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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 26th June, 1930.

SIR GODFREY BARING, BT., in the Chair.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

The Annie Ronald (of " Oak- lands," Paisley) Memorial Fund (donation) . . . 2,000 0 0 Dr. Rodocanachi, (donation) . 103 11 0 Anonymous, (additional donation) 50 0 0 Capt. H. R. Newgass, (subscrip- tion) 25 0 0 Mrs. C. A. Allen, (additional dona- tion) 20 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £25,126 4s. Id. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boathouses and Slipways, and the mainten- ance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Reported that the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty had written expressing their admiration and appreciation of the gallant work of the Flamborough Life-boat in rescuing the crew, sixteen in number, of the Admiralty vessel Rosa, on the 28th April, 1930. (A full account of this service appeared in The Lifeboat for June, 1930.) Voted £97 8s. to Day the expenses of the following Life-boat Services during May and June, 1930 :— May 25th.—The LOWESTOFT Motor Life- boat rescued the three occupants of the rowing boat Tom Bowling, of Lowestoft, which was in difficulties during a moderate N.E. breeze, with a moderate sea. The boat was first seen at 1.20 P.M., drifting north with the strong ebb tide in the broken water of the inner shoal of the Newcome Sands. The Life-boat was launched, but the boat drifted near the shore, and was beached with the help of the Coastguard. Three boys were on board, exhausted and seasick,' and they were taken to the Coastguard's Look-out. A little later three men launched the small boat, and she again got into difficulties. This time the Life-boat took the men, together with the boat, safely into harbour. — Expenses, £16 7s. 6rf.

June 1st. The EASTBOURNE Motor Life- boat rescued one survivor of the Swedish steamer Inger, of Helsingborg, which sank, about three miles south of the Royal Sovereign light-vessel, after being in collision with an Italian steamer, in thick weather, while bound from Swansea to Sundsvall. Information of the accident was received from the Coastguard, and the Life-boat left for the position given at 2.50 A.M. She picked up a survivor and searched for others without success returning ashore at 7.35 A.M. Two were saved by the other vessel, but the remainder, about fifteen in number, were lost.—Expenses, £30.

June 3rd.—The WHITBY Motor Life-boat put out at 8.25 A.M., in a very thick fog with a light northerly wind, and strong ground swell, as considerable anxiety was felt for the fishing coble St. Hilda, which, with only one man on board, had put off to haul crab pots at 3 A.M. and had not returned. The Life-boat found the boat a mile and a half to the north of Whitby, and escorted her home. Two other boats were still out and the Life-boat remained in readiness. At 11 A.M. a fog horn was heard off the Pier ends, and on going out the Life-boat discovered the Faith, and escorted her into harbour. Another boat, Irene, was still missing, so the Life-boat put off again. The missing boat was found off Kettleness Point, and reached port at 1 P.M.

Owing to the state of the tide it was not possible to re-house the Life-boat at once, and this was done at 7.30 P.M.—Expenses, £12 3*.

June 3rd.—The STAITHES Life-boat was launched at 8.30 A.M. in thick weather with a northerly wind, as the motor fishing-boats Flora, Freda and Mizpak found it impossible to land owing to a strong north-easterly sea. Two of the boats were found at anchor in the fog and escorted into harbour. The Life-boat then went out again to watch for the third, which was herring fishing. She came in about an hour later accompanied by the Life-boat.—Expenses, £12 12s. 6rf.

June 7th.—The NEW BRIGHTON NO. 2 Motor Life-boat was called out in fine weather with a strong northerly breeze and a moderately rough sea, and rendered assistance to the motor launch Scintus, of Liverpool, which was in difficulties. Information that the boat was sending out distress signals, in the Rock Channel, had been received from the Coastguard, and the Life-boat left her moor- ings at 9.10 P.M. The Scintus, which had ten persons on board, was found dragging her anchors in a nasty cross sea, with her engines broken down. She was taken to a safe anchorage by the Life-boat, which also brought ashore seven of the occupants. The others remained on board.—Expenses, £9 3s.

June 10th.— The KIRKCUDBRIGHT Motor Life-boat was launched at 7.30 P.M., in a strong S.W. breeze, with a moderate sea, as the fishing boat Cachalot, of Moreeambe, had, earlier in the day, run aground on Milton Sands. The receding tide had left her almost dry and lying broadside on to the sea. As the tide turned the Life-boat stood by her until she refloated, and escorted her over the bar into safety.—Expenses, £11 19s.

June 14th.—The RAMSGATE Motor Life- boat put out at 6.35 A.M. and stood by the steamer Gedania, of Danzig, which had stranded to the S.E. of the Brake Light-vessel, on the Goodwin Sands, while bound light from Hamburg to Texas, with a crew of thirty-nine.

The weather was misty with a moderate easterly breeze and smooth sea. No help was required by the vessel, but the Life-boat remained by her until she refloated. The Life-boat returned to Ramsgate at 1.30 P.M.—Expenses, £5 3s.

The following service was also reported :— June 15th.—The CLACTON-ON-SEA Motor Life-boat saved a small motor-boat and her three occupants, when she was in distress on Whitaker Sands, having shipped several seas which had disabled her engine. Informa- tion of the boat's plight was given by the Coastguard, and the Life-boat left at 7.55 P.M., but she found that it was impossible to get alongside the motor-boat for some hours owing to the shallow water. Two Life-boat- men were then placed aboard her. She was found to be leaking badly, but eventually was taken to Brightlingsea by the Life-boat, where she arrived at 4 A.M. Property Salvage Case.

Also voted £78 19s. 6(7. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Caister, The Humber (Motor), The Mumbles (Motor), Newhaven (Motor), Sennen Cove (Motor), Wells, and Wick (Motor).

The Lowestoft (Motor) Life-boat was also launched.

Passed a further £319 11s. Id. on account of pensions already granted to dependent relatives of men who lost their lives in the Life-boat Service at Aldeburgh, Broughty Ferry, Caister, Eastbourne, Fethard, Fraser- burgh, Holyhead, Johnshaven, Moelfre, The Mumbles, New Brighton, Padstow, Port Eynon, Port St. Mary, Rhoscolyn, Rye, St.

David's, Walmer, and Whitby.

Granted £43 17s. 6d. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Blackpool, Caister, Cardigan, Moelfre, and Newhaven.

Decided that the special weekly allowance of £1 which is being paid to James Burtitude, a member of the Crew of the Caister Life- boat, who was injured at a launch of the Life- boat in November, 1929, be continued for a further six months.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to T. E. BRIGGS, late Second Coxswain of the Ply- mouth Life-boat, who had to relinquish his post on account of ill-health.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed, through the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Dublin, to Sergeant MICHAEL W'ALSH, of the Civic Guard of the Irish Free State ; that a Letter of Thanks and the sum of 10s. bs sent to MARK DOWNING, and that a grant of 7s. be made to JEREMIAH O'SuLLi- VAN, in connexion with the rescue of two of the crew of the trawler Arravale, of Milford Haven, which was wrecked, with the loss of six of the crew of eight, at Adrigole, Bantry Bay, on the 28th March, 1930.

At 3.30 A.M. Mr. O'Sullivan reported to the Civic Guard that the vessel was ashore on the rocks at Faha West and burning flares.

Sergeant Walsh at once endeavoured to obtain a boat, but without success, and search parties were organised. Two bodies were found and artificial respiration tried without avail. At daylight two men were seen on the wreck. A strong S.W. breeze was blowing with a rough sea, but the tide was ebbing.

About 7 A.M. Mr. Downing got close to the wreck, by going from rock to rock. A rope was then thrown to him, and by this means the two survivors were saved. It was then found that after the Arravale struck an attempt had been made by her crew to get ashore in the ship's boat, but she had capsized, and only the captain and chief engineer had succeeded in regaining the vessel.

Voted 10s. to two men, both members of the West Bay, Dorset, Life Saving Apparatus Company, for rendering assistance to the two occupants of a small boat, which was seen by the Coastguard drifting.out to sea, on the 7th June ; also granted 2s. for fuel consumed by the salvors.

Voted £1 to four men for rendering assist- ance to the four occupants of a rowing boat which was in difficulties in a rough sea off Craiglais Rocks, Aberystwyth, on the 9th June.

Voted 10s. to the Coxswain of the New Brighton Life-boat, who, with another man and the Permanent Motor Mechanic, put off in the motor boarding boat and rendered assistance to the motor-boat Cintilla, which was in difficulties in the Rock Channel on the 9th June, with her propeller foul and her sail blown away.

Voted 10s. to the Coxswain of the New Brighton Life-boat and another man, who, with the Permanent Motor Mechanic, went out on the 9th June in the motor boarding boat, in a moderately rough sea, and stood by the fishing smack Tern, of Warrington, ashore on Burbo Bank, until she refloated.

Voted £1 2s. §d. to the Coxswain of the Hoylake and Hilbre Island Life-boats and two other men for putting off in a motor-boat on the night of the 14th June, when the Coastguard reported that distress signals had been seen in the direction of Mostyn, and searching without success for a vessel in need of help. Also addressed a Letter of Thanks to Mr. D. W. HESSLEGRAVE, Honor- ary Secretary, whose motor-boat was used for the search.

Voted £4 to eight men for putting off from Southend-on-Sea, in the motor-boat Britannia, and rescuing the five occupants of the yacht Blue Bird, on the morning of the 15th June ; a)so granted 12s. to four men who assisted.

A strong N.E. breeze was blowing, with a very rough sea, when information was received from the Pier Head that a vessel was ashore on the Nore Sands. As the Life-boat was not available the motor boat was manned and put off. The five men on board the yacht were taken into the Britannia, which then towed off the yacht and took her and the five men to Southend.

Voted £1 to four men for bringing ashore on 15th June the motor-boat Firefly at Brighton, the engine of which had broken down when she was four miles out; also granted 2s. 6d.

for fuel consumed.

Voted £1 to two men for rescuing five persons from a rock, near the South Stack, Holyhead, on which they had scrambled when the schooner Baltic, of Dublin, had stranded in a fog early in the morning of the 19th June.

She heeled over with the rising tide, but before she did this the Master, his two daughters, and two men got on to the rock, where they remained until 7.30 A.M. when they were seen by the two salvors, who put out in their fishing boat.

Thursday, 17th July, 1930. ' SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Passed a Vote of Thanks to H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., the President of the Institution, for attending the Inaugural Ceremony of the new Dover Motor Life-boat Sir William Hillary and naming the Boat on the 10th July, 1930.

Passed a Vote of Thanks to Rear-Admiral BEAMISH, C.B., M.P., for his action in moving an amendment to the Finance Bill, 1930, as a result of which the Chancellor of the Exchequer agreed to allow repayment of tax on petrol used by the Institution's Life-boats, Tractors and other gear.

Passed the following unanimous Vote of Thanks :— That the most cordial thanks of the Com- mittee of Management be accorded to Captain H. F. J. ROWLEY, C.B.E., R.N., for his long, distinguished and most valuable services to the Royal National Life-boat Institution, and that this Committee desire to place on record their high esteem and regard for Captain Rowley both as an Officer of the Institution and as a friend.

Produced a letter from the Mercantile Marine Department, Board of Trade, express- ing the Board's appreciation of the services of Captain H. F. J. ROWLEY, C.B.E., R.N., in establishing and maintaining close and cordial relations with H.M. Coastguard Service, and a sense of the loss which his retirement will be to the Life-Saving Service generally.

Decided to close the Burnham, Holyhead No. 2, Palling, and Skerries Life-boat Stations ; also decided that the Stronsay Life-boat Station which had been temporarily closed for some years be permanently closed.

Reported the receipt of the following special contribution :— Mr. T. F. B. Davis (donation) . £25 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £33,539 2s. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boathouses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £17 4*. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services during June, 1930 :— June 28th.—The SEAHAM Motor Life-boat saved the motor fishing-boat Albert and rescued her crew of three, when she was drifting out to sea, with her engine disabled, during a strong westerly wind. She overtook the fishing boat several miles out at sea, and, taking the men on board, towed the boat back to har- bour.—Expenses, £5 2s. 6d.

June 30th.—The MONTROSE NO. 2 Life- boat rescued two women and five men from the raft at Montrose Bathing Station on which they were marooned.—Expenses, £12 2s.

(A full account of this service appeared in the last issue of The Lifeboat.) The following service was also reported :— June 24th.—The SELSEY AND BOGNOR Motor Life-boat assisted to save the motor yacht Panther, of Southampton, and rescued her crew of five, when the vessel was hi difficulties through engine-trouble while bound from Southampton to Littlehampton. The weather was fine with a strong W.S.W. breeze and choppy sea. Shortly before 7 P.M. the Coastguard reported that distress signals had been observed, and a few minutes later the Life-boat was launched. She found the yacht about two and a half miles S.W. of Selsey Bill with her motor mechanic gassed and unable to work his engines. She helped her to get to Littlehampton, and then returned to her Station, arriving at 12.30 A.M. Property Salvage Case.

Also voted £36 15s. 9d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Kirkcudbright (Motor), Scarborough (Motor), Sennen Cove (Motor), Southwold (Motor), and Weymouth (Motor).

Passed a further £10 10s. on account of pensions already granted to dependent rela- tives of men who lost their lives in the Life- boat Service at Brighstone Grange, and Caister.

Granted £19 10s. to a man for injury in the Life-boat Service at Caister.

Decided that the special weekly allowance of £1 10s. which is being allowed to W. E.

HAYLETT, Second Coxswain of the Caister Life-boat, who was compelled to retire owing to serious illness due to exposure in the Life- boat Service, be continued for a further six months.

Voted a compassionate grant of £2 10s. to W. R. CROSS, in recognition of his good services in the Walmer Life-boat for fifty-five years.

Awarded a Framed Photograph of a Life- boat going out to a vessel in distress, suitably inscribed, and the sum of £2, to Mr. LESTER GREEN, aged sixteen, for rescuing, single- handed and at considerable personal risk, the six occupants, four men and two women, of the sailing boat Dauntless, which was upset in Blakeney Harbour on the 28th June. The tide was ebbing with a rough sea, and the overturned boat was rapidly being carried out to sea, with the people clinging to it. Mr.

Green immediately put oat in an eighteen - foot sailing boat. He succeeded in getting the six persons on board his small boat, a very difficult operation, requiring considerable skill in order to be done without accident.

Thursday, 31st July, 1930.

The HON. GEORGE COLVTLLE hi the Chair.

Decided to take steps to acquire new premises for the Head Office of the Institution..