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Life-Boat Emergency Committees

A Suggestion to Stations.

WE should like to call the attention of Station Branches to an arrangement which has recently been made at Blyth, Northumberland. There are two Honorary Secretaries at this Station, but in order that their duties may be efficiently carried on if they should both be absent, and that the Coxswain or Motor Mechanic may always have someone in authority to go to for advice and help, the Committee of the Branch has set up an Emergency Committee, consisting of three of its members. This Committee will act in the absence or illness of the Honorary Secretaries, and is composed of three practical seamen, the Harbour Master, a Pilot and a Towing Company Manager. We hope that wherever practicable other stations will follow Blyth's example. Such an arrangement should be of great help to the Honorary Secretary, and relieve him of all difficulty in delegating his duties when he is away from the Station..