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Coxswain James Chisholm, of St. Andrews, Fifeshire

James Chisholm, ex-Coxswain of St.

Andrews, died on the 14th March last, at the age of 81. He had served as Second Coxswain from 1887 until 1892, and as Coxswain from 1892 until 1920, when he retired at the age of 71, and he held the Institution's Silver Medal and a Medal from the Swedish Government for his gallantry and splendid skill in the rescue of the crew of nine of the * A full account of the services of James Cable himself and of his family appeared in The Lifeboat for November, 1927.

barque Princess Wilhelmina which was wrecked among the rocks near St.

Andrew's Castle in a terrible gale in October, 1912. He took part also in one of the finest Life-boat services during the War, when, in December, 1914, the Torpedo-boat Destroyer Suc- cess ran ashore in a gale on the rocky coast, some six miles from St. Andrews, and the Crail and St. Andrews Life- boats rescued her whole crew of 67 men. In November of last year Cox- swain Chisholm was one of the Scottish Silver Medallists presented to the Prince of Wales at the National Life- boat Assembly in Edinburgh..