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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 14th November, 1929.

SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Co-opted Vice-Admiral Sir ARTHUR A. M.

DUFF, K.C.B., a member of the Committee of Management.

Reported that as a result of the Appeal made by H.E.H. The Prince of Wales to Shipping Companies, the Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd., had decided to make a gift to the Institu- tion of £6,500; the money to be allocated towards the cost of the Selsey Motor Life-boat and the boat to be named " Canadian Pacific," in accordance with the wishes of the company.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions:— £ s. d.

Sir Heath Harrison, Bt., for a Motor Life-boat to be named " Lady Harrison " . . 5,000 0 0 Navy, Army and Air Force Insti- tutes, surplus revenue from Naval Canteen trading, in accordance with the wishes of the men of the Fleet (donation) 1,900 0 0 Capt. T. P. Hall (donation) . 350 0 0 Sir George Button, Bt. (additional donation) . . . . 20 0 0 Anonymous (additional donation) 20 0 0 Three Sisters (donation) . 15 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £20,127 17«. Id. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establish- ments.

Voted £107 12s 2d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat Services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Rescued.

Cromer (Motor) Schooner Svenborg, of Vardo. Stood by vessel.

The Humber . Steam trawler Barle, of (Motor) Grimsby. Stood by Rosslare Har- Fishing boats Jane and bour (Motor) Sceolan, of Wexford.

Stood by boats.

Rosslare Har- Fishing boat Spray, of bour (Motor) Wexford .... 3 Rosslare Har- Schooner MountbJairy, bour (Motor) of Plymouth ... 5 Rosslare Har- Fishing boats Benita and bour (Motor) Oeisha, of Wexford.

Saved boats and res- cued 7 Rosslare Har- Fishing boat Spray, of bour (Motor) Wexford. Saved boat and rescued ... 4 Rosslare Har- Fishing boats Benita and bour (Motor) Kathleen Clare, of Wexford. Saved boats and rescued ... 8 Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Rescued.

Thurso (Motor) A cutter of H.M.S. Marl- borough. Saved cutter and rescued ... 20 Walton-on-the- Barge G.H.C., of Roch- Naze (Motor) ester. Landed 2.

Whitby No. 2 . Steam trawler Earl Haig, of Hull. Rendered assistance.

The Margate (Motor) Life-boat assisted to save the barge Azima, of Faversham, and rescued her crew of three.

Also voted £184 8s. 5d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Barmouth, Blackpool, Bridlington, Clacton-on-Sea (Motor), Criccieth, Cromer (Motor), Dungeness No. 2, Fishguard (Motor), Fleetwood, Galway Bay (Motor), Llandudno, Lowestoft (Motor), Maryport, Piel (Barrow) (Motor), and Pwllheli.

Passed a further £117 17«. Id. on account of pensions already granted to dependent rela- tives of men who lost their lives in the Life- boat Service at Caister and Fraserburgh.

Granted £72 8a. to men for injury in the Life- boat Service at Blakeney, Moelfre, Rhyl, Swanage and Winterton.

Reported that the Italian Government had awarded Medals, accompanied by Warrants signed by Signor Mussolini, as Minister of Marine, in recognition of the services rendered by the Life-boat Crew and others at St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly, in rescuing thirty-two out of the crew of thirty-eight of the Italian steamer Isabo, which was wrecked on the 27th October, 1927. Silver Medals were given to the Life- boat Coxswain, and to the Coxswains of three shore boats, and thirty-four Bronze Medals to others who assisted, including the Honorary Secretary, Dr. W. B. Addison, and Dr. W. E.


(A full account of this service appeared in The Lifeboat for November, 1927.) Voted the Silver Second Service Clasp of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and framed, together with a monetary award to JAMES WICKHAM, Cox- swain of the Rosslare Harbour (Motor) Life- boat in recognition of his very fine seamanship, courage, and initiative when the Life-boat under his command rescued the crew of five of the schooner Mounlblairy of Plymouth, which was totally wrecked at Carne, Co. Wexford, in a whole N. by E. gale, with a very heavy sea, on the night of the 20th October, 1929. The Bronze Medal, with Vellum, was awarded to Mr. W. J. B. MONCAS, Honorary Secretary, who Accompanied the Life-boat, and the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum and framed, together with a monetary award, was presented to the other members of the crew :— MARTIH O'ROTJRB.E, Second Coxswain; THOMAS P. WICKHAM, Motor Mechanic ; LEONARD HAMMOND, Wireless Operator; JOHN T. WICKHAM, Assistant Motor Mechanic ; RICHARD WALSH, JOHN O'BRIEN and WALTER BARRY.

(A full account of this service appears on page 2.) Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be sent, through the Honorary Secretary, to all concerned, in connexion with the launch of the Rosslare Harbour (Motor) Life-boat on the 23rd October, when she saved two fishing boats and rescued their crews, seven in number.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be sent to Mr. W. J. B. MONCAS, Honorary Secretary at Rosslare Harbour, for going out in the Life- boat on service on the 16th October.

Voted the Thanks of the Institution in- scribed on Vellum and framed, to ANGUS McPHAiL, Coxswain of the Thurso (Motor) Life-boat, in recognition of his promptitude, courage and skilful seamanship, when the Life- boat under his command rescued the crew, twenty in number, of a cutter belonging to H.M.S. Marlborough, which was in distress off Dwarick Head, in a strong westerly gale, with a heavy sea, on the 28th September, 1929.

Additional monetary rewards were granted to the Coxswain and Crew.

(A full account of this service appeared in The Lifeboat for November, 1929.) Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Mr. C. E. TATHAM, Honorary Secretary of the Blackpool Life-boat Station, for his zeal on the occasion of the wreck of the Belgian trawler Commandant Bultinck, near Rossall School, Fleetwood, on the night of the 2nd October, 1929.

Granted an additional reward to the Crew of the Fishguard (Motor) Life-boat, including the permanent Coxswain and Motor Mechanic, for an arduous service launch on the 5th November, 1929.

Voted £3 to four men for putting off from Buckie in a small rowing boat, and rescuing the crew, four in number, of the motor boat Geddle Braes, of Peterhead, which had run aground and was sinking, on the 4th January, 1929.

Voted £3 to four men for saving a motor fishing boat, of Carne, and rescuing her crew of three, at Rosslare, on the 26th August, 1929.

Also granted 5s. for fuel consumed. About 1 p.m. the rescuers, in their motor fishing boat Sceolan, came across the boat, which had struck the Tuskar Rocks, and burst her lee- board casing. She was in a sinking condition.

The rescuers took her in tow and brought her safely into Carne. Although the weather was fine and the sea moderate, the rescuers were reported to have run a great risk owing to the rocks in the tide race.

Voted £2 to two men, both members of the Crew of the Pwllheli Life-boat, for saving the motor fishing boat Elianora, which was on fire, and rescuing her two occupants, on the 25th September, 1929. Also voted 5s. for fuel con- sumed.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be addressed to the Rev. Canon HOUGHTON, Head Master of Rossall School, thanking the masters and boys ; and to the Chief Constable, Lanca- shire, especially commending the Fleetwood Police, for their services to the steam trawler Commandant Bultinck, of Ostend, on the 2nd October, 1929. About 10.35 p.m., during a strong W.S.W. gale, with a very heavy sea, the vessel ran ashore on the main at Rossall Beach. She carried a crew of twelve. Three of them were drowned in premature efforts to reach the shore, but the survivors "were helped ashore by civilians and police when the tide had receded.

Voted £1 to four men for saving the fishing boat Jane, which had lost her rudder, and rescuing her two occupants, during squally weather with a stiff W.S.W. breeze and a very choppy sea, at Rosslare, on the 10th October, 1929.

Directed that Letters of Appreciation be addressed to Messrs. H. and W. BAYES, for saving the fishing coble Breadwinner and rescuing her two occupants, at Scarborough, in a strong westerly gale with a rough sea on the 14th October, 1929. The Breadwinner was found with her sails blown away and in great danger of being swamped.

Voted £1 to two men for rescuing the three occupants of the pleasure boat Shamrock, of Whitby, on the 23rd October, 1929, when caught in a squall and in danger of being blown out to sea.

Thursday, 19th December, 1929.


Passed a Vote of Thanks to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., for attending the annual matinee at Bradford on the 13th, November, and the Scottish National Assembly and the Life-boat Ball on board the s.s.

Transylvania, on the 21st November.

Passed a Vote of Thanks to H.R.H. The Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, for attending the Royal Matinee, held at the Savoy Theatre on the 5th December.

Reported the death of General Sir Charles Monro, Bt., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.S.I., a member of the Committee of Management, and passed a Vote of Condolence with his widow.

Co-opted Mr. Ernest Armstrong, late Chair- man of the Eastbourne Branch, a member of the Committee of Management.

Reported the resignation from the Com- mittee of Management of Mr. H. Tansley Witt.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ *. d.

Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd., for the Selsey Motor Life- boat to be named Canadian Pacific 6,500 0 0 Executor of the late Captain Alexander Murray (donation) 300 0 0 Captain Sir Charles Cust, Bt., K.C.V.O., C.B., C.M.G., C.I.E., R.N. (additional donation) . 100 0 0 Mrs. F. Josephine Wallis (a thank- offering, donation) . . . 100 0 0 Anonymous (additional donation) 50 0 0 The Hon. and Rev. Edward V. R.

Powys (additional donation) . 30 0 0 Mrs. Clara Head (donation) . . 25 0 0 A Lady (In remembrance of Hus- band and Daughter, donation) 25 0 0 Mr. H. W. Kolle (additional dona- tion) 25 0 0 " Thanksgiving for a Husband's Safe Voyage in the Great Gale" 10 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £17,016 19*. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat Establish- ments.

Voted £410 7s. 3 /. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Rescued.

Angle (Motor) . S.S. Molesey, of London 28 Blyth (Motor) . Motor fishing boat Joyce, of Blyth. Stood by boat.

Bridlington . Twelve fishing boats, of Bridlington. Stood by boats.

Bridlington . Six fishing cobles, of Bridlington. Stood by cobles.

Cromer (Motor) Motor yacht Celia, of Bridlington. Landed 2.

Filey . . . Five motor fishing cobles, of Filey. Stood by cobles.

Flamborough . Five fishing cobles, of No. 1 Flamborough. Stood by cobles.

The Humber . Steam trawler Sea Lion, (Motor) of Grimsby. Stood by vessel.

Hythe . . . Barge Marie May, of Rochester ... 3 Kingstown . An open yawl and a (Motor) motor launch. of Kingstown. Stood by boats.

Minehead . . A fishing boat, of Mine- head. Saved boat and rescued .... 2 Montrose No. 1 Motor fishing boat Rosa, (Motor) of Montrose. Stood by boat.

Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Rescued.

The Mumbles . S.S. Ruth, of Cardiff.

(Motor) Stood by vessel.

North Deal . A boat of s.s. Slaleford, of London. Saved boat and rescued . . 2 Rosslare Har- Ketch Kilgibbon Lass, of bour (Motor) Dublin 2 Rosslare Har- S.S. Goleta, of Swansea.

bour (Motor) Landed 15.

St. Helier . . Tuc Pernis, and a barge.

Stood by vessels.

St. Ives . . Ketch St. Austell, of Barnstaple. Landed 2 and a dog.

Skerries . . Ketch Ivy P., of Ips- wich 4 Southend-on- Barge Onward, of Whit- Sea (Motor) stable 2 Torbay (Motor) Drifter Westcoast, of_ Torquay. Saved boat and rescued ... 2 Torbay (Motor) S.S. Sebastian, of Bilbao.

Stood by vessel.

The Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (Motor) Life-boat assisted to save the ketch Martinet of Goole, and rescued her crew of four ; the North Deal Life-boat stood by the s.s. Frida, of Simrishamn, Sweden ; The Ramsgate (Motor) Life-boat rendered assistance to the s.s.

Llandilo, of London ; and the Rosslare Har- bour (Motor) Life-boat rendered assistance to the s.s. Goleta, of Swansea.

Also voted £1,234 2s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Aberdeen No. 1 (Motor), Aldeburgh No. 2, The Angle (Motor), Barry Dock (Motor), Beaumaris (Motor), Blyth (Motor), Brighton and Hove, Caister, CampbeltownNo. 1 (Motor), Clovelly, Cresswell, Cromer (Motor), Dungeness No. 2, Eastbourne (Motor), Fishguard (Motor), Flambqrough No. 1, Girvan, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (Motor), Hastings, Hilbre Island, Hoylake, The Lizard (Motor), Llandudno, Lowestoft (Motor), Margate (Motor), The Mumbles (Motor), New Brighton No. 2 (Motor), New- haven (Motor), North Deal, Penlee (Motor), Poolbeg, Ramsgate (Motor), Rosslare Harbour (Motor), St. David's (Motor), St. Helier, St.

Ives, St. Peter Port (Motor), Selsey and Bognor (Motor), Shoreham (Motor), Southend- on-Sea (Motor), Southwold (Motor), Staithes, Stonehaven, Stromness (Motor), Sunderland (Motor), Swanage (Motor), Tenby (Motor); Torbay (Motor), Wells, Weymouth (Motor), Whitby No. 2, Worthing, and Yarmouth, I. of W. (Motor).

Passed a further £359 14s. on account of pensions already granted to dependent rela- tives of men who lost their lives in the Life- boat Service at Aldeburgh, Caister, East- bourne, Fethard, Fraserburgh, Holyhead, Johnshaven, Moelfre, The Mumbles, New Brighton, Padstow, Port St. Mary, Rhoscolyn, Rye Harbour, St. David's, and Whitby.

Granted £64 5s. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Baltimore, Blackpool, Bridlington, Cardigan, Moelfre, Walmer, and Walton-on-the-Naze.

Voted a compassionate grant of £3 to THOMAS CROSBIE, who had been a member of the crew of the Blackrock Life-boat for many years, and was in poor circumstances.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to the widow and children of THOMAS SWAN, Assistant Motor Mechanic of the Lowestoft Lifeboat, and a member of the crew for thirty years. Swan had been ill for a long time and left his widow in poor circumstances.

Voted a further gratuity of £10 to RICHARD WILLIAMS, ex-Second Coxswain of the Holy- head No. 1 Steam Life-boat, who had been compelled to retire owing to ill-health, and was in poor circumstances.

Awarded the Silver Medal of the Institution accompanied by a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and framed, to HARRY A. GRIGOS, Jnr., Coxswain of the Hythe Life-boat, in recognition of his very fine seamanship, courage, and initiative, when the Life-boat under his command rescued the crew of three of the barge JIarie May, of Rochester, which was in distress about two miles to the west of Hythe, during a whole W.S.W. gale, with a very heavy sea and rain, in the early hours of the 12th November, 1929. The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and framed was presented to each of the remaining mem- bers of the crew :--ALBAN" WHITE, Second Coxswain, ARTHUR E. WHEELER, Bowman, WRIGHT GRIGGS, Jnr., MARK T. CLOAKE, WILLIAM R. CHEAL, WILLIAM B. SLINGSBY, ALFRED WONFOB, MARK GODDEN, STEPHEN MIDDLETON, GEORGE WIRE, and ALBERT E.

GRIGOS. Also granted additional monetary rewards to each member of the Crew and the Helpers.

Also awarded the Bronze Medal of the Insti- tion, accompanied by a copy of the Vote in- scribed on Vellum and framed, together with an additional monetary reward, to DOUGLAS OILMH, Coxswain of the Dungeness No. 2 Life-boat, in recognition of his good judgment, seamanship, courage, and perseverance, when the Life-boat under his command made a sustained and determined effort to rescue the | crew of the Marie May. The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and framed, together with additional monetary rewards, were also granted to the remaining members of the crew : JOSEPH G. OILLER, Second Cox- swain, TOM R. TART, Bowman, PERCY OILLER, JOHN BRIGNALL, GEORGE TART, GEORGE HAINES, JOHN OILLER, Jnr., WILLIAM BRIG- NALL, FRANCIS OILLER, JOHN E. BRIGNALL, RICHARD OILLER, JOHN W. OILLER, WILLIAM TART, and EDWIN FAIR. An additional monetary reward was also given to the Helpers. (A full account of this Service appears on page 4.) Awarded the Bronze Medal of the Institu- tion, accompanied by a copy of the Vote in- scribed on Vellum and framed, to JAMES WATKINS, Coxswain of the Angle Motor Life- boat, in recognition of his judgment, per- severance, and fine seamanship, when the Life-boat under his command rescued at the third attempt and at considerable risk twenty- eight persons from the s.s. Molesey, of London, which was totally wrecked on Middle Island, between Skomar and the Mainland, Pembroke- shire, in a whole S.W. gale, with a very heavy sea, on the 25th-26th November, 1929. Voted the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and framed, to EDGAR REES, Motor Mechanic, for his efficient handling of the engines throughout the Service ; and to MR. A.

WILLIAMS GUTCH, Honorary Secretary, in recognition of his zeal and for accompanying the Life-boat on her third trip. Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be addressed to the Life-boat crew, and to the Postmaster at Marloes Village. Directed that the attention of the Board of Trade be called to the helpful action of the Divisional Officer of Coastguard at Tenby, and those under his command.

Additional monetary rewards were granted to the Coxswain and Crew of the Life-boat.

Also voted the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and framed, to IVOR ARNOLD, Coxswain of the St. David's Motor Life-boat, in recognition of his good judgment and seamanship, when the Life-boat under his ommand was launched to the Moletcy.

Directed that Letters of Appreciation be addressed to the St. David's Life-boat Crew, Mr. J. SOAR, Honorary Secretary, and to Mr. O. T. EVANS. Additional monetary awards were granted to the Coxswain and Crew of the Life-boat. (A full account of this Service appears on page 6.) Voted the Thanks of the Institution in- scribed on Vellum and framed, to WILLIAM G.

SANDERS, Coxswain of the Torbay Motor Life- boat, in recognition of his devotion to duty, tenacity, and endurance at the age of seventy, when the Life-boat under his command was launched for service on four occasions between the morning of the 5th and the early morning of the 8th December ; the Life-boat being at sea on the occasion of the last two launches for a period of twenty-six hours—with an interval of half an hour—in a strong W.N.W. gale, with a very heavy sea. Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be addressed to the Motor Mechanic. (A full account of these Services appears on page 10.) Granted an additional reward to the Cox- swain and Crew of The Mumbles Motor Life-boat, including the Motor Mechanic, for an arduous service launch on the 5th December.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be sent, through the Honorary Secretary, to the Coxswain and Crew of the Shoreham Motor Life-boat for an arduous service launch on the night of the 6th December.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be sent to all concerned for a successful service launch of the Clovelly Life-boat under severe conditions of weather, on the 7th December.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be sent to the Honorary Secretary at Tenby, con- veying the Institution's Thanks to all who assisted on the occasions of the service launches of the Tenby Motor Life-boat on the 8th and 9th December.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Mr. W. J. B. MONCAS, Honorary Secretary at Rosslare Harbour, for going out in the Life-boat on Service, on the 9th November.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Mr. H. H. EDMUNDS, Honorary Secretary at Barry Dock, for accompanying the Life-boat Crew on Service, on the 7th December.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be addressed to District Inspector HALLORAN, of the Civic Guard at Balbriggan, for his co- operation, on the 24th November, when the Skerries Life-boat was launched on Service.

A Letter was also sent to Sergeant DTJIGNAN, who went out in the boat on this Service.

Awarded a Framed Photograph of a, Life- boat going out to a vessel in distress, suitably inscribed, to W. H. LOOSE, Coxswain of the Brancaster Life-boat, for rescuing, single- handed, on the 15th November, the two occupants of a fishing boat, which, when re- turning from fishing, struck an old wreck and sank immediately in about 8 ft. of water.

Granted £1 to RICHAKD WEIGHT, son of the Coxswain of the Fleetwood Life-boat, for damage to his clothes, sustained while wading into the sea in an endeavour to help the crew of the steam trawler Commandant Bultinck, of Ostend, which stranded at Rossall Beach, near Fleetwood, on the 2nd October.

Voted £4 to four men for rescuing four other men from the burning fishing boat Secret, off Arbroath, on the 15th November. Also granted 7s. as compensation for gear lost.

Great risk is reported to have been run in effecting the rescue. A moderate breeze was blowing with a moderate sea.

Voted £2 to four men for going in search of and saving the motor fishing boat Margaret, and rescuing her crew of two, at Deal, on the 19th November, when her engine had broken down and her sails been blown away. Also granted 5s. for fuel consumed.

Voted £1 10s. to four men for saving the motor fishing boat Four Brothers, and rescuing her crew of four, at Hauxley, on the 5th November, when she got into difficulties iji a strong W.S.W. wind. Also granted 2s. Gd. for fuel consumed.

Voted 15s. to GEORGE ROBINSON, Coxswain of the New Brighton Life-boat, and W. Jonis, Second Coxswain, who put off, with the Motor Mechanic, in the Life-boat's motor boarding boat, and saved the fishing boat Golden A rrow, and rescued her crew of two, at New Brighton, on the llth November, when the boat's sails had been blown away in a south westerly gale and she was being carried out to sea.

Voted £4 2s. 6d. to eleven men for saving the motor fishing coble Silver Line, and rescuing her crew of three, at Staithes, on the 11th December, in a strong W.N.W. gale. Also granted 10s. for fuel consumed..