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The Fishwives of Cullercoats

THE fishwives of Cullercoats carried out their eighth consecutive collection on behalf of the Institution on 3rd August, when the Cullercoats Life-boat held its quarterly road exercise and launch.

As in previous years, they had the help of the Newcastle Highland Pipe Band, which again generously gave its services free. This year they had also the help of the Coliseum Picture Hall at Whitley.

Collections were made outside the Coliseum each evening in the week, and on the day itself an appeal was made from the stage, a Life-boat film was shown, and a collection taken inside the house.

Altogether over £146 was collected, £9 more than in 1928. The collection started in 1922, when the result was £58. In only one year since then have the fishwives failed to collect more than in the previous year, and in the eight years they have collected over £898.

Mrs. Polly Donkin, who each year has easily headed the list, this year beat her last year's record by £7. She collected £52! Many Branches of the Institution collect less in the whole year than this one fishwife, and we look forward confidently to seeing her get into three figures..