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Life-Boat Gifts for Christmas

WE would remind readers of The Life- boat that, as announced in the September journal, the Institution is issuing a Calendar for 1930. This calendar re- produces in colours a picture, " All Saved," which was specially painted for the Institution by Mr. Charles Dixon, R.I.

The calendars are 11| inches long by 9 inches wide, and they can be obtained from the Institution in any quantity, post free, Is. each,, or ,10s'.. a "dozen, this price including an envelope' with, each calendar. It weighs, in the envelope, just under 4 ounces, so that it can be sent through the post, with the envelope open, for Id.

Those who wish to order calendars should do so at once. They should apply to the Secretary, Royal National Life- boat Institution, Life-boat House, 22, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2, and should enclose with their order a .postal order or stamps.

We would also remind our readers of the Life-boat souvenirs which the In- stitution has for sale, as many may like to use them for Christmas gifts. The following are the souvenirs and their prices :-— Nickel-plated Life-boatman motor- mascot, 5 inches high, 10s. 6rf. (Mascots of this type cannot be obtained in the motor trade under £1 each.) Nickel-plated Life-boatman motor- mascot, 3|- inches high, 6s.

(Only a few of these mascots are left.) Brass statuette of Life-boatman, 5| inches high, 6s. fid.

Black metal statuette of Life-boat- man, 6 inches high, 2s. 6d.

Brass ashtray, with statuette of Life- boatman, 4| inches high, 6s.

Brass ashtray, with statuette of Life- boatman, 3 inches high (antique finish), 3s. fid.

Brass paper-knife, with Life-boatman handle, 8 inches long, 2s. &d.

Nickel-plated bottle-opener, with Life-boatman handle, 44 inches long, 2s. fid.

Any readers of The Lifeboat who wish to buy these souvenirs for Christ- mas should apply to the Secretary, enclosing a cheque or postal order, and the souvenirs will be sent at once, post free..