Lord Waldegrave
BY the death on 13th August, at the age of 79, of the Right Hon. the Earl Waldegrave, P.O., a Vice-President of the Institution and the Chairman of its Committee of Management for twelve years, the Life-boat Service lost a generous friend and worker, who had been connected with it for just half of its 106 years. It was in 1877 that Lord Waldegrave became a member of the Committee of Management. In 1911 his colleagues elected him their Chairman. He held that position dur- ing the difficult and anxious years of the War, taking the keenest interest in every aspect of the Institution's work, and always placing at its disposal his long experience of public affairs.
He retired from the Chairmanship in 1923, and on his retirement the Com- mittee placed on record " their grateful appreciation of the ability, devotion and unfailing courtesy with which he had carried out the duties of Chairman since 1911, and of his valuable services as a member of the Committee of Management since 1877." As a Vice- President, Lord Waldegrave continued to be a member of the Committee, and although he did not take any active part in their work after his retirement from the Chairmanship, he and Lady Waldegrave continued to show their interest in the Institution by giving their personal and valuable help to the Bath Branch, in particular in connexion with the " Earl and Countess Waldegrave's Life-boat Matine'es" at the Theatre Royal.
In the unavoidable absence of the Chairman and Deputy-Chairman of the Committee, and of the Secretary, the Institution was represented at the funeral by Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satter- thwaite, O.B.E., the Deputy-Secretary..