The Storeyard's Children's Party
THE seventh Christmas party, given by the staff of the Storeyard at Broomfield Street, Poplar, with the help of the staff at Headquarters, took place on 20th December at the Bromley Public Hall.
Four days before this a tea was given to 240 children at the special school for the defective in Piggott Street. At the Bromley Public Hall 170 children were present. Besides the tea there was a concert and community singing, dancing and a gymnastic display, and every child was presented by Father Christmas with a bag of fruit and sweets and a toy.
At the end Captain G. H. Bevan, O.B.E., R.N., Deputy Chief Inspector for Stores, who has now reached the retiring age, was presented with a letter from the children of Broomfield Street, Poplar, expressing their sorrow that he was leaving the Institution. A small boy and girl then presented a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Bevan and a fountain- pen to Captain Bevan..