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A Fishing Boat and a Steamer

Torbay (Devon).

Between the 5th and the 7th December, with a strong gale blowing the whole time and a very heavy sea, the Torbay Motor Life-boat was out on service four times. She was out _for two hours on the 5th, rescuing the Crew of a fishing boat, and again for two hours on the 6th. She was called out for the third time just before 2 in the morning of the 7th, and stood by a steamer until she was able to get into Torbay. She did not return until 10.30 in the morning, having then been out for nearly nine hours. Half an hour later she was launched again in response to a wireless call for help from an unnamed ship nearly forty miles away.

She had to fight her way in the teeth of a whole gale, and then she searched for four hours, but could find nothing except a few floating planks. It was nearly 7 in the evening when she began her journey home, and she did not reach her Station until 4 the following morning.

The second service had lasted seventeen hours. On these two services the Life-boat had been out for twenty-six hours, exposed to the full fury of the gales, with only an interval of half an hour ashore between the two, during which time the Crew had been able to get into dry clothes and have a little warm food. Coxswain W. G. Sanders, who is seventy years old, was awarded the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum, in recognition of his devotion to duty, tenacity and endurance. A Letter of Appreciation was sent to the Motor Mechanic, F. J. Welch..