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The Rescue of Two Dogs

ON 22nd March last, two dogs were rescued from drowning by the Coxswain of the Hoylake Life-boat and a Coast- guard Officer. The dogs were a spaniel and a terrier. They had run on to a sandbank and remained there until cut off by the tide. They were seen by the Coastguard Officer, and he and the Coxswain put off in a boat. The dogs were then swimming about terrified.

The spaniel was mad with fright, and it was a long time before the men could get him into the boat. By that time the terrier was being carried out to sea, and was a long way off. The men pulled towards him shouting.

" We pulled hard," said the Coastguard Officer, " and when he heard us he swam to us like a real youngster. The look in his eyes was enough reward for our effort." Both dogs were exhausted and were given first aid.

A lady who subscribes to the Institu- tion, on reading an account of the rescue in a paper, sent a donation to the Institution and gifts for the two men..