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Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

To WILLIAM JOHNSTON, on his retirement, after serving 15f years as Coxswain of the Stronmess Life-boat, a Coxswain's Certifi- cate of Service, and a Pension ; also a special gratuity of £20 on account of ill- health, his illness having been aggravated by exposure in the Life-boat Service.

To JOHN COOMBES, on his retirement, after serving 14J years as Coxswain of the St.

Peter Port Life-boat, a Coxswain's Certifi- cate of Service, and a Pension.

To WILLIAM SHIELS, on his retirement, on the closing of the Station, after serving 11 years as Coxswain of the Skerries Life-boat, a Coxswain's Certificate of Service, and a Pension.

To THOMAS BLACK, on his retirement, after serving 10 years as Coxswain, 6 years as Second Coxswain, 2J years as Bowman, and previously 19J years as a member of the Crew of the St. Andrews Life-boat, a Coxswain's Certificate of Service, and a Pension.

To WILLIAM WILLIAMS, on his retirement, after serving 7£ years as Coxswain, 4J years as Second Coxswain, 7J years as Bowman, and previously 30| years as a member of the Crew of the Llandulas Life-boat, a Life- boatman's Certificate of Service, and a Pension.

To JOHN GARRETT, on his retirement, on account of ill-health, after serving 5| years as Coxswain, 8£- years as Second Coxswain, and previously 23 years as a member of the Crew of the Ramsey Life-boat, a Life- boatman's Certificate of Service, and a Pension.

To THOMAS W. BLACKMORE, on his retirement, after serving 13 years as Second Coxswain, 20J years as Bowman,, and previously 5 years as a member of the Crew of the Torbay Life-boat, a Life-boatman's Certificate of Service, and a Pension.

To THOMAS B. CUNNINGHAM, on his retirement, after serving 10 years as Second Coxswain, and previously 28 years as a member of the Crew of the St. Andrews Life-boat, a Life- boatman's Certificate of Service, and a Pension.

To JAMES KELLY, on his retirement, on account of ill-health, after serving 7 years as Second Coxswain, 4 years as Bowman, and pre- viously 15 years as a member of the Crews of the Whitby Life-boats, a Life-boatman's Certificate of Service, and a Pension.

To JOHN WILLIAMS, on his retirement, after serving 9 years as Second Coxswain, 4J years as Bowman, and previously 14 years as a member of the Crews of the Holyhead Life- boats, a Life-boatman's Certificate of Ser- vice, and a Pension.

Life-boatmen's Certificates of Service have been awarded to the following men who have retired, the figure after the names being their years of service :— EDWARD T. BINGHAM (49), Kingsdown.

WILLIAM C. COOPEK (53), Lowestoft.

JAMES KINGSFORD (37), Kingsdown, JAMBS D. LILLY (47), Kingsdown.

WILLIAM N. ROSE (56), Lowestoft.

HENRY TRENWITH (35), St. Mary's.

RICHARD E. WELLARD (49), Kingsdown..