EXETER (DEVON).—Special Effort, ar- ranged by Mrs. Pitts and the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Dance, organized by the Junior Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

FALMOUTH (CORNWALL). — Dance, arranged by " The Double Six Club." Bridge Drive, arranged by Mrs. Chellew, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

FOWEY (CORNWALL).—Whist Drive and Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

OXFORD (OxoN.).—Annual Meeting of the Branch at Queen's College.

Speaker : Mr. H. A. Baker, a member of the Committee of Management.

Amount collected last year £766, as compared with £680 in the previous year.

PAIGNTON (DEVON).—Whist Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

PETERSFIELD (HANTS.).—Whist Drive, arranged by Miss Cave, the Honorary Secretary.

PLYMOUTH (DEVON).—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

PORTSMOUTH (HANTS.) — Annual Meeting on 14th January, the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair, supported by the Lady Mayoress, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Alderman Sir Harold Pink, J.P., Chair- man, of the Branch, and Mrs. Pollard, Chairman of the Guild. Speaker : Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management. Admiral Sir Roger Keyes, Bt., K.C.B., K.C.V.O., C.M.G., D.S.O., Commander-in-Chief at Portsmouth, presented the Challenge Shield for the South-Western District in the Life-boat Essay Competition for Elementary Schools, won by Denis Butler, Stamshaw Boys' School, Ports- mouth. Efforts of the past year : Life- boat Day, Whist Drive at Purbrook, Meeting and Tea by the Lady Mayoress, Tea Party by Mrs. Pollard. Amount collected last year £392, as compared with £383 in the previous year.

Special Meeting, at the Guildhall, of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. Pol- lard, Chairman, presiding, supported by the Lady Mayoress. Speaker: The District Organizing Secretary.

READING (BERKS.). — Presentation to Mr. G. Burton Fraser, the Honorary Secretary, of the Gold Pendant awarded to him by the Institution.

SALISBURY (WILTS.).—Special Meet- ing at the New Theatre and display of Films, the Mayor presiding. Speaker : Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution. Special Orchestra.

Lantern Lecture at Fonthill by Major Rawlence, D.S.O., Honorary Secretary of the Branch.

SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS.). —• Annual Meeting on 26th February, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair.

Speaker: Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution. Efforts of the past year: Whist Drive and Theatricals. Amount collected last year £1,014, as compared with £760 in the previous year.

" The Cuckoo in the Nest," played by the Blenheim Players.

SWINDON (WILTS.).—Annual Meeting at the Town Hall, the Mayor presiding.

Speaker : the District Organizing Secre- tary.

TAUNTON (SOMERSET).—Whist Drive and Dance at West Monkton.

THAME (OxoN.).—Annual Meeting, Major Ashton presiding. Speaker: Colonel The Master of Sempill, a member of the Committee of Manage- ment. Display of Life-boat Films.

TORQUAY (DEVON).—Whist Drive at Roslin Hall, arranged by Mrs. Thackrah, Joint Hon. Secretary, and members of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

TRURO (CORNWALL).—Whist Drive, arranged by Mrs. Gibson, Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WESTON-SUPER-MARE (SOMERSET).—• Whist Drive, arranged by the Honorary Secretary of the Guild, at Worle.


ABERDEEN.—Annual Meeting on 6th February, the Lord Provost, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speakers : The Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., Chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council, and a Vice-President of the Institution, and the Earl of Caithness.

Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day and Ladies' Life-boat Guild Collections.

Amount collected last year £1,015, as compared with £757 in the previous year.

Grand Ball on the 6th February in the County Hall, attended by the Duke and Duchess of Montrose, the Earl and Countess of Caithness and the Lord and Lady Provost.


BURNTISLAND (FIFE).—Concert and Dramatic Entertainment, arranged by the Committee and the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mr. James Piper, Chairman of the Branch, presiding.

DUNDEE.—Presentation of the Cen- tenary Vellum by the Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., Chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council, and a Vice- President of the Institution. (A special report will appear in the next issue).

DUNFERMLINE (FIFE).—Whist Drive and Dance.

EDINBURGH.—Whist and Bridge Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Bonnyrigg Cinema Exhibition, arranged by Mrs. Core-Greenshields.

Lantern Lecture to the Women's Guild of St. Matthew's Parish Church by Captain A. S. Balfour, O.B.E. Juniper Green Whist Drive, arranged by Mrs.

Sellar, of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Concert and Exhibition of Life-boat Films, arranged by Mrs. Core-Green- shields, a Vice-President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Musical programme by the Elizabethan Choir, conducted by Mr. Percy Snowden. Exhibitions of Life-boat Films at Dalkeith Cinema, with collections, arranged by Mrs. Core- Greenshields.


GOURDON (KlNCARDINESHIRE). — Lantern Lecture by Mr. J. H. John- stone, the Honorary Secretary.

KILMARNOCK (AYRSHIRE). — Special Meeting, Bailie David Orr presiding.

Speakers : The Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., Chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council, and a Vice-President of the Institution, the Hon. Godfrey Corbett, and the Scottish Organizing Secretary. Ladies' Life-boat Guild formed.

NEWBURGH (ABERDEEN).—Presenta- tion of Centenary Vellum by the Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., Chair- man of the Scottish Council, and a Vice- President of the Institution, followed by a Fancy Dress Ball. (A special report will appear in the next issue.) PETERHEAD (ABERDEEN). — Concert, Provost Dickie presiding. Presentation of monetary awards from a fund pro- vided by the late Miss Cruickshank, to the members of the Life-boat Crew in recognition of their services in rescuing the crew of the Aberdeen trawler Cransdale on the 2nd January, 1931.

STORNOWAY (ISLAND OF LEWIS).— Special Meeting of Committee, Sheriff Burns, Chairman of the Branch, pre- siding. Presentation of the Thanks of the Institution on Vellum awarded to Mr. Norman Maclver, the Honorary Secretary, on his retirement, and the Certificate of Service awarded to Cox- swain Donald MacLeod, on his retire- ment.

Whist Drive and Dance.


BANDON (Co. CORK).—Annual Dance.

BELFAST.—Popular Ball, the guests received by Lady Dixon, D.B.E., first Vice-President, and Lady Coates. Chil- dren's Party, guests received by Lady Coates and Mrs. George Clarke.

CARLOW (Co. CARLO w).—Life-boat Day.

DUBLIN.—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 5th March, Her Excellency Mrs. James McNeill, President, in the chair. Speaker: The District Organizing Secretary.


LURGAN (Co. ARMAGH). — Annual Meeting on 26th February. Speaker: the District Organizing Secretary.

Amount collected last year £65, as compared with £70 in the previous year.

Presentation to Commander C. H.

Fforde, R.N., the Honorary Secretary, of the Framed Photograph of a Life-boat going out to a Vessel in Distress, awarded to him by the Institution.

TUAM (GALWAY).—Life-boat Day.


(Including Herefordshire and Shropshire.) ABERTILLERY (MoN.).—Annual Meet- ing, Mrs. A. H. Dolman, President, in the chair. Speaker : The District Or- ganizing Secretary. Amount collected last year £13, as compared with £23 in the previous year.

CARDIFF.—Annual Meeting on 23rd March, the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speakers : Sir W. R. Smith, Bt., and the District Organizing Secretary. Amount col- lected last year £284, as compared with £292 in the previous year.


HAY (BRECKNOCK).—Life-boat Day.

LUDLOW (SALOP).—Annual Meeting, the Mayor presiding. Speaker: The District Organizing Secretary. Amount collected last year £46, as compared with £35 in the previous year. Mrs.

Windsor Clive, President of the Branch, presented Mrs. Tyrrell, the Honorary Secretary, with the Framed Photograph of a Life-boat Going out to a Vessel in Distress, awarded to her by the Institu- tion.

NEWPORT (MoN.).—Annual Meeting on 24th March. Speaker : The District Organizing Secretary. Amount collected last year £165, as compared with £219 in the previous year.


PONTYPRIDD (GLAM.).—Annual Meet- ing, Mr. B. Jenkins presiding. Speaker : The District Organizing Secretary.

Amount collected last year £61, as compared with £49 in the previous year.

Mrs. Edwards and Miss G. Lewis appointed Joint Honorary Secretaries.

SWANSEA. — Annual Meeting, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speakers: Mr. C. C. Vivian, J.P., Honorary Treasurer, Miss Dillwyn, and the District Organizing Secretary.

Amount collected last year £283, as compared with £277 in the previous year.

Whist Drive and Dance at the Mumbles.