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Life-Boat Calendar for 1930

Reproduction of a Painting by Mr. Charles Dixon, R.I.

As in previous years, the Institution is issuing this autumn a Life-boat Calendar for next year. We feel that there is no better way of keeping the work of the Life-boat Service before the public every day of the year, and we hope that readers of The Lifeboat will buy this calendar not only for themselves, but to send to their friends.

The 1930 calendar will have on it a reproduction in colours of one of a series of five paintings which Mr.

Charles Dixon, R.I., has very kindly done for the Institution called " Ships the Life-boats Serve," and it shows a Motor Life-boat which has just rescued the crew of a small steamer.

The calendars will be 11 inches long by 9 inches wide, and they can be obtained from the Institution in any quantity, post free, Is. each, or 10s. a dozen, this price including an envelope with each calendar. It will weigh, in the envelope, just under 4 ounces, so that it can be sent through the post, with the envelope open, for d.

Those who wish to order calendars can do so at once, and they will receive them at the end of November or beginning of December. They should apply to the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, Life-boat House, 22, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. 2, and should enclose with their order a postal order or stamps. Only Such orders can be dealt with, and it will help materially if orders are sent at once.