The Help of Mayors and Mayoresses. A Record?
The Example of South port.
THE Institution is fortunate in having in a large number of its Branches, particularly in the North of England, the support, and very often the active personal help as well, of the Mayors and Provosts and their wives. It happens also in some cases that after vacating office the Mayor and Mayoress continue to give their help. This has been notably so in the case of Southport, Lancashire. Here the Mayor, during his term of office, serves as a member of the Branch Committee, while the Mayoress is President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. It is theii invariable practice to continue to take a practical interest in the Branch when their year of office is over, and at Life-boat Day held on 22nd June last, the Branch not only had the active help of the present Mayor and Mayoress, but had no fewer than five ex-Mayors and five ex-Mayoresses engaged either in collecting in the streets or counting money in the Town Hall.
This is a splendid example of the way in which work for the Life-boat Cause can become one of the natural civic duties of a town. We think it must be a record, but if any other Branch can beat it, or equal it, or, in fact, show anything like the same measure of civic help, we shall be very glad to publish its record in The Lifeboat..