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The Institution's Expenditure at a Glance

How each £100 of the Institution's Expenditure was laid out in 1929.

£ s. d.

42 0 0 ™" — ™""" «™—-« ~ Construction and Repair of Life-boats, Carriages and Tractors.

14 3 0 — — — Payments to Life-boat Crews; Rewards for Wreck Services ; Retaining Fees; "Wages; Payments for Exercises ; Grants to Injured Men and Pensions.

12 00 ——— Propaganda and Publicity, in connexion with Head quarters and over 1,000 Branches.

11 7 0 ™— ~ Provision, Custody and Inspection of Life-boat Stores.

10 17 0 ——• Construction and Repair of Life-boat Houses and Slipways.

3 16 0 •—• Amount spent locally at Life-boat Stations.

3 1 0 — Technical Supervision and Inspection of Life-boat Stations.

2 16 0 ™ Administration.

£100 0 0 (For full Statement of Expenditure, see pages 112—115.).