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Donation from the Scottish Fisheries

IT will be remembered that during the terrible gales in the winter of 1929 to 1930, great damage was done to the Scottish fishing fleet. On one day, llth November, 1929, it was estimated that the fleet, when fishing off the East Anglian coast, lost over 27,000 nets.* At the request of the Secretary of State for Scotland the Lord Provosts of the * Sec The Lifeboat for March, 1930.

Scottish cities opened a public subscrip- tion list to help the fishermen to replace their losses. After all claims had been met, there remained a balance of £135 9s. 5d. This balance has been handed over to the Institution by the Fishery Board of Scotland, and the Board wrote that it did this " in view of the intimate connexion the Institu- tion has with the life of Scottish fisher- men.".