Bridlington Memorial Service
IN the last issue of The Lifeboat an account was published of the Memorial Service at Bridlington for the men who lost their lives on 10th February, 1871, when an unusually severe gale burst on the north-east coast of England, and at Bridlington the terrible spectacle was seen of seventeen ships ashore at the same time and rapidly breaking up.
The brief record of that terrible day was that five crews were rescued and six of the rescuers lost their lives. The fol- lowing additional facts with regard to the Memorial Service should be of interest. It had been held each year for some time, but then had been allowed to lapse. About twenty years ago it was revived by Mr. C. H. Gray, who has more than once been Mayor of Brid- lington ; has, since 1916, been the Honorary Secretary of the Life-boat Station, and has on more than one occasion been thanked by the Institu- tion for his services. Mr. Gray has been responsible for the Service each year since he revived it, and it was due to him that this year it was broadcast and films were taken of it..