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Three Gallant Irish Fishermen

THE Institution has awarded Bronze Medals to three very gallant Irish fishermen, John Nolan, John Cahill and his son Joseph Cahill, of Tralee, Co. Kerry.

At 4.0 in the afternoon of 7th Novem- ber last, the S.S. Co-operator, of Tralee, left Fenit to go up the bay to Tralee, with 113 tons of maize on board. A strong gale was blowing from the W.S.W., with squalls of whole gale force. A heavy cross sea was running, and the weather was thick and wet.

When less than halfway up the bay the steamer shipped several heavy seas, which carried away her tarpaulins and washed off her hatches. She began to founder at once about a quarter of a mile off shore. It was then six o'clock.

The steamer's plight was seen by the three fishermen, who at once launched a small pulling boat. She was only thirteen feet long. Fortunately the steamer was slightly down wind from where the boats were lying on the beach. But for that the three men could not have hoped to reach her, as it would have been impossible for them to row against wind and tide. They got their boat under the lee of the sinking steamer.

Then, after several attempts, they were able to get alongside and rescue the three men on board.

The boat was very heavily loaded with six men on board. It was im- possible to return against wind and tide, so she was headed to leeward, the men hoping to make the shore about a mile up the bay. As it was, the return journey was very perilous. The boat was so low in the water that water was continually washing in, and it was only by constant baling that the men were able to keep her afloat. They succeeded until they were within a few feet of the land. Then the boat was swamped and sank, but all six men managed to scramble ashore. No sooner were they on shore than the engineer of the steamer fainted.

It was a rescue carried out in circum- stances of great danger. The diffi- culties against which the three brave fishermen had to struggle can be judged by the fact that they only travelled one mile and a quarter, and they were out for an hour and a half.

During all that time they were in imminent peril of losing their own lives.

Besides the Bronze Medals awarded to them for their gallantry, they have each received a monetary award. The Medals were presented to the men on 9th February by Mr. Finian Lynch, Minister in the Irish Free State for Lands and Fisheries.