Singing for the Life-Boats
THE following account of how visitors from Bolton contributed to the funds of the Fleetwood Branch, appeared in the Bolton Journal and Guardian on 12th July.
" A number of Boltonians on holiday at Fleetwood last week contributed direct to the Life-boat funds there as the result of a novel form of entertainment.
Assembling on the lower promenade on several evenings, they sang hymns, patriotic choruses, etc., including the grand old hymn that never fails to impress by its significance, " Eternal Father, Strong to Save." Fleetwood folk, apart from other visitors, were so impressed that they gathered round and joined in. Then someone had the happy idea of taking a collection for the local Life-boat funds, and there was such a willing response that by the end of the week the sum of £2 12s. 8d. had been handed over. It was duly acknowledged, and there is every prospect that the venture will be repeated during the September holidays.".