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Gifts In Gratitude for Services

On the 28th September, 1929, the Thurso Motor Life-boat rescued the crew, twenty in number, of a cutter belonging to H.M.S. Marl- borough. In appreciation of this service the Canteen Fund of H.M.S. Marlborough has given £22 to the Institution and £1 to each of the eight members of the Life-boat Crew.* ***** On the 15th November, 1929, the St. Helier, Jersey, Life-boat was launched, and stood by the tug Perots and a barge which were in difficulties. The Owners, the Netherlands Harbour Works Co., have given the sum of £20 to the Institution.

***** On the 26th November, 1929, the Angle Motor Life-boat, at her third attempt, rescued twenty-eight survivors from the s.s. Molesey, of London, which had been wrecked on the coast of Pembrokeshire on the previous day.

The St. David's Motor Life-boat was also launched. The owners, Britain Steamships Co., Ltd., Messrs. Watts, Watts & Co., have given a donation of £105 to the Institution as a " small recognition of the fine work " done by the Life-boats.f * An account of this service appeared in The Lifeboat for November, 1929.

t A full account of this service appeared in the March issue of The Lifeboat.

On the 7th December, 1929, the Bembridge Motor Life-boat saved the ketch Silent, of Cowes, and rescued her crew of two. The Institution has received a donation of £5 from the owner, Mr. Leonard J. Souter.

***** On the 5th February, 1930, the Hauxley Life-boat brought ashore from the Coquet Island Lighthouse a keeper who was very ill.

The Life-boat was used, as, owing to the bad weather, no other suitable boat was available, and the Trinity House have remitted to the Institution the expenses amounting to £18 5s.

***** On the 6th February, 1930, the Whitby Motor Life-boat put out in response to a wireless message, and landed the Chief Engineer of the s.s. Brandon, who was ill with appendicitis. The owners, Messrs. C. Salvesen & Co., who are subscribers to the Institution, expressed a wish to pay the expenses, and have sent a contribution of £9 6s. &d.

***** On the 16th February, 1930, the Clacton-on- Sea Motor Life-boat rescued Mr. G. F. Burnley, of New Southgate, and his brother, when their cutter Elizabeth was wrecked on the Gunfleet Sands. The Institution has received a donation from Mr. Burnley, together with his " sincerest and deepest thanks,", and the promise of a larger contribution later..