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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 21st August, 1930.

Paid £22,113 5s. lid. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establish- ments.

Thursday, 18th September, 1939.

SIB GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Passed a Vote of Thanks to H.R.H. the DUKE OF GLOUCESTER for attending the Inaugural Ceremony of the new Padstow Motor Life-boat Princess Mary, and naming the Boat on the 21st July.

Passed a Vote of Thanks to H.R.H. PRINCE GEORGE for attending the Inaugural Cere- monies of the Walton-on-the-Naze Motor Life- boat E.M.E.D., and the Clacton-on-Sea Motor Life-boat Edward J. Dresden, and naming the Boats on the 25th July.

Reported the death of the Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.D., who was for many years Chairman of the Institution, and passed a Vote of Sympathy with his widow.

Expressed deep regret at the death of His Grace the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., a Vice-President of the Institution.

Appointed the Hon. GEORGE COLVILLE, the Rev. the Rt. Hon. the EARL OF DEVON, the Rt. Hon. VISCOUST GREY crp FALLODOHS, K.G., P.O., Major-General the Rt. Hon. JOHN E.

BERNARD SEELY, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., and the Rt. Hon. the LORD SOUTHBOROUGH, P.O., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., K.C.S.I., Vice- Presidents of the Institution.

Decided that the 51-feet Motor Life-boats similar to the one stationed at Stromncss be known in future as the Barnett (Stromness) type.

Decided to close the Worthing Life-boat Station.

Reported the receipt of the following special contribution? :— £ *. d.

White Star Lins Steamers' Charity Fund, Additional Donation . 100 0 0 Sir Edmund Davis (Donation) . 26 5 0 Mr. H. W. Kolle (Additional Dona- tion) 25 0 0 Mr. F. A. Richards (Donation) . 25 0 0 H.M.S. Queen KlizabM (Collection) 25 0 0 Captain E. A. Craiv, M.C., K.E.

(DonaHon) . . . . 20 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £15,908 8s. 3d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boathouses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establish? ments.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be sent to Mr. W. J. B. MONCAS, Honorary Secre- tary at Rosslare Harbour, for going out in the Life-boat on service on the 18th August.

Voted £124 11s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— July 5.—THE LONGHOPE Motor Life-boat was launched at 4A.M. in fine weather, withoutany wind and with a smooth sea, on receipt of information from the Coastguard that a vessel was ashore on the Pentland Skerries, and firing rockets. With the full tide the position was reached within an hour, and the steam trawler Strathgyle, of Aberdeen, was found aground, having stranded while bound from Aberdeen to the fishing grounds. Her crew of nine were ready to leave, but as the tide rose the vessel refloated, and, although making some water, was able to proceed to Wick under her own steam.—Expenses, £7 11s.

August 2.—THE SOUTHEND-ON-SEA Motor Life-boat saved the houseboat Diadem, of Faversham, and landed her five occupants.

About 8 P.M. it wets reported from the Pier Head that a boat was in distress off Canvey Island, and the Life-boat put out in a strong southerly breeze with a rough sea. The Diadem was found bumping heavily on a sand- bank. The owner, his wife and three children, and their dog, were on board. The boat was their only home. As the man would not leave, the woman and children, who were very frightened, were taken off and landed. The Life-boat then returned to the boat and brought it to the Pier.—Expenses, £11 13s.

August 10.—THE PLYMOUTH Motor Life- boat was called out at 4 A.M. in a dense fog, with a moderate southerly wind, and rescued the occupants, forty in number, of two launches and two boats, which were lost in the fog. The boats belonged to the Royal Air Force and had been with a party to Yealni River. All efforts to trace the boats having failed, the Life-boat was sent out and found them near the Mew- stone Rocks, at anchor in a dangerous position.

Fortunately, the wind and sea had not in- creased while the boats were out, or disaster might have overtaken them. The local Air . Service Authorities expressed their apprecia- tion for the prompt help given, and the Har- bour Master also expressed his appreciation.— Expenses, £6 Os. 6d.

August 18.—THE ROSSLARE HARBOUR Motor Life-boat was launched at 7 A.M. in a S.W. wind, with a heavy ground swell, as a steamer was seen to be ashore on Splough Rocks, off Greenore Point. There had been a thick fog during the night, but this had lifted somewhat at the time of the launch. The vessel proved to be the s.s. Redvers Buller, of Cardiff, which had run aground in the fog while on passage from Cardiff to Wexford with a cargo of coal. The Life-boat remained in attendance in case her help was needed, and eventually the steamer came off the rocks under her own power and proceeded on her way to Wexford.

—Permanent Crew. Expenses, 7s.

August 19.—THE DOUGLAS Motor Life- boat was launched at 9.50 A.M. in a moderate W.S.W. gale, with a very heavy sea, as the master of an incoming steamer reported pass- ing a yacht in difficulties eight or nine miles S.E. of Douglas Head. On reaching the spot indicated the Life-boat found the yacht, which was the Cymro, of Holyhead, being towed in the direction of Ramsey by the steam trawler Dean Swift, of Fleetwood. The Cymro had engine trouble, and all her sails had been blown away. The Life-boat accompanied both vessels to Ramsey Pier Head and then returned to her Station, arriving there at 3 P.M.—Expenses, £5 13s. 6d.

August 20.—THE MOELFRE Motor Life- boat was launched at 12.15 A.M. in a moderate S.E. gale, with a very rough sea and rain, and landed the crew of three of the ketch Henrietta, of Kilkeel. The Henrietta, which was outward bound from Birkenhead with a cargo of coal, had come to anchor off the east end of Moelfre Island, but in the heavy weather her anchors had dragged and she was in danger of being driven ashore. The Life-boat ran alongside and quickiy got the three men aboard, but it was not possible to return to Moelfre, so the Boat put into Beaumaris, and was taken back to her Station at 11.30 the same morning.— Expenses, £13 16s.

August 21.—THE FILEY Life-boat was launched at 4.20 A.M. in a whole S.E. gale, with a very heavy sea, to the help of a number of fishing cobles, of Eiley. The boats had been left at anchor overnight, but a sudden gale had sprang up and the whole fleet was in danger of destruction by being driven ashore. The Life-boat was the only available boat that could safely be launched in such conditions of sea and weather, and by means of her men were taken out and put aboard their craft and the majority of them were got safely ashore.

The Life-boatmen gave their services free on this occasion.—Launching expenses, £4 17s.

August 21.—THE BRIDLINGTON Life- boat was launched at 2 P.M. in a strong S.S.E.

gale, with a heavy sea, to the help of the salvage steamer Kernoozer, of Yarmouth, which was in difficulties owing to the sudden gale and was seen making for harbour. Entry into the harbour was very dangerous owing to the heavy sea running across the bar. With great diffi- culty three Life-boatmen were put aboard the steamer, and with their assistance, and with the Life-boat in attendance, the steamer safely reached harbour. This service was witnessed by some thousands of spectators.—Expenses, £10 4s. 3d.

August 21.—THE GREAT YARMOUTH AND GORLESTON Motor Life-boat was launched at 6.10 A.M. in a moderate to fresh S.S.E. gale, with a very heavy sea and rain, as the Coastguard had reported that a vessel, about one miie E. by S. of the Coastguard Station, was sending up distress signals. She proved to be the motor yacht Etenia, of King's Lynn, which had left that place the day before for a run to Ostend. She had nine persons on board, including the Mayor of Lynn and Mr. Gargett, who owned the yacht, a member of the King's Lynn Local Committee of the Institution. The Life-boat got under the lee of the Etenia, and with great difficulty two Life-boatmen were put aboard. Then with their help and with the Lite-boat in atten- dance the yacht was taken into safety.— Expenses, £10.

August 23.-—THE EASTBOURNE Motor Life-boat was launched at 9.30 A.M., informa- tion having been received from the Coastguard that a vessel was in distress about two miles south of Beachy Head. Before the Life-boat could reach the position a pleasure steamer had taken the vessel in tow—the motor yacht Firefly, of Southampton—which had engine trouble, and was in difficulties in the heavy sea and strong southerly breeze. The Life- boat accompanied the two vessels until they reached Newhaven in safety and then returned to her Station, arriving at 1.45 P.M.—Expenses, £17 18*.

August 23.—THE HUMBER No. 1 Motor Life-boat was launched at 3.40 P.M., in a strong E.S.E. breeze, with a rough sea and rain, and rescued the crew of two of the auxiliary sloop Dakar, of Hull, which was loading gravel on the south end of the Inner Sinks, and had got into serious difficulties when overtaken by the incoming tide. The sloop was swept and buried by heavy seas, and the Life-boat, after getting as near as possible, effected communi- cation by means of her line-throwing gun. The Dakar then passed a hawser to the Life-boat, and by this means she was gradually towed clear of the beach. The Life-boat still re- mained in attendance until it was ascertained that the sloop had sustained no damage. The Dakar then made for Grimsby under her own power, and the Life-boat returned to her Station, arriving there at 4.30 P.M. The owner, Mr. P. Burn, of Beverley, sent a con- tribution of £5 to the Institution in apprecia- tion of the services rendered.—Permanent Crew Expenses, 7s.

August 29.—THE BLYTH Motor Life-boat put out at 3.20 P.M. to the help of the steam drifter Ocean Lassie, of Yarmouth, which had stranded during foggy weather on the north end of the Sow and Pigs Rocks, and had not replied to the signals of the Coastguard. It was found that the drifter had a crew of ten on board and was bound for the Tyne with fish. The Life-boat remained by her until, as the tide rose, she refloated at about 4.45 P.M.

As she was able to proceed to the Tyne and required no help, the Life-boat returned to her Station.—Expenses, £5 11s.

August 30.—THE FILEY Life-boat was launched at 1.10 P.M., in response to signals from a vessel ashore at Horse Rock Scar, during foggy weather, with a moderate swell and moderate northerly wind. The vessel was found to be the steam drifter Girl Ena, of Yar- mouth, with a crew of ten on board. Her Skipper asked that the Life-boat should stand by, and she remained until shortly after 7 P.M., when the drifter refloated and was taken to Scarborough. The Life-boat returned to her Station at 7.45 p.m.

An unfortunate accident occurred at the launch of the Boat, John W. Willis, a member of the Crew, being killed by the carriage wheels.

A pension was granted to his widow, an allow- ance made for a dependent daughter, and the funeral expenses paid.—Expenses, £22 14s. 6d.

September 6.—THE NEW BRIGHTON No. 2 Motor Life-boat put out at 6.30 P.M. in a moderate southerly breeze, in response to a message received from the s.s. Mono, Isle, and the Mersey Docks Board, that a vessel was in distress on Taylor's Bank. A coasting steamer, however, had meanwhile come to the help of the steamer. While returning to her Station the Life-boat came across the fishing boat AysJia in difficulties. She was beating up against the breeze, but would have been unable to reach a safe position before the ebb tide made, without help, so the Life-boat took her in tow.—Expenses, £7 18*.

The following services were also reported :— July 21.—THE BERWICK-ON-TWEED Motor Life-boat was launched in a rough sea, with a strong N.N.E. breeze, at 10.50 A.M. and saved the yacht Stella, of Greenock, bound from Hull to the Clyde, rescuing her three occupants.

The Coastguard had reported the casualty by telephone, and the Life-boat came up with the yacht, about three miles east of Burnmouih, not under control. She was taken in tow by the Life-boat and brought safely across the bar and into Berwick Harbour at 12.30 P.M.— Property Salvage Case.

August 8.—THE LONGHOPE Motor Life- , boat was launched at 4.30 P.M. in a light S.E.

breeze, with a smooth sea and dense fog, on receipt of information from the Coastguard that a vessel was ashore on the Pentland Skerries, and found the steam trawler Louis Botha, of Grimsby. Her crew had launched the ship's boat and laid out an anchor. Then, as the trawler was in danger of turning over with the strong tide, they had landed on the Skerry. On the arrival of the Life-boat the crew returned to their vessel, and the Life-boat stood by in case her help was required. At 9.30 P.M., as the Life-boat was running out a wire hawser to another trawler in order to tow off the Louis Botha, the latter suddenly slipped off the rocks into deep water, and, with the Life-boat still in attendance, made for Long- hope Harbour, reaching there about midnight.

—Property Salvage Case.

August 16.—THE CA1STEH Life-boat was launched at 6.25 A.M. in a moderate W.N.W.

breeze, with a rough sea, as the steam trawler Jean Dore, of Boulogne, was seen to be ashore on the Middle Caister Shoal. The Life-boat went alongside, and gradually, with the rising tide, the vessel refloated, and, with the Life- boat still in attendance, proceeded south under her own power, coming to anchor off the mouth of Yarmouth Harbour.--Property Salvage Case.

August 30. -THE RUNSWICK Life-boat rendered assistance to the steam trawler Cornelian, of Grimsby, which had stranded, with a crew of fifteen on board, at Kettleness Point, while returning from the Faroe fishing ground, during thick weather. Information of the casualty had been received from the Coast- guard, and the Life-boat proceeded to the trawler at 9.25 P.M. Additional anchors were run out, and the Life-boat then stood by until the following morning, when she helped to refloat the trawler. As the Cornelian was able to proceed, the Life-boat returned to her Station at 10.45 A.M.—Property Salvage Case.

Also voted £239 13s. lid. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Ballycotton, Bern- bridge (Motor), Blyth (Motor), Clacton-on-Sea (Motor), Cromer (Motor), Cromer No. 2, Douglas (Motor), Dover (Motor), Fowey (Motor). Great Yarmouth and Gorieston (Motor), Hastings. The Humber No. 1 (Motor), The Hurnber No. - (Motor), Longhope (Motor), Montrose No. 1 (Motor), Porthoustock, Redcar, Kosslare Harbour (Motor), Selsey and Bognor (Motor), Southend-on-Sea (Motor), Teesmouth (Motor), Tenby (Motor), Tynemouth (Motor), Walmer, and Wells.

The Anstruther Life-boat Crew also -assem- bled.

Passed a further £341 19s. on account of pensions already granted to dependent rela- tives of men who lost their lives in the Life- boat Service at Aldeburgh, Broughty Ferry, Caister, Eastbourne, Fethard, Filey, Fraser- burgh, Holyhead, Johnshavcn, Moelfre, The Mumbles, New Brighton, Port Eynon, Pad- stow, Port St. Mary, Rhoscolyn, Rye Harbour, St. Davids, Walmrr, and Whit by.

Granted £79 13s. Qd. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Blackpool, Caister, Cardigan, Eastbourne, Xewhaven, Moelfre, Wells, and Winterton.

Voted a compassionate grant of £30 to the widow of JAMES THAIN, of Ackergill. Thain, who held the position of Coxswain at the time of his death, had previously been Second Cox- swain, and would have been entitled to a pen- sion had he retired.

Voted a pension under the Institution's Scheme to the widow of JOHN W. WILLIS, a member of the Crew of the Filey Life-boat, who was accidentally killed by the Life-boat carriage wheels when the boat was being launched for service on the 30th August. An allowance was also granted on account of one daughter until she reaches the age of sixteen ; and the funeral expenses, amounting to £14 3s., were paid.

Reported that the President of Germany had awarded Certificates to the members of the Crew of the Margate Motor Life-boat, who, on the 28th-29th December, rendered assistance to the German motor ship Hermine. The reci- pients were : WILLIAM WALKER, Acting Cox- swain ; EDWIN JORDAN, Motor Mechanic; WILLIAM MACKIE, Assistant Motor Mechanic ; and THOMAS CAMPANY, WILLIAM HYDE, SEN., CHARLES EPPS, SEN., Life-boatmen.

Directed that a Special Letter of Thanks and £1 should be sent to Coastguard R. J.

COLLINS for rescuing the four occupants of a rowing boat on the night of the 21st August, when she was in danger of being carried over the Peveril Ledge and swamped.

Voted £1 2s. Gd. to three men for rescuing five other men at Cullercoats on the 18th August, when their boat was in danger of being carried on the rocks by a fresh breeze with a rough sea; also granted 2a. 6d. for fuel con- sumed.

Voted los. to two men for putting off from Moelfre in a rowing boat and assisting a small pulling boat which was being carried seaward by the tide, on the afternoon of the 25th July.

Voted 10s. to the Life-boat Coxswain and Second Coxswain, who. with the Second Motor Mechanic, put out in the Life-boat's boarding boat on the 21st July and landed the only occupant of the motor launch CintiHa, which had broken down off New Brighton Pier, in a strong N.N.W. wind, rough sea, and ebbing tide.

Voted £3 to three men for putting off in a small boat and rescuing eight men of the steam trawler Lord Percy, of Grimsby, which had run aground, and later sank, on the north side of the IsJe of Swona, in the Orkneys, on the 3rd June. The trawler ran on the rocks in a dense fog at 5 A.M., and the three men, hearing the steamer's whistle, put off and helped in an attempt to run out an anchor.

While this was being done the trawler's boat was dragged down into 25 fathoms of water by the anchor chain. The skipper, who was in the boat, was drowned ; but one of the crew who was with him was rescued. The rescuers' boat had a narrow escape from being dragged under also, as it was towing the other boat, but the tow rope snapped under the strain. After this mishap the rescuers, who had run con- siderable risk, took off the crew and brought them safely ashore. The body of the skipper was also taken ashore.

Voted 5s. to one of the New Brighton Life- boat Crew, who put off in the Life-boat's motor boarding dinghy, with the Permanent Motor Mechanic, and rescued the sole occupant of the yacht Mascot, of New Brighton, which, while being brought to its moorings, was caught in a moderate south-westerly gale, and, with the tide ebbing, was drifting towards Gladstone Dock Wall, where she would in all probability have been dashed to pieces. The yacht was towed safely to her moorings.

Voted £3 7s. 6d. to nine men, in two boats, all members of the Life-boat Crew, who rescued the crew of two of the fishing boat Jfancy, of Llanduduno, which got into diffi- culties off Little Onne's Head and was in danger of driving on to the rocks, in a strong westerly wind, with a rough sea, on the 6th September. Some of the men put off from the shore in a motor launch, and the others, who were in a fishing boat near by, got a line to the endangered boat and kept her from going ashore until the arrival of the launch. The crew of the endangered boats were taken into the motor launch, which then took the two fishing boats in tow. On the way back a third fishing boat was also taken in tow and brought into safety. Also granted 7s. 6 i. to the Life-boat Coxswain, who had kept a look-out from the shore during the rescue ; and 5s. for fuel con- sumed.

Directed that Letters of Thanks be sent to Life-boat Coxswain F. SHAYLOR, Fishery Officer JOE FISH, JIM FISH, and FEED DAVIES, for putting off in a four-oared rowing boat to the help of the yacht Peggy, of Abersoch, which was in difficulties off New Quay (Card.), on the night of the 20th August.

Thursday, 16th October, 1930.

SIR GODFREY BARING, BT., in the Chair.

Reported that T.M. the King and Queen had consented to attend a Matinee in aid of the Institution on the 7th November, at which H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., the Presi- dent, would be present to receive Their Majesties.

Co-opted Colonel R. F. A. Sloane-Stanley, and Mr. James Bryce Allan, members of the Committee of Management.

Appointed Sir Charles Wilson, LL.D., the Chairman of the Leeds Branch ; Mr. Alfred Belk, Honorary Secretary of the Hartlepool Station Branch; and Mr. W. J. Burden, Honorary Secretary of the Teignmouth Station Branch, Honorary Life-Governors of the Institution.

Dacided to close the Folkestone and Machrihanish Life-boat Stations.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— Mrs. Lawrence Glen, to provide a Motor Life-boat for Girvan, £ a. d.

Ayrshire .... 4,500 0 0 Anonymous (additional donation) 200 0 0 The late Miss K. Grice, Estate of (to York Branch), further dona- tion . . . . . 160 0 0 Miss K. A. Mackinnon (donation) 100 0 0 Anonymous (additional donation) 50 0 0 The late Miss M. W. Mitchell, Estate of (donation) . . 20 14 5 Anonymous, per F. H. S. (dona- tion) . ... 15 15 0 To be thanked.

Paid £27,229 12s. 8rf. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boathouses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establish- ments.

Paid £22,000 on account of the acquisition of Nos. 42 and 44, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W., as the Headquarters of the Institution.

Voted an additional reward of 12*. 6d. to each member of the crew of the Peterhead Motor Life-boat, including the Motor Mechanic, in recognition of a long and arduous service, on the 23rd September, when thirty-two of the crew of the S.S. City of Osaka were rescued.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be sent to Mr. V. G. North, Honorary Secretary, at Shoreham Harbour, who accompanied -the Life-boat Crew on service on the 23rd Sep- tember.

Referred to the General Purposes and Publicity Committees for consideration, the question of the adequacy of Coast-watching.

Voted £255 17*. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Sept. 17th.—The BALLYCOTTON Motor Life-boat saved the fishing yawl Boozer, of Ballycotton, and rescued her crew of two in a strong E. breeze, with a rough sea and rain.

The yawl had had her sails blown away, and it was thought that she might be carried out to sea. The Life-boat put out at 4.15 P.M., and on coming up with the Boozer about two and a half miles S.S.W. of the Ballycotton Light, took her in tow to safety. This was the first service of the new Motor Life-boat, and it is interesting to note that the fishing boat she saved was formerly the Life-boat Ol'n'er Goldsmith, stationed at Ballycotton fifty years ago.—Expenses, £4 12*. 6rf.

Sept. 19th.—The MARGATE Motor Life- boat rescued the Captain and Mate of the S.S. Treport, of London, which struck some submerged wreckage in the Prince's Channel, while outward hound from London for Treport, and became submerged after being beached on the Girdler Sands. The Life-boat was called out in response to information received from the Coastguard, and left at 7.50 A.M. in a strong S.E. breeze with a moderate sea. A motor boat also put out from Margate and took off five of the crew, but the Captain and Mate remained for a time. They were rescued by the Life-boat as the steamer settled down and became awash.—Expenses, £4 (is. (W.

Sept. 19th.— The WICKLOW Motor Life- boat was launched at 9.15 A.M. in a strong S.E.

gale with a very heavy sea, and stood by a local fishing boat, which was in danger of being driven ashore. So rough was the sea that it was impossible to rehouse the Life-boat on her return, but this was done on the following morning.—Expenses. £6 8*.

Sept. 19th.—The SCARBOROUGH Motor Life-boat was launched in a S.E. gale with a rough sea and rain, as three motor cobles which had gone out fishing had not returned.

The Life-boat left at 1.40 P.M., and finding the coble The Eagle with her engine disabled about 200 yards from the Pier, escorted her to harbour. Going off again in a N.N.E. direction for about two miles she fell in with the Premier and stood by until she reached safety. Pro- ceeding again on the same course, she met the Relianrr. II., and accompanied her into harbour. By this time the weather was very bad, and the last boat was fortunate in making the harbour without accident.—Expenses, £15 15*.

Sept. 19th.—The ROKKLARE Havbowv Motor Life-boat saved the fishing lugger Benita, of Wexford, and rescued her crew of four during a whole E. by S. gale with a very heavy sea and rain. The boat was seen by the watchman on duty to be, flying a signal of distress, and the Life-boat was launched at 8 A.M. The Benittt was found to be making water as she had sprung her mast and had carried away her rigging. With considerable difficulty communication was effected, and the disabled boat was assisted into Rosslare Harbour, the Life-boat returning to her Station at 10 A.M.—Permanent Crew : Ex- penses, 7*.

Sept. 19th.—The PADSTOW No. 2 Motor Life-boat put out in a moderate S.W. gale with a rough sea and saved the yacht Emanuel, of Bridgwater, rescuing her two occupants, when she was in a dangerous position off the Doom Bar. The Coastguard had reported that the vessel was in need of assistance, and at 6.15 P.M.

the Life-boat went out and towed the yacht into safety.—Expenses, £2 5*.

Sept. 19th-20th.—The WEYMOUTH Motor Life-boat rescued the crew, two in number, of the ketch Leonie, of St. Malo, and afterwards saved the vessel. Information was received that flares of distress had been seen under Sandsfoot Castle, and the Life-boat was launched at 10.35 P.M. in a strong S.W. gale with a heavy sea and rain. The ketch, which was bound from Poole to Roseoff, in ballast, was found ashore. The men on board were taken into the Life-boat, which reached Wey- mouth again at 11.25 P.M. At 9 A.M. the following morning the Coastguard reported that a small vessel was drifting out of Portland Harbour. As no tug was available the Life- boat put out at 9.20 A.M. The vessel was found to be the abandoned Leonie. Two men were placed on board and she was brought into Weymouth Harbour.—First service : Ex- penses, £12 10s. ; Second service : Property Salvage Case.

Sept. 20th.—The HYTHE Motor Life-boat was launched in a strong gale with a heavy sea and rain, and stood by the motor vessel Senator, of Hamburg, the engine of which had broken down. The Life-boat put out at 7.55 P.M., the Coastguard having reported that the vessel was drifting up Channel, flying a signal of distress, five miles to the S.E. of Dungeness. The - Life-boat found a tug endeavouring to effect communication with the casualty. The third attempt was success- ful. The Life-boat stood by the tug and the vessel until they neared Dover, and then returned, as her services were no longer required.—Expenses, £22 13*. Cxi.

Sept. 20th.—The PLYMOUTH Motor Life- boat landed eighteen of the crew of the S.S.

Umberleigh, of London, which had stranded in Bovisand Bay during a whole S.S.W. gale with a very heavy sea and rain, while bound from Antwerp to Barry, in ballast. The Life-boat went out at 3.30 A.M., and was asked by the Captain to stand by. This she did in terrific weather, it being reported that the gale reached a force of eighty miles an hour. At daylight the Life-boat left the steamer after arranging to return at 1 P.M., but at 9.30 A.M.

an urgent wireless call was received, and she immediately went back. Eighteen of the Umberleigh's crew of thirty-four were taken off in the breeches buoy and landed at Plymouth.

At 4.30 P.M. the Life-boat was again called out to stand by the ship while she was being refloated, and returned at 5.30 P.M.—Expenses.

£15 16s.

Sept, 23rd.—The PETERHEAD Motor Life-boat rescued thirty-two lives from the S.S. City of Osaka, a vessel of 6,000 tons, which had stranded in thick weather, about one mile to the south of Whinnyfold. The steamer had left the Tyne the previous day for New York, in ballast, with seventy-two persons on board. Information of the casualty was received from the Coastguard at about 6 A.M., and the Life-boat was promptly launched. The weather was thick with a rough sea and a moderate southerly gale, but owing to the position of the vessel not having been given exactly, the Life-boat failed to find her. and returned. On learning the correct position, the Life-boat again put out and reached the casualty at 10 A.M. She remained with her until 5 P.M:, and then took off eight men and landed them at Peterhead. Later she put out for a third time and rescued a further twenty- four men. She then returned to her Station at 6 P.M., twelve hours after she first set out.

The remainder of the steamer's crew were rescued by Life Saving Apparatus. The Committee granted an additional reward to the Crew in recognition of this long and arduous service.—Expenses, £5 17s.

Sept. 27th.—The SCARBOROUGH Motor Life-boat escorted into harbour six drifters and a motor boat. At 1.15 P.M. a telephone message had been received from the Whitby Life-boat Coxswain that a small vessel was heading south towards Scarborough. The Life-boat Crew assembled and waited events.

At 3.30 P.M. the vessel was sighted, but on account of the very rough sea and state of the tide she was unable to make harbour and put to sea again. Shortly afterwards six drifters appeared in sight and the Life-boat was launched at 5 P.M. in a strong N. gale, with a very heavy sea and heavy rain, to stand by them and the motor boat as they made a dash for harbour. The drifters, the La Parisienne, of Lowestoft, Brighter Hope, Nellie Gardner and Arerfall, of Banff, Treasure, of Grimsby, and the Dewie Rose, of Fraserburgh, together with the motor boat Valkyrie, of Fraserburgh, eventually made harbour with the Life-boat in attendance. The Life-boat was rehoused at 6.40 P.M.—Expenses, £17.

Oct. 1st.—The WHITBY Motor Life-boat was launched at 11.35 A.M. in a moderate E.N.E. breeze, with a rough sea, and showers of rain, and escorted into harbour the motor fishing boats Faith and Irene, of Whitby.

Several boats had gone off to their crab pots at 5 A.M., but by 9 o'clock they had all returned with the exception of these two. A watch was kept, and at 11 o'clock the Faith was sighted some distance to the north. As the sea was by this time breaking heavily across the harbour entrance, it was considered advisable to launch the Life-boat in case her help was required. The Faith was met and escorted safely into harbour. The Life-boat then lay alongside the Fish Quay until at 1 P.M. the Irene was sighted, and she too was met and escorted home.—Expenses, £9 6s. 6 f.

Oct. 1st,—The BERWICK-ON-TWEED Motor Life-boat was launched at 9.30 A.M. in a moderate W.E. gale, with a rough sea and stood by four local fishing boats. It had been seen that the boats were experiencing great difficulty in making harbour owing to the very heavy seas that were breaking on the bar, and thought advisable to send the Life-boat out in case her help was needed. Eventually all the boats made the hazardous crossing safely, with the Life-boat in attendance.—Expenses, £2 10s. 6d.

Oct. 2nd-4th.—The KXMOUTH Life-boat was launched at 8.15 A.M. in a moderate easterly wind with a moderate sea, and stood by the motor vessel Ben Johnson, which had stranded on the Pole Sands while bound from Southampton to Exeter with a cargo of benzol. The Sen Johnson carried a crew of nine, and is owned by the National Benzole Co. Her crew declined to leave, so the Life- boat remained with her all day, returning ashore about 5.30 P.M. On three subsequent occasions the Life-boat went out, at midnight and at 1.5 P.M., and then at 11 P.M. on the following day. The vessel was eventually towed off by tugs. A gift of £5 5*. was re- ceived from the National Benzole Co.— Expenses, £72 10*.

Oct. 5th.—The LOWESTOFT Motor Life- boat saved the motor fishing lugger Tennessee, of Lowestoft, and rescued-her two men in the early hours of the morning when she was swamped by the heavy sea in a S.W. gale while fishing. Information that the boat was in distress had been received from the Coast- guard at 3.40 A.M., and a few minutes later the Life-boat went out. Distress signals were seen in a northerly direction, and the boat was found. Her occupants—an old man and a boy of fourteen—were taken into the Life- boat in an exhausted condition. The boat's engine had failed, her anchor had parted, and she was drifting into heavy seas just as the Life-boat picked her up. She was towed ashore.—Expenses, £33 17s. 6rf.

Oct. 8th.—The GREAT YARMOUTH and GORLESTON Motor Life-boat rendered assistance to the motor vessel Eiffel Tower, of London, which had fouled a wreck on the North Bank while making for Yarmouth. The vessel was first observed by the Coastguard, and when a flare was seen the Life-boat was launched at 5.15 A.M. in a moderate S. gale with a very rough sea. When she reached the Eiffel Tower the latter was about half a mile S.W. of the St. Nicholas Lightvessel. Two Life-boatmen were placed on board, and after returning to port for a tug the Life-boat went to sea again and stood by until the vessel was safely in the harbour.—Expenses, £21 13s.

Oct. 8th.—The BERWICK-ON-TWEED Motor Life-boat was launched at 3.30 P.M. in a strong N. wind, with a rough sea, and rain, and stood by the motor fishing boat White Heather, of Burnmouth. A message had been received earlier from the Coastguard that a fishing boat was making for Berwick, and as the sea was breaking very heavily on the bar it was thought advisable to send out the Life- boat in case her help was needed. She waited at the harbour bar until the While Heather had crossed safely, and then returned to her Station, arriving at 4.30 P.M.-—Expenses, £2 4s. 6rf.

Voted a compassionate grant of an addi- tional £5 to the widow of C. W. Chilvers, late Bowman of the Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Life-boat, who was left in very poor circum- stances.

Also voted £125 8s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :— Barry Dock (Motor), Blyth (Motor), Clacton- on-Sea (Motor), Donaghadee (Motor), Ex- mouth, Helvick Head, Kilmore, Llandudno, Lowestoft (Motor), The Mumbles (Motor), New Brighton No. 2 (Motor), Plymouth (Motor), Poole and Bournemouth, Shoreham Harbour (Motor), Torbay (Motor), Tynemouth (Motor), and Weymouth (Motor).

The Filey and St. Peter Port (Motor) Life- boats were also launched.

Passed a further £29 4s. 2 7. on account of | pensions already granted to dependent relatives of men who lost their lives in the Life-boat Service at Brighstone Grange, Caister and Filey.

Granted £50 to a man for injury in the Life- boat Service at Rhyl.

Voted a special gratuity of £20 to WILLIAM JOHNSTOX, Coxswain of the Stromness Life- boat, on his retirement on account of ill-health, his illness having been aggravated by exposure in the Life-boat Service.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Mr. JOHN LE FEUVRE, Junr., for rescuing the two occupants of a sailing boat, which capsized off St. Peter Port, in a strong S.E. breeze, with a choppy sea, on the llth September. Also granted £2 5s. to cover the cost of damage done to the salvor's boat in effecting the rescue..