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Awards to Honorary Workers

To Mrs. GOLDIE, in recognition of her valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretary of the Bath Branch, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To the HON. MABEL GOUGH-CALTHORPE, in recognition of her valuable co-operation as Honorary Organizer of the Isle of Wight " All Island " Fete, 1930, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Miss STELLA HAMILTON, in recognition of her valuable co-operation as Honorary Collector in the Lake District, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Mrs. HOLDING, in recognition of her valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretary of the Leamington Branch, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Mrs. B. WOOLFIELD, in recognition of her valuable co-operation at Kessingland for many years, latterly as Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Mr. H. P. F. DONEGAN, in recognition of his long and valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretary of the City of Cork Branch, the Gold Pendant and the Record of Thanks.To MB. W. H. SHAW, on his retirement, after 10 years' service as Honorary Treasurer, and previously 27 years as Honorary Secretary, of the Southport Branch, the Gold Pendant and the Record of Thanks. Mr. Shaw, who had already been presented with a Framed Photograph, inscribed Binoculars, the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum, and a piece of silver plate, died shortly after his retirement, before the awards could be presented.

To Mr. A. H. TEARE, M.H.K., in recognition of long and valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretary of the Ramsey Life-boat Station, a Binocular Glass.

To Mrs. DUDLEY, in recognition of her valuable co-operation in connexion with Life-boat Day at Stourbridge, a Framed Photograph of a Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Mrs. STEVENS, in recognition of her valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretary of the Woodford and Epping Branch, a Framed Photograph of a Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Mrs. TAKE, in recognition of her valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild at Swansea, a Framed Photograph of a Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To MRS. DAWES-MELHUISH, in recognition, of her valuable co-operation in raising funds in the Erdington district of the Birmingham Branch, the Record of Thanks.

To SCOUTMASTER MBS. L. M. LONGBOTTOM, and the 1st Troop of Coventry Boy Scouts in recognition of their services in raising funds, the Record of Thanks.

To LIEUT. GWILLAM, the Officers and Cadets of the 1st City of Birmingham Royal Sea Cadet Corps, in recognition of their services in assisting on Life-boat Days, the Record Thanks.

To the OFFICERS and MEN of the Long Eaton Fire Brigade, in recognition of their ser- vices in raising funds, the Record of Thanks.

To LIEUT.-COL. P. MURRAY, D.S.O., in recogni- tion of his valuable co-operation as Assistant Honorary Organizer of the Isle of Wight "All Island" Fete, 1930, the Record of Thanks.

To SCOUTMASTER EDGAR LONGBOTTOM, of Coventry, in recognition of his services in raising funds, an inscribed copy of " Britain's Life-boats.".