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Brightening Village Life

IT has long been the basis of the Institution's appeal for support that there is not a man or woman in these islands—dependent as they are on overseas trade for their prosperity— who does not directly or indirectly benefit by the Life-boat Service. But there are more ways than one in which they benefit—more ways than we had ever suspected. An Honorary Secretary of an inland Branch v.-rites : "I wouldlike to point out to you that raising money as we do, by such means as whist and bridge drives, and dances, cuts two ways. It certainly helps us to get some money, but, on the other hand, as several people have said to me, it also gives them a pleasant evening together which they wouldn't get if it wasn't fortheR.N.L.I." So the Institution is not only saving life on the coast, but helping to brighten life inland as well!.