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Isle of Wight Fete

ON 18th and 19th June the Ladies' Life-boat Guild in the Isle of Wight held an "All-Island Life-boat Fete" in the Nelson Hall at East Cowes.

The Hon. Mabel Gough-Calthorpe, the Hon. Secretary of the Guild, was the Hon. Secretary of the Fete, and Lieut.- Colonel P. Murray, D.S.O., acted as Assistant Hon. Secretary. All the Branches in the island took part, and people came to it from all over the island. Major-General the Right Hon.

J. B. B. Seely, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.

(Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire, a member of the Committee of Manage- ment, and a member of the Brooke Life-boat Crew), presided at the opening on the first day, and Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt. (Chairman of the Committee of Management and Chairman of the Isle of Wight County Council), declared the Fete open. On the second day the Mayor of Newport (Mr. H. W. Horan) presided, and the opening ceremony was performed by Admiral of the Fleet Sir Henry Oliver, G.C.B., K.C.M.G., M.V.O. (a member of the Committee of Management). There was a large number of Stalls, and among the many other attractions were the Brooke Life- boat, which stood on its carriage in the grounds, trips in the Yarmouth Motor Life-boat, displays by the Sea Scouts of the island, music by the Band of the 43rd Light Infantry, a Hidden Treasure Hunt, a Whist Drive and a Ball. The Fete, which was fortunate in having good weather, was a brilliant success, and the receipts amounted to £1,228.

In recognition of their many months of work in organising the Fete, the Institution awarded its Gold Badge to the Hon. Mabel Gough-Calthorpe, and its Record of Thanks to Lieut.-Colonel Murray, while the thanks of the Institu- tion were expressed to the Committees, Honorary Secretaries and other hono- rary workers through a letter in the Isle of Wight Press..