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Italian Honour for St. Mary's, Scilly

THE Italian Government lias recog- nised the gallantry of the Life-boat Crew at St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly, and of the others who took part in the rescue of the crew of the Italian steamer Iscibo on 27th October, 1927, by the award of four Silver and thirty-four Bronze Medals. One of the Silver Medals has been awarded to Coxswain Matthew Lethbridge, and a Bronze Medal to each member of the Crew.

The Isabo. it will be remembered, was wrecked on the Scilly Rock, in a dense fog and heavy swell, late in the after- noon. In the midst of jagged rocks and floating wreckage, three small boats succeeded, at great danger to them- selves, in rescuing 28 men. When the Motor Life-boat from St. Mary's, four miles away, arrived after a perilous journey among the rocks in the fog, night had come, a gale was blowing, and the seas were breaking not only over the steamer, but over the men in the rigging. It was hopeless to attempt a rescue until day came, so the Life-boat stood by until dawn. Then she rescued the remaining three men. As each man slipped off the wreck, she dashed in among the rocks, threw him a line, and towed him clear. A fourth man was rescued from a rock. He had nothing on but a life-belt, and he was actually asleep when the Life-boat arrived, and was wakened by the report of her line-throwing gun. Thirty-two men in all were saved; six lost their lives.* * A full account of this service appeared in The Lifeboat for November, 1C27.

The Institution awarded its Silver Medal to Coxswain Matthew Lethbridge, its Bronze Medal to Second Coxswain J. T. Lethbridge, Motor Mechanic T. H.

Rokahr and Dr. W. E. Ivers, who went out in the Life-boat, and its Thanks inscribed on Vellum to Dr. Addison, the Honorary Secretary, and each member of the Crew. It also awarded one Silver Medal, three Bronze Medals and thirteen Thanks inscribed on Vellum to others who took part in the rescue.

The Italian Awards were presented on 19th September last at a meeting at St. Mary's at which Major A. A. Uorrien- Smith, "j.P., President of the Scilly Islands Branch, took the chair. An account of the rescue was given by Mr. Harold Sandrey, the local repre- sentative of the Italian Government.

Mrs. Dorrien-Smith presented the Medals, and with each Medal was given a translation of the Italian warrant, as follows :— " Ministry of the Marine. H.M. The King, by decree of the 9th of May, 1929, and the seventh year of the Fascisti, i confers the Silver or Bronze Medal for valour a't sea on , who embarked on , for the high sense of duty, • devotion, and absolute disregard of j danger, displayed under adverse weather conditions, and proceeded to the rescue of the shipwrecked sailors in the S.8.

Isabo cast away by reason of dense fog.

Scilly Rock, 27.10.27.

'• Rome, 5th July, 1929. 7th year of the Fascisti.

(Signed) MUSSOLINI..