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Summary of Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 17th January, 1929.

SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Decided to forward to the South Holland Life-boat Society a message expressing regret and sympathy in connexion with the loss of the Hook of Holland Steam Life-boat Prins der Nederlanden and her crew of eight men on 16th January.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ t. d.

Anonymous . . . . 1,000 0 0 King George's Fund for Sailors . 1,000 0 0 Alexander 0. Joy, Esq..Towards cost of a new Life-boat . . 1,000 0 0 Cunard S.S. Co., Ltd.— Subscription . . . . 100 0 0 Donation . . . . 100 0 0 Herbert Jones, Esq. . . . 100 0 0 James Van Allen Shields, Esq., (Donation) . . . . 100 0 0 Messrs. John & E. Bosher (Subscription) . . . 63 0 0 W. B., Lloyd's (Donation) . 53 0 0 Anonymous (Additional Donation) 50 0 0 Alfred Barrett, Esq., J.P. (Donation) 26 5 0 The Hon and Rev. Edward V. R.

Powys (Additional Donation) . 26 5 0 Mrs. Allen (Additional Donation) 25 0 0 A. N. Garland, Esq. (Donation) . 25 0 0 H. W. Kolle, Esq. (Additional Donation) . . . 25 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £21,958 3*. 5d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £528 5s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat Services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Rescued.

Ballycotton . S.S. Celtic, of Liverpool.

Stood by vessel.

Boulmer . . Five fishing cobles, of Boulmer. Stood by cobles.

Filey . . . Motor coble Dorothy, of Filey. Stood by coble.

Filey . . . Sixteen motor cobles, of Filey. Stood by cobles.

Flamborough Three fishing cobles, of No. 1. Flamborough. Stood by cobles.

Lowestoft . . Steam trawler Elnet, of (Motor) Ymuiden. Stood by vessel.

Moelfre. . . Ketch Henrietta, of Kilkeel.

Landed 3.

Moelfre. . . Schooner Mountblairy, of Plymouth. Landed 4.


Montrose No. 1 (Motor) Padstow (Tug) Palling No. 2 .

Ramsgate .

(Motor) Scarborough .

(Motor) Swanage (Motor) Teesmouth (Motor) Torbay (Motor) Walmer Whitby No. 2 .

Whitby (Motor) Whitby (Motor) Lives Vessel. Rescued.

Steam trawler Chimaera, of Grimsby . . . 8 Motor fishing boat Our Girlie, of Port Isaac . 5 S.S. Hursehy, of Hull.

Stood by vessel.

The East Goodwin Lightvessel.

Stood by vessel.

Five fishing cobles, of Scarborough. Escorted cobles into harbour.

S.S. Groivenor, of Newcastle.

Rendered assistance.

Schooner Orne, of Svendborg.

Stood by vessel.

Schooner Jane Banks, of Fowey . . . . 5 S.S. Dione, of Hamburg.

Stood by vessel.

Six motor fishing boats, of Whitby. Escorted boats into harbour.

Six fishing boats, of Whitby. Escorted boats into harbour.

Motor fishing boat Diligence, of Whitby. Escorted boat into harbour.

The Walton-on-the-Naze (Motor) Life-boat saved the S.S. Duris, of Newcastle, and rescued from shipwreck her crew of fourteen.

Also voted £301 14s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Aberdeen No. 1 (Motor), Buckie (Motor), Dunbar, Eastbourne (Motor), Holyhead No. 2, Hoylake, New Brighton No. 2 (Motor), North Deal, Pwllheli, Ramsgate (Motor), Teesmouth (Motor), Teignmouth, Thurso, Wells and Wicklow (Motor).

Passed a further £59 13*. 8d. on account of pensions already granted to dependent relatives of men who lost their lives in the Lifeboat Service at Caister, Eastbourne, Rhoscolyn and Whitby.

Granted £19 to a man for injury in the Lifeboat Service at Plymouth.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to George Morris, who, after fifteen years' service with the Hoylake and Hilbre Life-boats, is now incapacitated permanently by illness and in very poor circumstances.

Awarded a Binocular Glass, suitably inscribed, to Mr. W. M. Friskney, Honorary Secretary at Teesmouth, for going out in the Motor Life-boat on service on the 26th and 31st December, 1928.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be sent to Captain J. T. Shaw, Honorary Secretary at Redcar, for going out in the Teesmouth Motor Life-boat on service on the 26th December, 1928.

Granted additional rewards to the crew and helpers of the Teesmouth Motor Life-boat for an arduous service launch on 31st December, 1928.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks, specially mentioning the work of the mechanics, be sent, through the Honorary Secretary, to the Coxswain and Crew of the Lowestoft Motor Life-boat in recognition of the fine service on 30th December, 1928, when the Life-boat stood by the Dutch trawler Elnet.

Reported that the Board of Trade had expressed its appreciation of the assistance given on this service to the Life-saving Apparatus Company by the Life-boat Coxswain in playing the searchlight on the wreck.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to ex-Coxswain W. Stephenson, of Boulmer, who took charge of the Life-boat on 9th January, when she was launched, in the absence of most of the regular members of her crew, to the aid of the local fishing boats.

Also directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Mr. H. B. Stephenson, Honorary Secretary, who went out in the Life-boat on the same occasion.

Voted £5 to two men and a boy for rescuing four men, belonging to Gweesalia, Co. Mayo, on 13th October, 1928. The men were taking rushes in a boat across the Owenmore River from Coolaba to Pullahada, but the boat was over-loaded, and they came to grief about three-quarters of a mile from land. With the help of oars and the rushes, the men supported themselves until rescued. Moderate risk was incurred by the salvors in getting the men into their 16-foot boat.

Granted £2 to cover the expenses of two motor fishing boats which put out from Whitby to search for the motor fishing boat Diligence, on 28th December. 1928.

Thursday, 21st February, 1929.

SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Passed a Vote of Thanks to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., for his appeal to the Shipping Companies, which had resulted in the White Star Line, the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company and the Union Castle Mai] Steamship Company defraying the cost of new Motor Life-boats for Fishguard and Weymouth.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

White Star Line, for the new Fishguard Motor Life-boat to be named White Star (Donation) . 8,500 0 0 £ *. d.

Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. and Union Castle Mail Steamship Co., for the new Weymouth Motor Life-boat to be named Lady Kylsant (Donation) . . 6,500 0 0 " A W." (Additional Donation) . 100 0 0 Celbridge (Co. Kildare) Collegiate School (Collection) . . 50 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £20,977 4s. 3d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £426 following Life Life-boat.

Blyth . .

(Motor) Berwick-on- Tweed.

Dungeness No. 1.

Dungeness No. 2.

Kessingland Lowestoft (Motor) Lowestoft (Motor) Newhaven (Motor) Newhaven (Motor) North Sunder land.

Scarborough (Motor) Southwold (Motor) Staithes Teignmouth Thurso .

Torbay (Motor) Whitby (Motor) ied.

15s. to pay the expenses of the boat launches :— Lives Vesses. Hesc S.S. Delaware, of London.

Stood by vessel.

Motor drifter Cissie, of Eyemouth. Stood by S.S. Ravehton, of Grangemouth. Stood by vessel.

S.S. Dafila, of Liverpool.

Stood by vessel.

Steam trawler Cyclamen, of Lowestoft.

Escorted vessel into safety.

Sailing trawler San Toy, of Lowestoft. Stood by vessel.

Steam trawler Newhaven, of Lowestoft.

Rendered assistance.

Steam trawler Crafce, of Boulogne .

Ketch Kate, of Gloucester.

Stood by vessel.

Steam trawler St. Louis, of Hull. Rendered assistance.

Fishing boat Sceptre, of Scarborough. Escorted boat into harbour.

Steam trawler Cyclamen, of Lowestoft. Stood by vessel.

Five motor fishing boats, of Staithes. Stood by boats.

Motor drifter Princess Jlary, of Teignmouth.

Stood by vessel.

Steam trawler Edward VII., o! Grimsby Motor fishing boat Torquay United, of Torquay.

Saved boat and rescued . . . .

Motor fishing boats Guide Me and Remembrance, of Whitby.

Escorted boats into harbour.

15 10 Lives Life-boat, Vessel. Rescued.

Whitby . . Fishing boats Mizpah, (Motor) Irene, Remembrance, Guide Me and Pilot Me, of Whitby. Escorted boats into harbour.

J Whitby No.[2J. [Fishing [boats {Irene, Remembrance, Guide Me, and Pilot Me, of Whitby. Stood by boats.

The Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (Motor) Life-boat rendered assistance to the S.S. City of Malines, of Yarmouth ; the Holy Island No. 1 (Motor) Life-boat assisted to save the steam trawler St. Louis, of Hull; and the Palling No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the barge Will Everard, of London, and rescue from shipwreck her crew of three.

Also voted £761 7s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of Crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Aberdeen (North Pier Life-saving Apparatus), Abersoch, Aldeburgh No. 2, Appledore (Motor), Berwick-on-Tweed, Brighton, Caister No. 1, Clovelly, Donna Nook, Dunbar, Dungeness No. 2, Easingtom, Eyemouth, Flamborough No. 1, Flamborough No. 2, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (Motor), Hastings, The Humber (Motor), Hythe, Ilfracombe, Lynmouth, Newbiggin, North Deal, Pwllheli, Scarborough (Motor), and Stromness (Motor).

Passed a further £104 Is. Sd. on account of pensions already granted to dependent relatives of men who lost their lives in the Lifeboat Service at Caister, Holyhead, Johns - haven, Moelfre, New Brighton, and Port St.


Granted £90 12«. 44. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Cardigan, Eastbourne, Hoylake, North Deal, Walmer, Wicklow and Winterton.

Voted an ex-gratia grant of £4 to the widow of William Robinson, Coxswain of the Newbiggin- by-the-Sea Life-boat, who died on the day he was to retire after fourteen years' service as Coxswain.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to the widow of Samuel Evans, the ex-Coxswain of the Skerries Life-boat, who was left in poor circumstances. Had Evans lived a few more days he would have been entitled to a year's pension as an ex-Coxswain.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to David Fleming, who is in distressed circumstances.

He had been connected with the Dunmore East Life-boat for thirty years, and in the latter years of his service had occupied the positions of Second Coxswain and then Coxswain.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to Lewis Roberta, who resigned from the Holyhead Life-boat Crew about fire yean ago on account of age, after fifty years' service, and who is now ill and in very indigent circumstances, with a wife to support.

Awarded the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and framed, to James Sim, Second Coxswain of the Fraserburgh Life-boat, in recognition of his initiative, leadership and courage in jumping into the sea at great personal risk and taking prompt action, which led to saving the lives of the crew of the steam trawler Clio, of Dundee, which was wrecked on Cairnbulg Briggs in a very heavy sea in the middle of the night of 14th January, 1912.

Andrew Ritchie, Alexander Ritchie and James Mitchell also jumped from the Life-boat and helped in the rescue, and their services were recognised by the award of the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and framed.

In the case of James Mitchell, the Vellum was presented to his widow, as he had died before the award was made. In each case a monetary award was also made.

Owing to the illness of the Honorary Secretary at the time of the service, the case was not then fully reported to the Institution. (A full account of this service appeared in The Lifeboat for last March.) Awarded the Bronze Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and framed to Joseph Atkinson, Master of the Padstow steam lug Helen Peele, in recognition of his meritorious conduct and skilful seamanship when the tug under his command rescued the crew, five in number, of the fishing boat Our Girlie, of Port Isaac, which was totally wrecked on a rocky shore near Port Quin in a moderate N.N.W.

gale with a very heavy sea, on 27th November, 1928. The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and framed was presented to the other members of the crew :—Frederick J. Mabley, Mate ; William Watson, Acting Chief Engineer; William J. Pope, Acting Second Engineer; William A. Bray, Lawrence Nugent, Edgar Stone, Nathaniel England, Alfred Peacock, Charles G. Brinham, Harry T. Honey and William French.

A Barometer, suitably inscribed, accompanied by a Letter of Thanks, was awarded to Captain E. P. Hutchings, Honorary Secretary of the Station, for his zeal on this occasion.

(A full account of this service appeared in The Lifeboat for last March.) Awarded a Silver Watch, suitably inscribed, to John Matthews, Coxswain of the Moelfre Life-boat, for his devotion to duty when the Life-boat broke from her moorings and was wrecked in a very heavy N.E. gale on the night of 11th February, 1929. Also granted monetary awards to am and other men who assisted in the salving of the Life-boat.

Granted an additional reward to the Crew of the Newhaven Motor Life-boat in recognition of a meritorious service on 29th January, 1929, when the crew, fifteen in number, of the French trawler Crabe, were rescued.

Granted an additional reward to the Crew of the Clovelly Life-boat for an arduous service launch on 15th February, 1929.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Captain J. W. Heatley, a member of the Local Committee at Blyth, for going out in the Life-boat on service on 2nd February, 1929.

Reported that letters had been received conveying the Sincere Thanks of the Government of the Netherlands to the Crew of the Lowestoft Motor Life-boat for their services on the occasion of the wreck of the Ymuiden trawler Elnet, on 30th December, 1928.

Awarded the Bronze Medal of the Institution accompanied by a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and framed to William H. B.

Cotton, in recognition of his courageous conduct in plunging into the sea at considerable personal risk in order to render help to the crew of the S.S. Kendy, who were in great danger in the ship's boat after their vessel had foundered off Porthcawl, Glamorganshire, on 27th August, 1928.

(A full account of this service appeared in The Lifeboat for last March.) Voted the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and framed to the steam trawler Epinard, of Grimsby—Captain Samuel Aldred —in recognition of the meritorious services of her master and crew on 22nd December, 1928, during a strong N.W. gale with a very heavy sea, when they saved the sole survivor of the motor fishing boat J.B.B., of Wick, after his two companions had been washed overboard and the boat disabled off Dunnet Head, Caithness-shire. The small boat was driving ashore, and Captain Aldred took his vessel to within a few yards of the rocks in order to rescue the man, as no time could be lost. An attempt was also made to save the boat, and she was taken in tow, but she broke adrift and was lost in the darkness.

Voted £1 10*. to two men for rescuing the two occupants of the fishing smack Progress, of Pwllheli, on 18th December, 1928. Also granted 2s. 6rf. for petrol used. The salvors were fishing about seven miles south of Pwllheli when they saw smoke and a signal from the Progress. A moderate southerly wind was blowing, with a choppy sea. The smack was found to be on fire, and the two men on board were taken off and landed.

Voted £2 to four men for putting out from Carnarvon in a motor-boat with the intention of helping another motor-boat which appeared to be in difficulties off Carnarvon Bar during a S.S.W. gale with a heavy sea, on 12th November, 1928. Also thanked the owner of the boat used, and granted him £1.

Voted £3 to six men, in two cobles, for rescuing the crew of three of the motor coble Nellie, owned and worked by the Coxswain of the Boulmer Life-boat, which broke her propeller shaft while returning from the fishing grounds on 24th January, 1929. Also allowed 2s. 6d. to each boat for fuel used. Moderate risk was incurred in towing the Nellie home against a strong ebb tide, northerly wind, and moderately rough sea.

Thursday, 21st March, 1929.

SIR GODFREY BAKING, Bt., in the Chair.

Co-opted Lt.-Col. J. Benskin, D.S.O., O.B.E., and Mr. K. Lee Guinness Members of the Committee of Management.

Reported the receipt of the following special gifts:— £ «. d.

H.R.H. The Duke of Coimaught (Subscription) . . . 15 0 0 Lloyd's, Members and Subscribers of (Collection) . . . 1,477 11 0 Members of the Garrison and Residents at Vacoas, Mauritius, ' proceeds of Carol Singing (Donation) 28 7 6 Latvian Exchange (Donation) . 25 0 0 Canterbury Cathedral (Collection) 16 19 8 To be thanked.

Paid £17,180 Is. lOd. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £130 5*. 3d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Rescued.

Newhaven . S.S. Tamworth, of New- (Motor) castle. Stood by vessel.

Plymouth . . S.S., of Work- (Motor) ington . . . . 10 St. Mary's . . Steam trawler Rowland, (Motor) . . of Ostend. Stood by vessel.

Scarborough Fishing coble Jock, of (Motor) Scarborough. Stood by coble.

Stromness . . Steam trawler Car- (Motor) mania II., of Grimsby 12 The Holy Island No. 1 (Motor) Life-boat rendered assistance to the S.S. Invergrange., of Grangemouth; and the Robin Hood's Bay Life-boat rendered assistance to the S.S. Elvier, of Wallsend.

Also voted £118 5s. fid. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of Crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :— Blackrock, Dunbar, Girvan, Holy Island No. 1 (Motor), Hope Cove, Newbiggin, Newhaven (Motor), Scarborough (Motor), Southend-on-Sea (Motor), and Walmer.

The Cromer Motor and Palling No. 1 Lifeboats were also launched.

Passed a further £252 18s. 5d. on account of pensions already granted to dependent relatives of men who lost their lives in the Lifeboat Service at Caister, Holyhead, Johnshaven, Moelfre, Mumbles, Port Eynon, Rhoscolyn and Rye.

Granted £46 2*. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Caister and Plymouth.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to the widow of C. W. Chilvers, late Bowman of the Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Life-boat.

Chilvers, who held the position of Bowman for five years and had been connected with the Life-boat for fifty years, had left his widow in very poor circumstances.

Voted the Bronze Second Service Clasp, accompanied by a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and framed, together with an additional monetary award, to William Johnston, Coxswain of the Stromness Motor Life-boat, in recognition of his meritorious conduct and tine seamanship when the Life-boat under his command rescued the crew, twelve in number, of the steam trawler Carmania II., of Grimsby, which was totally wrecked on the Kirk Rocks, Hoy Sound, in very cold weather, with a strong S.W. breeze and a very heavy surf on 14th February, 1929. Additional rewards were also granted to each member of the crew.

(This service was fully described in the issue of The Lifeboat for March last.) Voted the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and framed to Angus McPhail, Coxswain of the Thurso Life-boat, in recognition of his meritorious conduct and skilful seamanship when the Life-boat under his command rescued, with considerable difficulty, the crew, ten in number, of the steam trawler Edward VII., of Grimsby, which stranded at Brims Ness, in very cold and thick weather, with a strong S. breeze and heavy ground swell, on 2nd February, 1929.

Letters of Thanks were also addressed to Mr. J. Miller, Honorary Secretary, and to Captain Shearer, Harbour Master and Honorary Shore Signalman. Additional monetary rewards were granted to the Coxswain and Crew.

(This service was fully described in The Lifeboat for March last.) Voted the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and framed to Frederick J. Eagles, Coxswain of the Plymouth Motor Life-boat, in recognition of his meritorious conduct and skilful seamanship when the Lifeboat under his command rescued ten of the crew of the S.S. Deventia, of Workington, which stranded near Bolt Head, in a strong E.S.E. gale, with a heavy sea, and snow squalls, on 12th February, 1929. Additional monetary rewards were granted to the Coxswain and Crew.

(This service was fully described in the issue of The Lifeboat for March, 1929.) Thursday, 18th April, 1929.

SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ a. d.

Latvian Shipowners' Union (Donation) 100 0 0 Alan C. Harris, Esq., (Additional Donation) . . . . 30 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £32,968 7s. Id. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £134 2s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Rescued.

Galway Bay . A boat of Great Man's (Motor) Bay. Saved boat and rescued . . . . 2 Ramsey . . Schooner Venus of Castletown . . . 4 Ramsgate . . S.S. Chirripo, of Belfast.

(Motor) Stood by vessel.

Scarborough . Motor fishing coble Treu- (Motor) sure, of Scarborough.

Escorted coble to safety.

Teesmouth . S.S. Trentwood, of (Motor) Middlesbrough. Rendered assistance.

Walmer . . S.S. Chirripo, of Belfast.

Stood by vessel.

The North Deal Life-boat assisted to save the S.S. Culmore, of Londonderry, and the St.

Mary's Motor Life-boat saved the steam drifter Lord Haldane, of Loweatoft, and rescued from shipwreck her crew of nine.

Also voted £481 11s. 9d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of Crews, etc., with a view to assisting personi on vessels in distress :—Baltimore (Motor), Blyth (Motor), Claoton-on-Sea (Motor), Cresswell, Cromer (Motor), Cullercoats, Dunbar, Dungeness No. 1, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (Motor), Holyhead (Motor), Margate (Motor), Newburgh, Newhaven (Motor), North Deal, Palling No. 2, Ramsey, Ramsgate (Motor), Selsey (Motor), Torbay (Motor) and Worthing.

Passed a further £186 Os. Gd. on account of pensions already granted to dependent relatives of men who lost their lives in the Lifeboat Service at Brighstone Grange, Caister, Eastbourne, New Brighton, Padstow, Port St. Mary. St. David's and Whitby.

Granted £47 12s. 6d. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Ilfracombe, Moelfre and Walmer.

Voted an ex gratia payment of £25 to the widow of James Gorman, who had been Coxswain of the Clogher Head Life-boat for nearly thirty years.

Granted £5 towards the funeral expenses of R. Matthews, who had been a member of the Crew of the Moelfre Life-boat for fifty-five years.

Voted a gratuity of £5 to John Blyth, Caretaker of the Cromer Life-boat house during the summer months, who was compelled to resign owing to ill-health.

Directed that a letter of appreciation be addressed to Mr. A. H. Teare, Honorary Secre- tary at Ramsey, who went out in the Life-boat on service on 1st April, 1929.

Voted £1 17s. 6d. to three men for rescuing the four occupants of the yacht Lizzie,, of Rochester, on 1st April, 1929. Also granted 6s. l d. for stores consumed. While bound from Pin Mill to Rochester, the Lizzie met a north-westerly gale with a rough sea, which flooded her engine room. She attempted to make Brightlingaea, but was unable to make headway. In response to her signals for help, the salvors went to her and, finding it impossible to tow the yacht, took off the people on board and landed them at Brightlingsea.

The Lizzie was salved the following day.