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Miss E. M. Jordan, of Dover

The Institution has lost, by the death of Miss E.'M. Jordan, of Dover, in April of this year, one of its latest, but one of its most enthusiastic honorary workers.

She became the Honorary Secretary of the Dover Ladies' Life-boat Guild in December, 1928, the Guild being formed as a result of the decision to re-open the Dover Station, and to place there the special fast Motor Life-boat, which was completed and sent to the coast only this year. Miss Jordan took up the work with such enthusiasm that by the following month over 130 members had been enrolled, and in 1929, while the new boat was still under construction, the Guild raised £94.

By the deaths of ex-Coxswains James Cable, of Aldeburgh, ex-Coxswain James Chisholm, of St. Andrews, and Coxswain George Taylor, of Hauxley, the Institution has lost three distin- guished Life-boatmen. It is hoped to give an account of their services in the next issue of The Lifeboat..