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News from the Branches

Greater London.

Third Annual Royal Matinee at the Savoy Theatre. (See special report.) Conference of Branch representatives at Westminster City Hall. (See special report in last issue of The Lifeboat.) BALHAM.—Life-boat Day.

BATTERSEA.—Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secre- tary.

BROMLEY (KENT).—Life-boat Day.

CHELSEA.—Drawing-room Meeting, with the Earl of Cranbrook presiding.

Speakers : Colonel the Master of Sempill, a member of the Committee of Management, and Captain Basil Hall, R.N., late District Inspector of Life- boats. Branch formed. Hon. Secre- tary, Miss Place.

Address by the District Organizing Secretary to Toe H, and to the League of Women Helpers.

Visit of the new Dover Motor Life- boat to Cadogan Pier.

EPSOM (SURREY).—Life-boat Day.

Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

HACKNEY.—Drawing-room Sale.

HAYES (MIDDLESEX).—Annual Meet- ing of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Amount collected last year £130 as compared with £51 in the previous year.


KENSINGTON. — Drawing-room Meet- ing at Mrs. Atkinson's house. Speaker : Mr. George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution.

PADDINGTON.—Drawing-room Meet- ing at the house of Mr. H. A. Baker, a member of the Committee of Manage- ment, the Mayor of Paddington pre- siding. Speakers : Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., and Mr. Baker.

PALMERS GREEN.—Life-boat Day.

RICHMOND (SURREY).—Special Meet- ing, the Mayor presiding. Speaker: Mr. H. A. Baker, a member of the Committee of Management. Committee formed. Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

ST. ALBANS (HERTS.).—Drawing-room Meeting. Dance. Address to Toe H by the District Organizing Secretary.





Saviour's District Concert, with address by the District Organizing Secretary.

St. Andrew's District Concert, with an address by the District Organizing Secretary. Carol-singing.

WILLESDBN.—Prize Distribution with address by the District Organizing Secretary.

WIMBLEDON (SURREY). — Life-boat Day.

WOODFORD (ESSEX).—Annual Meet- ing of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Amount collected £280 as compared with £176 in the previous year.

Fourteen addresses and lectures were given by the District Organizing Secre- tary during the quarter in addition to those mentioned.

North-West of England.

ACCRINGTON (LANCASHIRE). — Annual Meeting on 15th November, Mr. F. Cunliffe, J.P., in the chair.

Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day, Whist and Bridge Drive, American Tea. Amount collected last year £183 as compared with £150 in the previous year.

Collections in places of amusement organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.


—American Tea arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

BOLTON (LANCASHIRE). — Bridge Drive.


CARLISLE (CUMBERLAND).—Dance, organized by the Mayoress and Miss Charlton. Whist Drive arranged by Mrs. Martindale, a member of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

CHESTER (CHESHIRE).—Life - boat Lectures given by the Honorary Secre- tary of the Branch at the Campbell Memorial Hall and Chester Training College.

COLNE (LANCASHIRE).—Concert given by the Colne Optimists, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

CONGLETON (CHESHIRE). HoUS6-to- House Collection.

CULCHETH - WITH - KENYON (LAN- CASHIRE).—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

DARWEN (LANCASHIRE). — Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life- boat Guild.

FLEETWOOD (LANCASHIRE) . — Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 21st November. Amount collected last year £5 as compared with £8 in the previous year.

Annual Meeting of the Branch on 16th December. Amount collected last year £366 as compared with £293 in the previous year.

HORWICH (LANCASHIRE). — Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life- boat Guild.


—Schools' Envelope Collection.

KENDAL (WESTMORLAND).—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 3rd December. Amount collected last year £107 as compared with £127 in the previous year.

KESWICK (CUMBERLAND). — Keswick Branch re-constituted. Mr. A. R.

Thomson elected Chairman ; Mrs.

Tindall-Harris, Vice-President; Mrs.

Towers, Hon. Treasurer ; Mrs. Haworth re-elected Honorary Secretary.

KIRKBY STEPHEN (WESTMORLAND).— Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life- boat Guild.

LANCASTER (LANCASHIRE).—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life- boat Guild.


—Collections in Theatres and Cinemas, Halle Concert Collection.

CHE ABLE HULMB.—Ladies' Life-boat Guild reconstituted.

CLAYTON.—Whist Drive and Social.

DENTON.—Dance, organized by Mrs.

J. Bevan.

SALFORD.—Whist Drive.

CHBETHAM. — Lantern Lecture at Rydal Mount Sunday School.

MAKYPOET (CUMBEBLAND). — Enter- tainment and Supper organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild for the Life- boat Crew, their wives and families.

OBBELL (LANCASHIRE).—Whist Drive and Dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

PIEL (BARROW) (LANCASHIRE).— Annual Meeting on 26th November, the Mayor of Barrow in the chair. Speaker : Captain Guy Fanshawe, E.N., a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution. Amount collected last year £197 as compared with £258 in the previous year.

Entertainment by the Philbell Players arranged by Mrs. Warwick Bell.

ROMILEY (CHESHIRE).—Annual Meet- ing on 29th October. Amount col- lected last year £37 as compared with £40 in the previous year.

SANDBACH (CHESHIRE).—Sunday Con- cert at the Palace Cinema, organized by Mrs. R. Smith, Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and Mr.

Smith, Proprietor of the Cinema. Sir Edwin Stockton, J.P., Honorary Secre- tary of the Manchester, Salford and District Branch, took the chair, and gave an address.

STANDISH (LANCASHIRE).—Whist Tea, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

STOCKPOET (CHESHIRE). — Annual Meeting on 1st October. Amount collected last year £353 as compared with £349 in the previous year.

TINTWISTLB (CHESHIRE). — Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WARRINGTON (LANCASHIRE).—Whist Drive at Stockton Heath, organized by Mrs. Strange. Bridge Drive, organized by Mrs. Greaves.

WESTHOUGHTON (LANCASHIRE). — Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WIGAN (LANCASHIRE).—Annual Meet- ing on 31st October. Amount collected last year £98 as compared with £83 in the previous year.

North-East of England.

ALNWICK (NORTHUMBERLAND). — Annual Meeting on 30th October.

Amount collected last year £102 as compared with £110 in the previous year.

BERWICK-ON-TWEED (NORTHUMBER- LAND).—Annual Meeting on 21st November, Commander H. Lillingston, R.N., Chairman of the Branch, pre- siding. Efforts of the year : Annual Ball, Life-boat Day. Amount raised £261 as compared with £348 in 1928.

Annual Ball.

BEVERLEY (YORKSHIRE). — Annual Meeting, the Mayoress, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, in the chair.

Amount collected last year £50 as com- pared with £72 in the previous year.

Whist Drive.

BLAYDON - ON - TYNE (DURHAM).— Annual Meeting. Amount collected last year £30 as compared with £32 in the previous year.

Life-boat Day.

BLYTH (NORTHUMBERLAND).—Sale of work. Bridge and Whist Drives.

BRADFORD (YORKSHIRE).—Thirtieth Life-boat Matinee at the Alhambra Theatre. H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., President of the Institution, was present. (See special report.) Bring and Buy Sale. Entertainment of Bridlington Life-boatmen.

BRIDLINGTON (YORKSHIRE).—Annual Meeting. Amount collected last year £247 as compared with £319 in the previous year. Efforts of the year: Life-boat Day, Organ Day, Whist Drive.

Ladies' Life-boat Guild Annual Out- ing to London.

CULLERCOATS AND WHITLEY BAY (NORTHUMBERLAND).—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs.

Widdows, President, in the chair.

Amount collected last year £21 as com- pared with £31 in the previous year.

GATESHEAD (DURHAM). —• Annual Meeting. Special effort: Life-boat- Day. Amount collected last year £253 as compared with £187 in the previous year.


HALIFAX (YORKSHIRE). — Annual Meeting in the Town Hall, the Mayoress presiding. Efforts of the year : Play, "The Man from Toronto," by the " Thespians " and friends, Concert, Bridge Drive given by the Mayoress.

Amount collected last year £230 as compared with £233 in the previous year.

Bridge Drive.

HARROGATE (YORKSHIRE). — Dis- trict Conference. (See special report.) HARTLEPOOL (DURHAM).—Presenta- tion of Centenary Vellum by Sir God- frey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management. (A special report will appear in the next issue of The Lifeboat.) Dance and Whist Drive.

HAUXLEY (NORTHUMBERLAND). — Annual Meeting on 30th October.

Amount collected last year £55 as com- pared with £63 in the previous year.


HUDDERSFIELD (YORKSHIRE).— Annual Meeting and Musical Evening in the Town Hall, the Mayoress presiding.

Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day and American Tea. Amount col- lected last year £398 as compared with £401 in the previous year.

HULL (YORKSHIRE). — Propaganda Stall at Hull Civic Week Exhibition.

KEIGHLEY (YORKSHIRE).—Drawing- room Meeting at Skipton.

LEEDS (YORKSHIRE).—Annual Meet- ing of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Mrs. C. A. Hemmingway appointed Honorary Secretary.

MELTHAM (YORKSHIRE). — Whist Drive and Dance.


M O T T R A M AND BROADBOTTOM (CHESHIRE). —- Annual Meeting, llth December. Amount collected last year £7 as compared with £42 in the previous year.

NEWBIGGIN (NORTHUMBBRLAND).— Meeting of Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Address by the District Organizing Secretary.

NEWBURN (NORTHUMBERLAND). — Whist Drive and Dance.

PATRINGTON (YORKSHIRE).—Lantern Lectures in the neighbouring villages.


RAWMARSH (YORKSHIRE). — Pie Supper. Dance.

SCARBOROUGH (YORKSHIRE) .— Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. Councillor Whitfield, Presi- dent, in the chair.

SEAHAM (DURHAM).—Dance, attended by the Marchioness of Londonderry, President of the Durham County Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

SOWERBY BRIDGE (YORKSHIRE).— Annual Meeting, Mrs. Bethune, Presi- dent of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, in the chair. Amount collected last year £24 as compared with £48 in the previous year.

SPENBOROUGH (YORKSHIRE).—Bridge and Whist Drive.

STAINLAND (YORKSHIRE).—Musical Evening given by Miss Lucy McLaren and her pupils of the Halifax Academy of Music. Whist Drive and Dance.


—Annual Meeting. Mrs. Tyson Hodg- son, President in the chair. Amount collected last year £143 as compared with £171 in the previous year.

SUNDERLAND (DURHAM).—Presenta- tion of Centenary Vellum by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution. (A special report will appear in the next number of The Lifeboat.) WEST HARTLEPOOL (DURHAM).— Bridge and Whist Drive.

YORK.—Address by the District Organizing Secretary to Toe H.


BADSEY (WORCESTERSHIRE).—Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Mrs.


BIRMINGHAM.—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Lffe-boat Guild, Mrs. Geoffrey Bird, Chairman, presiding. Efforts of last year : Whist Drives, Sunday Con- cert at Scala Theatre, Theatre Collec- tions, Life-boat Day and two Dances.

Annual Life-boat Dance. Presenta- tion by Mrs. Geoffrey Bird of the framed photograph of a Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress, awarded by the Institution to Mrs. Ceilings-Jones, of Smethwick.

Collections for one week at the Scala Theatre.

Private Cinema Show at Blythe Hall, through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs.

Geoffrey Bird.

Four Wireless Addresses given by the District Organizing Secretary in Sep- tember and October ; another given on Armistice Day, and another, entitled " Christmas at Sea," in December.

Addresses by the District Organizing Secretary at Y.M.C.A. Headquarters, St. Andrew's Church, the Congrega- tional Church, Birchfields, and Hands- worth Toe H.

BLAKENEY (GLOUCESTERSHIRE). — New Branch formed. Honorary Secre- tary, Mr. Allan J. Davis.

BRISTOL (GLOUCESTERSHIRE). — Annual Life-boat Ball.


COLESHILL (WARWICKSHIRE).—Life- boat visited town.

COVENTRY (WARWICKSHIRE).—Public presentation by Lieut.-Colonel C. E.

Satterthwaite, R.E., O.B.E., the Deputy Secretary of the Institution, of the awards made to Alderman Drinkwater, Mr. Liggins, the Honorary Secretary, and Chief Officer Drake of the City Fire Brigade. Life-boat Day, with Life- boat taken through the streets.


DUDLEY (WORCESTERSHIRE). — Branch formed. Joint Honorary Secre- taries, Mr. J. E. Jones and Mr. G- Thomason. Life-boat Day. Life-boat taken through the streets. Meeting in the Opera House, with address by the District Organizing Secretary.



Life-boat Day, with Life-boat taken through the streets.



LYE (WORCESTERSHIRE). — Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Mrs.


NEW MILLS (DERBYSHIRE).—Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Mrs. E.

G. Pogson.

NORTHAMPTON (NORTHANTS). — Annual Meeting on 23rd October. The Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speaker : the District Organiz- ing Secretary. Amount collected last year £43 as compared with £345 in the previous year. The principal cause of the fall in the amount collected was that the local authority refused permission for a Life-boat Day.

NORTHLEACH (GLOUCESTERSHIRE). Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Miss Frances Barrow.

NOTTINGHAM.—Annual Meeting on 16th December, the Duke of Portland, Patron of the Branch, in the chair, supported by Lieut.-Colonel F. Rayner, Chairman, Mr. A. E. Hazell, Honorary Secretary, and Miss Derbyshire, Hono- rary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Reported that the City of Notting- ham Motor Life-boat had been completed.

Amount collected last year £528 as compared with £341 in the previous year.

NUNEATON (WARWICKSHIRE).—Collec- tions at Scala Theatre.

RUGBY (WARWICKSHIRE). •— Annual Dance.

SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR (WORCESTER- SHIRE).—Address to the Women's Insti- tute by the District Organizing Secre- tary.

SLEAEORD (LINCOLNSHIRE).—Special Meeting, with address by the District Organizing Secretary. Mrs. Clare ap- pointed Honorary Secretary.

STAFFORD.—Special Meeting to re- vive the Branch. Honorary Secretary, Mrs. Price.

STOKE-ON-TKENT AND NEWCASTLE (STAFFORDSHIRE).—Annual Meeting of the Stoke Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs.

Moxon, Vice-President, in the chair.

Speaker : The District Organizing Sec- retary. Efforts of last year: Life- boat Day, Bridge Drives, Garden Party.

The Challenge Shield for the Midlands District in the Life-boat Essay Compe- tition presented by the Mayoress of Stoke to a boy at the Normacot Church of England School.

Annual Meeting of Newcastle Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. Baggaley, Vice- President, in the chair. Speaker : The District Organizing Secretary. Efforts of last year: Life-boat Day, Whist Drive.

Addresses given by the District Organizing Secretary in ten different Schools on the occasion of the presenta- tion of Essay Certificates.


STROUD (GLOUCESTERSHIRE). — Special Meeting arranged by Mrs.

Allen, President of the Branch, with addresses by Admiral Wills and the District Organizing Secretary.



—Annual Meeting of the Branch, Mr.

A. C. Skidmore, Chairman, presiding.

Speaker : The District Organizing Sec- retary. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day, Dances, Carol Party, Entertainments. Amount collected last year £475 as compared with £98 in the previous year.

Presentation of Essay Certificate to a boy at Central School, Bilston, by Mr.

G. le M. Mander, M.P., President of Branch.

South-Blast of England.

ALDEBDRGH (SUFFOLK). — Annual Meeting of the Branch. Amount col- lected last year £133 as compared with.

£111 in the previous year.

ASHFORD (KENT).—Mrs. Johnson Smyth, B.A., the Honorary Secretary at Canterbury, gave lectures to about 1,000 school children. Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.


BEXHILL-ON-SEA (Sussex).—Annual Meeting on 14th November. Miss Warren Fisher appointed Honorary Secretary in place of Major H. Haworth, who had resigned. Amount collected last year £189 as compared with £162 in the previous year.


BOGNOK REGIS (SUSSEX). — Carol Singing.

BRAINTREE (ESSEX).—Life-boat Day.

CAMBERLEY (SURREY). — Life-boat Day.

CANTERBURY (KENT).—Lectures by Mrs. Johnson Smyth, B.A., Honorary Secretary of the Branch. Life-boat Day.


CHIPPERFIELD (HERTFORDSHIRE).— Jumble Sale and American Tea.

CLACTON-ON-SEA (ESSEX).—Annual Meeting of the Branch. Amount col- lected last year £936 as compared with £315 in the previous year. This notable increase is entirely due to the fact that £660 was obtained by col- lections in the Life-boat House.

CRANBROOK AND HAWKHURST (KENT).—Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Commander A. Thursfield, R.N.

DARTFORD (KENT).—Life-boat Day.

Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Miss A. S. Hayward.

EASTBOURNE (SUSSEX). — Annual General Meeting on 23rd December.

Mr. Norman S. Holland, the Chairman of the Branch, presiding. Effort of the past year: Lifeboat Day. Amount collected last year £1,527 as compared with £1,396 in the previous year.

Lectures to schools by Mrs. Astley Eoberts, President of the Ladies' Life- boat Guild.



FAVERSHAM (KENT). — Life-boat Day.

FOLKESTONE (KENT).—Lecture by Captain G. C. Holloway, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R., member of the Committee of Management at Newington. Lecture by Miss E. Hopkins, Honorary Secre- tary of the Women's Auxiliary, at Cheriton. Sale of Work at the house of Mrs. Craufurd-Stuart, wife of the Honor- ary Secretary of the Branch. Ball.


GREAT YARMOUTH AND GORLESTON (SUFFOLK).—Following the Armistice Day Service on llth November, the Motor Life-boat committed wreaths to the sea in memory of the men of the Navy, Merchant Service and Fishing Fleets who gave their lives in the Great War.

HERNE BAY (KENT).—Lecture by the Honorary Secretary to a school, and film shown at Cinema. Branch re- formed. Honorary Secretary, Mr. C.

J. Greene.

HERTFORD (HERTFORDSHIRE).— Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Mr. W. T. Marsh.

HOLT (NORFOLK).—Life-boat Day.

KESSINGLAND (SUFFOLK).—Concert and presentation of the Gold Brooch awarded to Mrs. Woolfield, Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment of the Institution.

LAINDON AND BILLERICAY (ESSEX).— Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Mr. Edward Pearce.

LEATHERHEAD (SURREY).—Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Mr. H. E.

Burnett. Carol Singing. Lecture to Toe H by the District Organizing Secretary.

MAIDSTONE (KENT).—Branch re- formed.

MARGATE (KENT).—Dinner to Life- boat Crew by Mr. T. W. Gomm, Honor- ary Secretary of the Branch, and Mrs.


MARLOW (BUCKINGHAMSHIRE). — Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Miss Magill.

NEWHAVEN (SUSSEX).—Annual Meet- ing of the Branch. Amount collected last year £95 as compared with £87-in the previous year.

Dinner to the Life-boat Crew, and presentation of Centenary Vellum by Rear-Admiral T. P. H. Beamish, C.B., M.P., a member of the Committee of Management, (A special report will appear in the next issue of The Life- boat.) RYE (SUSSEX).—Presentation by the Mayor (Councillor J. M. Jenkins) of the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, awarded to Captain L. A.

Vidler, late Honorary Secretary.


SOUTHEND-ON-SEA (ESSEX).—Annual Meeting of the Branch. Amount col- lected last year £526 as compared with £426 in the previous year.

SOUTHWICK (SUSSEX).—Ceremony of receiving the new Motor Life-boat, and Life-boat Day. (See special report.) SOUTHWOLD (SUFFOLK). — Annual Meeting of the Branch. Amount col- lected last year £130 as compared with £157 in the previous year.

STEVENAGE (HERTFORDSHIRE). — Bridge and Whist Drive.

SUDBURY (SUFFOLK).—Life-boat Day.

TUNBRIDGE WELLS (KENT).—Enter- tainment at the Opera House. Speeches by the Mayor, Sir Frank Meyer, Bt., a member of the Committee of Manage- ment, and the District Organizing Secretary.

WALTON-ON-NAZE (ESSEX).—Annual Meeting of the Branch. Amount col- lected last year £260 as compared with £254 in the previous year.

WHITSTABLE (KENT). — Life-boat Day.


Addresses were also given by the District Organizing Secretary at Sit- tingbourne (Kent) and Headley (Surrey).

South-West of England.

BASINGSTOKE (HAMPSHIRE).—Annual Meeting. Amount collected last year £82 as compared with £56 in the pre- vious year.

BATH (SOMERSETSHIRE). — Annual Meeting on 20th November. Brigadier- General E. H. Molesworth, C.B., Presi- dent of the Branch, in the chair.

Speaker: The District Organizing Secretary. Amount collected last year £337 as compared with £340 in the previous year.

BEAMINSTER (DORSETSHIRE).—Meet- ing at Public Hall, with films. Whist Drive.

BODMIN (CORNWALL). — Life-boat Day.

BOURNEMOUTH (HAMPSHIRE). — Special Meeting. Colonel Stenhouse elected Honorary Secretary in place of Mr. William Fox, who had resigned.

Mr. Fox and Admiral Miller joined the Committee.

DORCHESTER (DORSETSHIRE).— Seventh Annual Dance.

EXETER.—Mrs. Arthur Reed, Chair- man of the Branch, entertained workers to tea at her house. Address by the District Organizing Secretary.

FOWEY (CORNWALL). — Meeting at Fowey Hall, Lady Hanson presiding.

Address by the District Organizing Secretary. Guild formed. Lady Hanson, President; Joint Honorary Secretaries: Mrs. Goldsmith and Miss Grose.

ISLE OF WIGHT.—H.E.H. Princess Beatrice, Patron of the Branch, at- tended a special meeting at the Town Hall, Newport. Committee formed to carry out two days' Fete in June next.

Liss (HAMPSHIRE).—Special Meeting on 28th November. Address by Mr.

George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution. Liss section of Petersfield Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Miss Lyall. Honorary Treasurer, Major Sir Maurice Cameron, K.C.M.G., a member of the Committee of Manage- ment of the Institution.

OXFORD.—Life-boat Day.

PAIGNTON (DEVONSHIRE). — Special Meeting arranged by Mrs. Higgin.

Address by the District Organizing Secretary, who was presented, on behalf of an anonymous worker for the Institu- tion, with a silver horse-shoe and a sum of money. The money he handed back to start the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, which was formed at the meeting.

President, Mrs. Higgin; Chairman, Mrs. Templer; Honorary Secretary, Mrs. G. Courtenay Symons.

PLYMOUTH.—Annual Meeting on 12th October, Admiral John de M. Hutchi- son, Chairman of the Branch, pre- siding. Amount collected last year £734 as compared with £492 in 1928.

This great increase was due to the fine work of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, which raised £513.

RINGWOOD (HAMPSHIRE). — Special Meeting. Address by the District Organizing Secretary. Presentation to the Honorary Secretary, Miss Hewett, of framed photograph awarded to her by the Institution.

ST. AUSTELL (CORNWALL).—Life-boat Day.


SOUTHAMPTON (HAMPSHIRE).—Col- lection at the Grand Theatre. Appeal by Mr. Sharp, Chairman of the Branch.

SWANAGE (DORSETSHIRE). —• Annual Meeting of the Branch. Amount col- lected last year £129 as compared with £149 in the previous year.

WINCHESTER (HAMPSHIRE).—" The Dansant," arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Address by the Dis- trict Organizing Secretary.

Addresses were also given by the District Organizing Secretary at HEN- LEY (OXFORDSHIRE) and two at WAR- MINSTER (WILTSHIRE).



BANFF, MACDUFF AND WHITEHILLS (BANFFSHIKE).—Whist Drive and Dance at Whitehills.

BURNTISLAND (FiFESHiRE).—Annual Meeting on 14th November. Amount collected last year £48.



DUNBAR (HADDINGTONSHIRE).— Annual Meeting. Amount raised last year £297 as compared with £243 in 1928.

Presentation to Mr. John Main, a member of the Life-boat Crew, of the Daily Record Gold Medal, the Carnegie Hero Trust Testimonial, framed in oak, with a cheque for £10, and the Royal Humane Society's Vellum, in recogni- tion of his gallantry in saving nine persons from drowning during the last two years.

DUNDEE (FORFARSHIRE).—Annual Meeting on 20th November, Mr. J. M.

Hunter Mitchell, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speakers: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, and Com- mander the Hon. A. D. Cochrane, D.S.O., Vice-Chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council. Amount collected last year £1,128 4s. Id!., as compared with £385 12s. 8d. in the previous year.

DUNOON (ARGYLLSHIRE). — Whist Drive. Address by the District Organ- izing Secretary.

EDINBURGH.—Scottish National Life- boat Assembly, 21st November, in the Usher Hall at 3 P.M., attended by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., the Duke of Montrose, Chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council, presiding.

(See special report.) Annual Meeting on 28th November, Lord Provost Whitson, President, in the chair. Speakers : Rear-Admiral T. J.

Hallett, C.B.E., Commanding Officer, Coast of Scotland, and the Hon. Lord Mackay. Amount collected last year £1,721 as compared with £1,979 in the previous year.

Scottish Life-boat Council Meeting, Commander the Hon. A. D. Cochrane, D.S.O., R.N., Vice-Chairman, presiding.

Dance at the Palais de Danse, Fountainbridge, arranged by the Manager.

Lantern Lecture to Lockhait Mem- orial Young Men's Guild.

Cramond Bridge Whist Drive.

Bridge Drive and Whist Drive at Juniper Green.

GLASGOW (LANARKSHIRE).—Tran- sylvania Ball, attended by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., President of the Institution. (See special report.) HAWICK (ROXBURGHSHIRE).—Life- boat Day.






PEEBLES (PEEBLES-SHIRE). — Life- boat Day.





BALLYMONEY (WEXFORD).—Cinema Performance.

BANDON (Co. CORK).—Ladies' Life- boat Guild formed.

BELFAST.—Third Annual Ball Organ- ized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild at the Plaza. Guests received by the Marchioness of Londonderry, D.B.E., President, and Lady Dixon, D.B.E., First Vice-President and Chairman of the Committee.

CAHIR (TIPPERARY).—Life-boat Day.

CAVAN (CAVAN).—Life-boat Day.

CLONMEL (TIPPERARY). —• Life-boat Day.

COLERAINE (LONDONDERRY). — Annual Meeting on 8th October. Mrs.

Kydd elected President in place of the Mayoress, who resigned owing to ill- health. Amount collected last year £33 as compared with £58 in the pre- vious year.

Cinema performance.

FERMOY (CORK).—Life-boat Day.

MULLINGAR (WESTMEATH).—Ladies' Life-boat Guild formed.

NORTH WESTMEATH.—New Branch formed. Honorary Secretary, Miss Rose Chapman.

PORTRUSH (ANTRIM).—Cinema per- formance.

ROSCREA (TIPPERARY).—Ladies' Life- boat Guild formed.


CARDIFF (GLAMORGANSHIRE).—An- nual Meeting on 22nd October, the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speakers: Sir Herbert Lewis, Mr. Samuel Thomas, J.P., and the District Organizing Secretary.

Amount collected last year £292 as compared with £508 in the previous year.

COLWYN BAY (DENBIGHSHIRE).— Presentation by Lord Colwyn to Mr.

Thomas E. Purdy, J.P., C.C., Honorary Secretary of the Branch, of the Vellum, signed by the Prince of Wales, appoint- ing him an Honorary Life-Governor.

Mr. David Gamble, J.P., President of the Branch, was iu the chair, and the Institution was represented by Mr.

H. G. Solomon, District Organizing Secretary. Among those present were the Mayor and Mayoress of Conway, the Chairman of the County Council, the Chairman of the Urban District Council, and representatives of the Hospital, Boy Scouts, Athletic Clubs and Police.

CONWAY (CARNARVONSHIRE).—Whist Drive and Dance.

FLINT (FLINTSHIRE).—Life-boat Day.