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The Royal Life-Boat Matinee

THE third annual Royal Life-boat Matinee organised by the Central London Women's Committee of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild was held at the Savoy Theatre (lent by Mr. Rupert D'Oyly Carte) on 5th December, in the presence of H.R.H. Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, Patron of the Guild.

It realised £746 after all expenses had been paid.

The ticket-selling was in the hands of the whole Committee, while a special Matinee Committee of six members arranged the programme and per- formance : The Viscountess Bertie of Thame (Chairman of the Central London Women's Committee), Lady Dorothy D'Oyly Carte (Deputy Chair- man), Lady Florence Pery (Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild), Mrs. Toye, Madame Adeline Genee-Isitt, and Lady (Nigel) Playfair.

Among those also present at the Matinee were the Duchess of Norfolk (Vice-Patron of the Guild), the Duchess of Hamilton and Brandon (Vice-Presi- dent of the Guild), the Hon. George Colville (Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Management), and Mr.

George F. Shee, M.A. (Secretary of the Institution).

A variety programme was given, in which the following took part (in the order of the programme) : Nan Kenway, Wendy Toye, boys (from 5 to 8 years old) from McPherson's Gymnasium, in a boxing display, Bratza, Beryl Laverick, who supplied a Surprise Item, Ethel Bartlett and Rae Robertson, Lady Plunket and Mr. Frank Leveson, Hugh Wakefield and Heather Thatcher, in " Don't Play with Fire; " Marjorie Clarke Jervoise, Hayden Coffin, Violet Loraine, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Silvester, Charlie Kunz and his Chez Henri Club Band, Nelson Keys, Professor Yukio Tani, with members of the Budokwai, in a display of Judo, and Madame Asher Lucas at the piano. A number of well- known actresses, under the direction of Miss Winnie Melville, acted as pro- gramme sellers.