A School Lecture on the Life-Boats
THOSE who lecture on the Life-boat Service will, we think, be interested in the following account from a school- master at Willesden of a lecture which he gave after distributing the illustrated leaflet which has the chart of Life-boat Stations and pictures of wrecks, Life- boats and Life-boatmen and women :— " My boys were delighted with their leaflets. I watched their faces as they read silently and intensively.
" Then I grouped them around the blackboard, on which was pinned the chart of Life-boat Stations of the British Isles. Here the ' History ' was shown to them.
" To-day they wrote the essay and also copied in pencil a coloured diagram sketch showing the interior of the Barnett Twin-screw Motor Life-boat, which I drew large size on the black- board. As I inserted a number of match-stick men, the drawing was much appreciated—various arrows were inserted and the various parts named.
" The boys offered halfpence to help defray your postage, etc. I enclose stamps to value of Is. 6of. I should like a receipt to show them. We all thank you for giving us something out of the ordinary.".