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News from the Branches. 1st October to 31st December

1st October to 31st December.

Greater London.

CHELSEA.—First Annual Meeting on 4th November at the Royal Chelsea Hospital, by permission of the Governor and Lady Lyttelton. Speakers : Major- General the Right Hon. John E. B. Seely, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., a member of the Committee of Management, Rear- Admiral Sir Robert King Hall, K.C.B., Air Vice-Marshal Sir Oliver Swann, Miss Macnamara, and the District Organizing Secretary. Amount collected last year £231, as compared with £43 in the previous year, in which the Branch was formed.

CHISLEHURST.—Bridge Drive.

CROYDON (SURREY).—Presentation by the Mayoress of the Challenge Shield for the South-Eastern area in the Life- boat Essay Competition. Speaker : Mr.

H. A. Baker, a member of the Com- mittee of Management.

FULHAM.—Talk to children at the Public Library by Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Deputy Secretary of the Institution.

HAMPSTEAD.—Presentation of the Shield for the London area in the Life- boat Essay Competition. Speaker : Col. The Master of Sempill, a member of the Committee of Management.

HAYES.—Annual Meeting on 13th November. Amount collected last year £114, as compared with £130 in the previous year.

KENSINGTON.—Meeting at the house of Lady Nicholson. Speaker : Mr.

George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution.

MITCHAM (SURREY) — First Annual Meeting. Speaker : the District Organi- zing Secretary. Amount collected last year £81.

RADLETT (HERTS.).—Drawing-room meeting given by Mrs. Baucher, the Hon. Secretary. Speaker : the District Organizing Secretary.

ST. ALBANS (HERTS.).—Dance. Con- cert.

WALTHAMSTOW.—St. Saviour's Con- cert. St. Andrew's Concert, with address by Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satter- thwaite, O.B.E., Deputy Secretary of the Institution.

By the death of Mr. J. C. Gillett, M.B.E., Vice-Chairman since 1926, the Branch has lost a most energetic sup- porter, one of the original members of its Committee, and one of its founders.

WIMBLEDON.—Meeting at the house of Lady Hopkinson. Speaker : Col. The Master of Sempill, a member of the Committee of Management.

Sixteen lectures and addresses, in addition to those mentioned, were given by the District Organizing Secretary.

North-West of England.

ACCRINGTON (LANCS.).—Annual Meet- ing on llth November. Amount col- lected last year £197, as compared with £183 in the previous year.

Collections in places of amusement arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

BAMBER BRIDGE AND WALTON-LE- DALE (LANCS.).—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

BLACKBURN (LANCS.).—Annual Meet- ing of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 1st October. Mrs. W. Carmichael and Mrs. E. Livesey were elected Chairman and Hon. Treasurer, respectively, for the coming year, in place of Mrs. R. R.

Fielding and Lady Thorn, who have retired. Miss Woolfall elected Hon.

Secretary. Amount collected last year £161, as compared with £98 in the previous year.

BLACKPOOL (LANCS.).—Sale of Work organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

BLACKROD (LANCS.).—Life-boat Lan- tern Lecture by Mr. G. N. Pugh, husband of the President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

BRIERCLIFFE (LANCS.).—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

COLNE (LANCS.).—Concert given by the Colne Optimists and organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.


—Bridge and Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

DALTON-IN-FURNESS.—Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Mrs. Layland elected Hon. Secretary in the place of Mrs. P. Banks.

GREAT HARWOOD (LANCS.).—House- to-House Collection.

HEYWOOD (LAN'cs.).—Annual Meet- ing of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 27th November. Amount collected last year £64, as compared with £95 in the previous year.

HORWICH (LANCS.),—Annual Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

HYDE (CHESHIRE).—Lantern Lecture by the Hon. Secretary.

INCE-IN-MAKERFIELD (LANCS.). — Schools' Envelope Collection.

KENDAL (WESTMORLAND). — Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 10th December. Amount collected last year £120, as compared with £106 in the previous year.

KESWICK (CUMBERLAND). — Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 15th October. Amount collected last year £46, as compared with £20 in the previous year.

KIRKBY STEPHEN (WESTMORLAND).— Lantern Lecture by the Rev. W. Hartley, of G"reat Salkeld.

LANCASTER.—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 25th Novem- ber. Amount collected last year £167, as compared with £173 in the previous year.

LYMM AND HEATLEY (CHESHIRE).— Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 6th October. Amount col- lected last year £96, as compared with £104 in the previous year.


—Halle Concert Collection. Collections in Cinemas and Theatres and on the Racecourse.

By the death of its Chairman, Captain W. C. Bacon, J.P., the Branch has lost a supporter whose interest in the Life- boat Service dates back many years, and whose help was generously given to its work on many occasions.

ALDERLEY EDGE.—Special Meeting convened bv Lady Stewart, President of the Guild, the Rev. W. J. Gravell, B.A., Vicar of Alderley Edge, pre- siding. Address by Mr. J. Cuming- Walters, M.A. (Editor of the Man- chester City News), supported by Captain W. C. Bacon, J.P. (Chairman of the Manchester, Salford and District Branch), and the Rev. Albany S. Renton.

CHEADLE HULME.—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

CHEETHAM and CHEETHAM HILL.— Ladies' Life-boat Guild formed.

CHORLTON-CUM-HARDY. — House- to-House Collection.

CLAYTON.—Annual Meeting on 24th October. Amount collected last year £131, as compared with £139 in the previous year. Annual Social and Whist Drive.

CRUMPSALL. — Ladies' Life-boat Guild formed.

DENTON.—Annual Dance.

FALLOWFIELD. — Junior Guild Meeting.

SALFORD.—Address by the Branch Assistant Secretary at a meeting of the members of the Women's Bright Hour. Annual Whist Drive.

Addresses at Blackley, -Cheetham, Gorton, Moss Side and Openshaw.

MARYPORT (CUMBERLAND). — Whist Drives, Supper and Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

MIDDLETON (LANCS.).—Annual Meet- ing of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 25th November. Amount collected last year £49, as compared with £47 in the previous year.

MILLOM (CUMBERLAND). — House-to- House Collection.

MOTTRAM AND BROADBOTTOM (CHESHIRE).—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 30th October.

Amount collected last year £21, as com- pared with £8 in the previous year.

Whist Drive.

PADIHAM (LANCS.).—House-to-House Collection. Jumble Sale. Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

PIEL (BAEROW) (LANCS.) — Annual Meeting of the Branch and Ladies' Life- boat Guild on 4th December, the Mayor of Barrow, President of the Branch, in the Chair. Amount collected last year £206, as compared with £196 in the previous year.

American Tea, organize! by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Hot-pot Supper given by the members of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild to the crew.

POET ERIN (!SLE OF MAN).—Annual Meeting of the Branch on 22nd October.

Amount collected last year £370, as compared with £347 in the previous year.

RAMSBOTTOM (LANCS.). — Annual Meeting held in November. Amount collected last year £45, as compared with £40 in the previous year.

RAMSEY (!SLE OF MAN).—Annual Meeting on 12th December, the Rev. M.

W. Harrison, M.A., Chairman of the Branch, presiding. Mr. J. B. Kee was appointed Hon. Secretary of the Branch in place of Mr. A. H. Teare, J.P., who had held this office for fifteen years.

Mr. Teare's resignation was accepted with regret, and appreciation expressed for his services to the Institution.

Amount collected last year £102, as compared with £148 in the previous year.

Military • Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Life-boat Day. Presentation of a cheque to the late Coxswain, Mr. John Garrett.

ROMILEY (CHESHIRE).—Annual Meet- ing on 25th November. Amount col- lected last year £40, as compared with £36 in the previous year.

Two performances of '' The Lilies of the Field," given by the Romiley Amateur Dramatic Society.

ST. ANNE'S-ON-SEA (LANCS.).—Private presentation of the Framed Photograph awarded by the Institution to Mr. R. V.

Pye, Hon. Secretary of the Branch, in recognition of his twenty years' associa- tion with the Institution.

SANDBACH (CHESHIRE). — Life-boat Day. Dance of the Season, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Col- lections in Cinemas.

STANDISH (LANCS.).—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 31st October. Mrs. Dickinson elected Hon.

Treasurer in the place of Mrs. T. Wilson Shaw. Amount collected last year £89, as compared with £56 in the previous year.

TINTWISTLE (CHESHIRE). — Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

TOTTINGTON. (LANCS.).—Whist and Bridge Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.


WIGAN (LANGS.).—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 17th October, the Mayoress, President of the Guild, in the chair. Amount collected last year £155, as compared with £88 in the previous year.

Life-boat Service at the Free Church.

North-East of England.




BEVERLEY (¥ORKS.).—Whist Drive.

BISHOP AUCKLAND (DURHAM). — House-to-House Collection.

BRADFORD — Annual Life-boat Matinee at the Alhambra Theatre.

Concert at Ilkley. Whist Drive and Dance.

CULLERCOATS (NORTHUMBERLAND).— Annual Meeting, Mr. J. C. Swan, Chair- man, presiding. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day. Amount col- lected last year £239, as compared with £256 in the previous year.

Presentation of the Gold Brooch awarded by the Institution to Mrs.

Polly Donkin, by the Mayor of Tyne- mouth. Dame Maud Burnett.


DERWENT VALLEY (DURHAM). — Dance, Cabaret Performance and a Mannequin Parade.

DEWSBURY (YoRKS.). --Bridge and Whist Drive.

DURHAM.—Special Service in Durham Cathedral. Preacher : The Right Rev.

the Lord Bishop of Durham (Dr.

Hensley Henson).

Chrysanthemum Show.

FILBY (YoRKS.).—Presentation of the Challenge Shield for the North-East of England in the Life-boat Essay Com- petition, by Mrs. Councillor Whitfield, President of the Scarborough Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

GATESHEAD (DURHAM). — Annual Meeting on 24th November, the Mayor, President, in the chair. Speaker : Mrs.

Graham. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day, Dance, Garden Fete, and Bridge Drives. Amount collected last year £293, as compared with £253 in the previous year.

Annual Dance.

HALIFAX (YORKS.).—Annual Meeting on 23rd November. The Mayoress, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, in the chair. Efforts of the past year : Concert, Whist Drives. Amount col- lected last year £209, as compared with £230 in the previous year.

Matinee at Theatre Royal.

HARTLEPOOL (DURHAM) .—Presenta- tion by the Marchioness of Londonderry, D.B.E., a Vice-President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, of the Vellum recording the appointment of Mr. Alfred Belk, Hon. Secretary, as a Life-Governor of the Institution, and of the Bronze Medal awarded to Coxswain Robert Hood for the service to the Danish vessel Doris.

(See full account of service on p. 215.) Annual Ball, j HECKMONDWIKE (YORKS.). — Tea Dance.

HUDDERSFIELD (YORKS.). — Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, the Mayoress, President, in the chair.

Speaker: Alderman Law Taylor.

Efforts of the past year : Bring and Buy Sale, Life-boat Day. Amount collected last year £317, as compared with £397 in the previous year.

LEEDS. — Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Amount col- lected last year £1,130, as compared with £1,231 in the previous year.


MELTHAM (YORKS.).—Whist Drive.


Special Meeting and Tea, Lady Applebv presiding. Address by the District Organizing Secretary.

NEWCASTLE - ON - TYNE. — House - to House Appeal.

NORMANTON (YoRKS.).—Meeting and Social Gathering.

REDCAR (YORKS.).—Annual Meeting.

Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day, Special Appeal by the Mayor. Amount collected last year £184, as compared with £155 in the previous year.

SCARBOROUGH (YORKS.). — Sunday Evening Concert. Whist Drive. Bridge Drive.

SEAHAM HARBOUR (DURHAM). — Annual Ball. Guests received by the Marchioness of Londonderry, D.B.E., President of the Seaham Ladies' Life- boat Guild. Children's Dance. Guild Social.

SOWERBY BRIDGE (YORKS.).—Annual Meeting on 18th November, Mrs.

Bethune, President of the Ladies' Life- boat Guild, in the chair. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day, Special Appeal. Amount collected last year £31, as compared with £24 in the previous year.


WAKEFIELD (Y'oRKS.).—Jumble Sale.

Whist Drive.


ASHBOURNE (DERBY.) — Branch formed. Hon. Secretary, Mr. H. E.


BELPER AND HEAGE (DERBY.).—Life- boat Day.

BIRMINGHAM.—Presentation by the Lord Mayor of the Framed Record of Thanks awarded to the City Fire Brigade by the Institution. Presentation to the City Police Force of the Record of Thanks awarded to them by the Institu- tion. Presentation to Lieut, Gwillam and the Officers and Cadets of the 1st Birmingham Sea Cadets of the Framed Record of Thanks awarded to them by the Institution.

Collections at the Hippodrome and the Alexandra Theatre. Dance Recital at Edgbaston. Special Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Broadcast talks by the District Organizing Secretary from the Midland Regional Station on " False Alarms in the Life-boat Service," and " The Great Gales of Last Winter." Two lantern lectures at the Salvation Army Head- quarters, and four other lectures and addresses by the District Organizing Secretary.

BRISTOL.—Life-boat Day.

BROWNHILLS (STAFFS.). — Branch formed. Hon. Secretary, Mrs. Lane.

CHELTENHAM (GLOS.).—Whist Drive and Dance.

CHESTERFIELD (DERBY.).—Life-boat Day. Collections in Works.

COVENTRY (WARWICK.). — Presenta- tion of Framed Record of Thanks to Scout-Master Mrs. L. M. Longbottom by the Chairman, Mr. William Liggins.

Life-boat Day, with Life-boat taken through the streets.

DUDLEY (Woscs.).—Life-boat Day.

GAINSBOROUGH (LiNcs.).—Life-boat Day.

GLOUCESTER.—Life-boat Day.

ILKESTON (DERBY.).—Sunday Con- cert.


LEAMINGTON (WARWICK). — Annual Meeting, Lieut.-Gen. Sir John L. Keir, K.C.B., D.L., J.P., Chairman, presiding.

Speaker : the District Organizing Secre- tary. Special Efforts of the past year : House-to-House, Theatre and Cinema Collections. Presentation of the Gold Brooch awarded by the Institution to to Mrs. B. H. Holding, the Hon.

Secretary. Amount collected last year £232, as compared with £216 in the previous year.

LOUTH (LiNcs.).—Life-boat Day.' NORTHAMPTON.—Annual Meeting, Mr. Archer, Vice-Chairman, presiding.

Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day.

Amount collected last year £228, as compared with £43 in the previous year.

OLDBUBY AND LANGLEY (WORCES- TER).—Special Meeting, Councillor B. J.

Robbins in the chair. Speaker: the District Organizing Secretary. New Branch formed. Councillor Mrs. Grow- cott, Chairman, Mrs. Thornley and Mrs.

Rose, Joint Hon. Secretaries.

OWSTON FERRY (LiNcs.).—Life-boat Day.

RETFORD (NOTTS.).—WThist Drive and Dance.

ROTHWKLL (NoBTHAXTS.).—Life-boat Day.

STOKE-ON-TRENT (STAFFS.).—Annual Meeting, Mrs. Moxon in the chair.

Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day, Whist Drives. Amount collected last year £302, as compared with £355 in the previous year.

STROUD (GLOS.).—Whist and Bridge Party.


WOLVERHAMPTON (STAFFS.).—Annual Meeting on 24th November, Mr. A. C.

Skidmore, Chairman, presiding. Speaker: the District Organizing Secretary.

Efforts of the past year : Dance, Life- boat Day. Amount collected last year £469, a'i compared with £475 in the previous year.

Carol singing.

Eight lectures and addresses by the District Organizing Secretary in addi- tion to those mentioned, and six addresses at the presentation of certifi- cates in the Life-boat Essay Competi- tion.

South-East of England.


BERKHAMPSTED (HERTS.).—Lecture to Northchurch Women's Institute by Capt. H. E. Holme, R.N., Hon.

Secretary at Kernel Hempstead.

CAMBERLEY (SURREY). — Life-boat Day.

CANTERBURY (KENT).—Church Col- lection at Wingham on Christmas Day.

Lectures by Mrs. Johnson Smyth, B.A.


CRAWLEY (.SUSSEX).—Annual Meet- ing, Vice-Admiral E. K. Loring, C.B., in the chair. Amount collected £22.

Carol singing.

CROMER (NORFOLK).—Annual Meet- ing. Amount collected last year £532, as compared with £571 in the previous year.

DARTFORD (KENT).—Life-boat Day.

DOVER (KENT).—Dance at the Lord Warden Hotel, arranged by Mrs. J. R.

W. Richardson.

EASTBOURNE.—Annual Meeting, Mr.

Norman S. Holland, Chairman, pre- siding. It was reported that Life-boat Day had raised the record sum of £956, and a Vote of Thanks was passed to Mrs.

Astley Roberts, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Amount collected last year £1,630, as compared with £1,527 in the previous year.

EAST GRINSTEAD (SUSSEX).—Lecture by the Hon. Secretary to the Junior Branch of the Primrose League.

Carol singing.

FOLKESTONE (KENT).—Annual Meet- ing. Amount collected last year £511, as compared with £461 in the previous year.

Ball. Bridge Drive.

GODALMING (SURREY).— Series of three_ Bridge Drives.




HASTINGS (SUSSEX).—Performance by the Operatic Society in aid of the Branch. Lecture by the Hon. Secretary to Battle Abbey School.

HITCHIN (HERTS.).—Address to the Brotherhood by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment.

HOLT (NORFOLK).—Life-boat Day.

KESSINGLAND (SUFFOLK). — Annual Life-boat Service in the Parish Church.

Address by Capt. Guy Fanshawe, R.N., a member of the Committee of Manage- ment. Concert.

Presentation by Capt. Fanshawe of the Thanks of the Committee inscribed on Vellum to Mr. Ernest Woolfield, the Hon. Secretary.

KING'S LYNN (NORFOLK). — Three lectures by the Vicar of Middleton.

LEATHERHEAD (SURREY). — Carol Singing.

LOWESTOFT (SUFFOLK). — Annual Meeting, Mr. F. Spashett, J.P., Chair- man, presiding. Amount collected last year £218, as compared with £203 in the previous year.

MARGATE (KENT).—Dinner given by Mrs. T. W. Gomrn to the Life-boat Crew. Presentation of awards from the President of the German Republic. A report will appear in the next issue of The Lifeboat.

NEWHAVEN (SUSSEX).—Annual Meet- ing, Major T. H. H. Carter, D.S.O., in the chair. Amount collected last year £84, as compared with £95 in the previous year.

ST. IVES (HUNTS.).—Life-boat Day.

SANDWICH (KENT).—Church Collec- tion.

SHOREHAM HARBOUR (SUSSEX). — Annual Meeting, Mr. Harold Brown, Chairman, presiding. Amount collected last year £192, as compared with £31 in the previous year.

SOUTHEND (ESSEX).—Lecture to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

TENTERDEN (KENT).—Carol Singing.

TILBURY (ESSEX).—Branch formed.

Hon. Secretary, Mr. B. A. Everitt.


WALTON - ON - THAMES AND WEY- BRIDGE (SURREY).—Combined Bridge Tournament.

WINSLOW (BUCKS.).—Life-boat Day.

Four lectures by Capt. Basil Hall, R.N., and two by the District Organizing Secretary, in addition to those men- tioned.

h-West of England.

BASINGSTOKE (HANTS.). — Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 4th November. Mrs. Stratford, Chairman of the Guild, presided, sup- ported by the Mayoress, President.

Speaker : the District Organizing Secre- tary. Amount collected last year £79, as compared with £82 in the previous year. Mrs. Yerbury was specially thanked for her services as' Hon. Secre- tary.

BATH (SOMERSET).—Annual Meet- ing, Brig.-General E. H. Molesworth, C.B., Chairman, presiding. Speaker: the District Organizing Secretary.

Efforts of the past year : Whist Drive, Life-boat Day, Theatrical Performance.

Amount collected last year £414, as compared with £336 in the previous year.

BODMIN (CORNWALL).—Life-boat Day.

BOURNEMOUTH (HANTS.).—Variety Entertainment arranged by Lieut. - Colonel V. D. Stenhouse, Hon. Secretary, and the St. Peter's Players in "French Leave." CLEVEDON (SOMERSET).—The Branch has suffered a severe loss by the death of Miss Amy Edwards, who has been its Hon. Secretary since 1905. During that time she collected for the Institution over £1,000. She was awarded a Framed Photograph of a Life-boat going to a vessel in distress in 1915 and the Gold Brooch of the Institution in 1930 CULLOMPTON (DEVON). — Life-boat Day, Lecture by the Eev. W. T. Price.

DAWLISH (DEVON).—Address by the Rev. W. T. Price, of Cullompton.

DORCHESTER.—Eighth Annual Dance at the Corn Exchange EXETER (DEVON).—House-to-House Collection. Tea given by Councillor Mrs. Arthur Reed, Chairman, to all helpers, at the Guildhall. Whist Drive and Dance organized by the Junior Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Prizes dis- tributed by Mrs. Arthur Reed, Chair- man of the Branch.

FALMOUTH (CORNWALL). —• Dance arranged by " The Double Six." NEWTON ABBOT (DEVON).—By the death of Mrs. E. D. Wylie, its Hon.

Secretary, the Branch has suffered a severe loss. Mrs. Wylie had been Hon.

Secretary since 1923, and her generous interest in the Life-boat Service has been shown also by a legacy of £100 which she has left to the Institution.

OXFORD.—Life-boat Day.

PAIGNTON (DEVON).—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

PETERSFIELD AND Lis.s (HANTS.).— Annual Meeting on 21st November, Captain C. J. P. Cave, J.P., Chairman, presiding. Speaker: Mr. George F.

Shee, M.A. (Secretary of the Institution).

Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Days, Village Collections, Dramatic Entertainment. Amount collected last year £159, as compared with £70 in the previous year.

PLYMOUTH.—Annual Meeting of the Branch and Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 3rd October, the Mayor, a Vice-President of the Branch, in the chair. Efforts of the past year carried out by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild : Bridge Drives, Dances, and a special Fete and Carnival.

Amount collected last year £646, as compared with £734 in the previous year. Of this sum of £646, the Ladies' Life-boat Guild contributed £552, as compared with £513 in the previous year.


WESTON-SUPER-MARE (SOMERSET).—• Whist Drive organized by Mrs. Ed- monds, Hon. Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WEYMOUTH (DORSET).—H.M.S. Os- preys' Amateur Dramatic Club presented the play '' Berkeley Square" at the Pavilion Theatre, and gave the proceeds to the Branch.

One lecture was given by the District Organizing Secretary.


SCOTTISH LIFE-BOAT COUNCIL MEET- ING at Edinburgh on 29th October, the Duke of Montrose, C.B, C.V.O., V.D., Chairman, presiding.

AIRDRIE (LANARK).—Life-boat Day.

Whist Drive arranged by Mrs. William W. McCosh, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

AVIEMOEE (INVERNESS). — Jumble Sale, organized by Mrs. Briggs.

BANFF, MACDUFF AND WHITEHILLS (BANFF.).—Whist Drive and Dance, arranged by the Whitehills Committee.

BUBNTISLAND (FIFE).—Annual Meet- ing on 14th November, Mr. James Piper, Chairman, presiding, supported by Pro- vost Leith, the President. Efforts of the past year : Appeal by the Committee, Life-boat Day and Concert. Amount collected last year £82, as compared with £48 in the previous year.

CAMPBELTOWN (ARGYLLSHIRE).—The Branch has suffered severe losses by the death on 23rd December, of Mr. Duncan MacCallum, J.P., at the age of 83, and of Mr. Alexander Galbraith, the late Motor Mechanic, in September. Mr.

MacCallum, who was a keen yachtsman, had been a member of the Branch Committee for 51 years. Mr. Galbraith had been Motor Mechanic for twenty years, retiring on account of ill-health last May.


DUMFRIES.—Lantern Lecture.

DUNBAR (HADDINGTON). — Annual Meeting, Dr. Macdonald, Chairman of the Branch, presiding. Amount col- lected last year £269, as compared with £297 in the previous year.

DUNDEE (FORFAR).—Annual Meeting on 29th December, Mr. J. M. Hunter Mitchell, J.P., President of the Branch, in the chair. Speaker : the District Organizing Secretary. Efforts of the past year : Appeal by the Committee and Ladies' Life-boat Guild, special Life-boat Week, including Life-boat Day.

Amount collected last year £1,179, as compared with £1,192 in the previous year.

DUNFERMLINE (FIFE).—Whist Drive and Dance.

EDINBURGH.—Concert and Exhibi- tion of Life-boat Films (two perform- ances), arranged by Mrs. T. G. Hender- son, Ladies' Life-boat Guild Convener for Cramond Bridge.

Annual Meeting on 27th November, the Right Hon. the Lord Provost, President of the Branch, in the chair.

Speakers: Lord Salvesen, Harriet, Lady Findlay, D.B.E., President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and Mr. P. H. B.

Lyon. Efforts of the past year : Life- boat Day and two Dances. Amount collected last year £2,367, as compared with £1,721 in the previous year.

Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life- boat Guild, Harriet, Lady Findlay, D.B.E., President, in the chair.

Dance at Palais de Danse arranged by the Committee.

ELIE (FIFE).—Special Meeting at which a Ladies' Life-boat Guild was formed, Provost W. R. Short in the chair. Speakers: the Duke of Mon- trose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., Chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council, and the District Organizing Secretary. Joint Hon. Secretaries, Miss K. G. Glover and Mrs. S. E. Alley.

FALKIRK (STIRLING).—Dramatic En- tertainment at the works of the Falkirk Iron Company, the entire proceeds being given to the Branch.

GLASGOW.—Performances by the Gar- rick Comedy Club of " The Young Idea," by Noel Coward, at the Lyric Theatre.

ISLE OF SKYE.—Life-boat Day.

JOHNSTONE (RENFREW). — Life-boat Day.

KIRKCALDY (FIFE).—Life-boat Day.

Bridge Drive, arranged by the Com- mittee and Ladies' Life-boat Guild.


—Annual Meeting on 12th December, Sir Charles D. Hope-Dunbar, Bt., President of the Branch, in the chair, supported by Admiral Leatham and officers of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Efforts of the past year: House-to- House Collection and Life-boat Days.

Amount collected last year £118, as compared with £128 in the previous year.

MAYBOLE (AYR).—Life-boat Day.


PAISLEY (RENFREW).—Life-boat Day.

PEEBLES (PEEBLES).—Life-boat Day.

PETERHEAD (ABERDEEN).—Presenta- tion in the Town House, of monetary . awards from the Hall Line and the Institution to the Peterhead Life-boat Crew in recognition of their service in rescuing 32 members of the crew of the City of Osaka on 23rd September, 1930.

Presentations made by Mrs. Cran, President of the Peterhead Ladies' Life- boat Guild. Speakers : Provost Milne, Mrs. Troup (Hon. Secretary of the Guild) and Mr. J. J. Henderson (Hon. Secretary of the Branch).

EOTHESAY (BUTE).—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

ST. ABBS (BERWICK).—Annual Meet- ing in November. The Lord Amulree, G.B.E., K.C., Minister for Air, elected President. Amount collected last year £117, as compared with £109 in the previous year.

By the death of Miss Cowe, the Branch has lost a friend who will be deeply regretted. She had been a member of the Committee for many years, was a regular subscriber, and a zealous Life-boat worker. In 1926 she was awarded the Gold Brooch of the Institution.

WISHAW (LANARK).—Life-boat Day.


ANTRIM (Co. ANTRIM).—Bal Masque and Whist Drive.

BAGNELSTOWN (Co. CARLOW).—Life- boat Day.


BANDON (CORK).—Life-boat Day.

BELFAST.—The Fourth Annual Life- boat Ball was held at the Plaza, and the guests were received by Lady Dixon, D.B.E., First Vice-President, with the help of Lady Margaret Stewart and Lady Helen Stewart, the Patrons of the Ball. The Marchioness of Londonderry, D.B.E., President of the Belfast Ladies' Life-boat Guild, was present with a house party. A number of other Patrons of the Ball also brought house parties, and among those present were the Right Hon. H. B. H. Mulholland, M.P., Speaker of the House of Commons ; the Right Hon. H. M. Pollock, M.P. (Minister of Finance) ; the Viscountess Craigavon ; the Hon. James Craig, the Viscountess Bangor, Sir Thomas Dixon, Bt., the Right Hon. Herbert Dixon, M.P., Sir R. H. H. Baird, K.B.E., the Lord Mayor and Lady Coates, Sir William and Lady Turner, and the High Sheriffs of County Fermanagh and County Antrim.

CAHIR (TIPPERARY).—Life-boat Day.

CLONMEL (TIPPERARY). — Life-boat Day.

COLERAINE (LONDONDERRY).—Annual Meeting on 24th November. Speaker : the District Organizing Secretary.

Amount collected last year £62, as compared with £32 in the previous year.

Presentation of two certificates in the Life-boat Essay Competition for Ele- mentary Schools.

Cinema Show.


DONAGHADEE (Co. DOWN).—Whist Drive.


—Life-boat Day.

LISTOWEL (KERRY).—Life-boat Day.

LONGFORD (Co. LONGFORD).—Special Meeting at the invitation oi Mrs. James McNeill (wife of His Excellency the Governor-General), Mrs. Delaney pre- siding. Speaker : the District Organiz- ing Secretary. Branch formed. Mrs.

Delaney, President ; Mrs. Lloyd, Hon.

Secretary. Committee of twelve ladies appointed.



TUAM Dance.

(GALWAY).—Life-boat Day, Wales (Including Herefordshire and Shropshire).

BURRY PORT (CARMARTHEN). — Life- boat Day.



LLANDUDNO (CAERNARVON).—District Conference. (See special report on page 235.) LLANRWST (DENBIGH). — Life-boat Day.




FORTH (GLAMORGAN).—Life-boat Day.

PRESTEIGNE (KADNOR). — Life-boat Day.

Fifteen addresses by the JDistrict Organizing Secretary in Ireland and Wales at the presentation of Certificates in the Life-boat Essay Competition.