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Life-Boat Days

IN the article called " A Roam Through the Annual Report," which appeared in the last issue of The Lifeboat, it was stated that the number of places in which Street Collections had been held in 1928 was nearly 800, and that in this way £43,000 had been raised. The figures for 1929 are almost the same.

There were about 850 Days, and the sum raised was £44,000. Those figures are in themselves a sufficient justifica- tion of Life-boat Days. But if anything further need be said, it is admirably said in an article on Flag Days in the Nottingham Journal and Express for the 28th April, written from the point of view not of the charity, but of the public.

" The official flag-day season in Nottingham opened on Saturday. . . .

It may come somewhat as a shock to the tight-fisted fraternity to learn that, "with the exception of the 9th August, eveiy Saturday from now until October, will see an appeal of this nature made to the citizens of Notting- ham." There follows a list of twenty-four street appeals, ending with " Poppy Day " in November. The article con- tinues :— " Critics of flag-days would do well to remember that d. per week—the tight fisted need not give more !—is a small sum to pay for the satisfaction of knowing they are associating them- selves with practically the whole of the fine work done by the charities of the city. We ought to be proud of the opportunity." If anything needs to be added to that excellent reply to the critics, it is that any one who, for the sum of two shillings, has obtained the right to say that he has given his help to every local and national charity of importance, should be one of the strongest supporters of a system of appealing which enables him to fulfil his charitable duty at such small cost to himself..