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Awards to Honorary Workers

Mr. T. E. PURDY, J.P., C.C., has been elected an Honorary Life Governor of the Institu- tion, in recognition of his long and valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the Colwyn Bay Branch, and will be presented with a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and signed by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., as President.

Alderman A. H. DEINKWATER, J.P., has been appointed an Honorary Life Governor of the Institution in recognition of his long and distinguished services as Chairman of the Coventry Branch, and will be presented with a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and signed by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., as President.

To Mr. WILLIAM LIGGINS, in recognition of his valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretary of the Coventry Branch, the Gold Pendant and the Record of Thanks.

To the Officers and Men of the Coventry Fire Brigade, in acknowledgment of their generous co-operation by personal service in raising funds for the Institution annually on Life-boat Day, a Framed Photograph of a Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Mr. LEWIS B. Ross, J.P., upon his retire- ment after thirty-one years' service as Honorary Secretary of the North Sunderjand I Branch, the Thanks of the Institution ' inscribed on Vellum.

To Mr. ALEXANDER RODIE, on his retirement after twelve years' service as Honorary Secretary of the Port Logan and Bay of Luce Branch, the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum.

To Mrs. J. R. HEATH, in recognition of her valuable co-operation as Honorary Secre- tary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild at Barmouth, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Mrs. LATHBUBY, in recognition of her valuable co-operation as Honorary Secretary of the Chipperfield Branch, the Gold Brooch and the Record of Thanks.

To Mr. W. VAUGHAN, in recognition of his valuable co-operation as Honorary Secre- ( tary of the Burton-on-Trent Branch, a, Framed Photograph of a Life-boat going ! out to a vessel in distress. ! To Mrs. CoLUNGS-JoNES, in recognition of her valuable co-operation as President and ] Honorary Secretary of the Smethwick [ Branch, a Framed Photograph of a Life- boat going out to a vessel in distress. j To Mr. A. R. HOLLANDS, Manager of the Leeds | Empire Theatre, in acknowledgment of his generous and valuable services in organising Matinees in aid of the Funds of the Institu- tion, a Framed Photograph of a Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress..