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Life-Boat Broadcasting In Scotland

THROUGH the kind help of the B.B.C. considerable use has been made of the wireless in appealing for the Life-boat Service throughout Scotland.

A special Life-boat programme was given from the Glasgow and Aberdeen wireless stations on 18th November.

This programme was described by the B.B.C. itself as " one of the most striking 'feature' programmes" yet broadcast in Scotland, including as its special feature, a thing which had not been done before, a relay of an actual Life-boat launch. The Station chosen was Montrose, where the Motor Life- boat John Russell was launched at 8 p.m. The broadcast included the actual telephone conversations between the Coastguard, giving the news of a wreck, and the Honorary Secretary of the Station, and then between the Honorary Secretary, calling out the Life-boat, and the Head Launcher.

These conversations were followed by the sounds of the launch itself—the Life-boat leaving the Boat-house on the trolley; the engine being started ; the boat running down the slipway" and entering the water, and the orders of Coxswain and Head Launcher. These sounds and orders were accompanied by a commentary by Captain R. L.

Hamer, R.N., the District Inspector of Life-boats.

The programme also included the Life-boat play, Their Business in Great Waters, written for and presented to the Institution by Mr. Louis N. Parker.

This play, with the permission of the Institution, the B.B.C. put into the Scottish vernacular. The rest of the programme consisted of sea-music by the Glasgow Octet, and sea shanties from the Aberdeen studio sung by the Hall Russell Male Voice Choir.

This excellent programme was fol- lowed, three days later, by the broad- cast of the Prince of Wales's address at the National Life-boat Assembly at Edinburgh on 21st November.

Then, on Sunday, 13th April last, Commander the Hon. A. D. Cochrane, D.S.O., R.N. (Vice-Chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council), broadcast an appeal for the Life-boat Service as " the Week's Good Cause.".