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Mrs. Brandreth Gibbs, of Leigh-On-Sea

By the death of Mrs. H. Brandreth Gibbs, of Leigh-On-Sea, who died on 22nd November, 1929, at the age of 85, the Institution has lost one of its oldest workers. She became a Life-boat worker more than sixty years ago. As far back as 1869 she was presented with a framed photograph for her work in connexion with an appeal at Exeter.

Her interest in the Institution con- tinued right through her long life. In 1918 she undertook the organisation of the Life-boat Day at Leigh-On-Sea for the Southend-on-Sea Branch, and con- tinued this work, with great enthusiasm and success, for eight years, until obliged by serious illness to give it up in 1926. She was then awarded the Gold Brooch, which is given only for distinguished honorary services,.