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The Ladies' Life-Boat Guild

The Ladies' Life-boat Guild, of which H.R.H. the Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, is the Patron, and the Duchess of Sutherland the President, has added three distinguished names to its officers.

The Duchess of Northumberland, who is President of the Am wick Guild, and Patron of the Newcastle-on-Tyne Branch has accepted the Guild's invitation to be one of its Vice-Patrons. The Mar- chioness of Londonderry, D.B.E., who is President of the Belfast Guild, has become a Vice-President of the Guild, and Mrs. James MacNeill, the wife of the Governor-General of the Irish Free State, who is President of the Dublin Guild, has also become a Vice-President.

England, Scotland, Wales, the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland are now all represented among the officers of the Guild.