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New Vice-Presidents

THE Committee of Management have appointed the following to be Vice- Presidents of the Institution, and they have accepted the appointment: The Right Hon. the Viscount Grey of Fallo- den, E.G., P.C., D.C.L., D.L.; Major- General the Right Hon. John E.

Bernard Seely, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., who has been a member of the Committee of Management for twenty-eight years, and a member of the Crew of the Brooke, Isle of Wight, Life-boat for over thirty-five years ; the Right Hon. the Lord Southborough, P.C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., K.C.S.I., Chair- man of the Civil Service Life-boat Fund ; the Rev. the Earl of Devon, President of the Exeter Branch of the Institution; and the Hon. George Colville, Deputy-Chairman of the Committee of Management since 1923..