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Special Gifts

From a Submarine Depot-ship.

H.M.S. Cyclops, the submarine depotship, when she was paid off at Chatham in the spring, sent a gift of £30 to the Institution from her canteen funds.

From Two Children.

Two London children, aged eleven and eight, have sent us three shillings, which they got by selling small articles which they had made themselves during their holidays. Their mother wrote that the idea and the work were entirely their own.

From San Fernando, Trinidad.

Three residents in San Fernando, Trinidad, have sent gifts to the Institution as a thank-offering for the King's recovery. One of them writes : " ' God save the King ' is no empty song, and now there is much joy in many lands.

There are many ways of showing the spirit of thankfulness. As for me, I mark out the Royal National Life-boat Institution for a gift in honour of the heroes who, unmindful of their own safety, rush to the rescue of others.".