Fire Extinguishers at Life-Boat Stations
THERE are two types of fire extinguishers in use at Life-boat Stations. The one is the liquid type, charged with carbon tetrachloride, the other is the "Total" extinguisher which is a dry powder machine. This type was first adopted by the Institution in 1928, as it was considered that in some circumstances it would be more effective than the liquid type, and practically all Life-boat Stations are now supplied with both.
The " Total" extinguisher is charged with powdered bicarbonate of soda, in the middle of which is fitted a small steel flask containing C02 gas under high pressure. When the handle at the top of the extinguisher is turned this gas is liberated, and, escaping through pipes with a spiral motion, it ejects the powder through the nozzle of the extinguisher.
In addition to the C02 gas contained in the extinguisher, large volumes of this gas are generated from the bicarbonate of soda when it comes in contact with the flames, and, by excluding the oxygen, the gas extinguishes the fire.
The efficacy of this type of extin- guisher is shown by the following incident, reported by the District Inspector for Ireland. It should be of interest to all Honorary Secretaries of Stations.
On September 2nd the Inspector was at the Boat-house at Campbeltown, Argyllshire, with the Coxswain and Motor Mechanic. A member of the crew of a motor fishing skiff in the harbour, who was working in the skiff's engine-room, struck a match and the petrol in the bilges caught fire. The man tried to extinguish it with water, but the water spread the fire. The skiff was moored among about fifteen other skiffs, and the men on board them tried, but without success, to extinguish the fire by means of their liquid-throw- ing extinguishers.
Hearing the shouting and seeing smoke coming from the skiff, the Inspector sent off the Coxswain and Motor Mechanic in a dinghy (which only held two) with two "Total" extin- guishers. By the time they arrived, about twenty liquid extinguishers had been used with very little effect. The Motor Mechanic went down into the engine-room and got the fire under at once, this not only saving the skiff, but preventing the fire from spreading to the other boats..