Belfast's Life-Boat Fete
FOLLOWING the two balls which were organised by the Belfast Ladies' Lifeboat Guild in the winter and spring, a Fete, lasting a fortnight, was held in June in the Bellevue Gardens, Belfast, which had been kindly lent to the Institution by the Corporation. It had been intended at first that the Fete should last a week, but as there was heavy rain for five days it was kept open for another week. During the second week it was a little, though only a little, more fortunate, for three days were wet.
The net receipts amounted to £463 3s. 6 f., and no doubt would have been very much larger had the weather been better.
Before the Fete began there was a procession, with bands, a Life-boat drawn by a tractor, and decorated vehicles from most of the big shops.
The Fete was opened by the Lady Mayoress (Lady C'oates), supported by the Lord Mayor and Sir William and Lady Turner (ex-Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress), Mr. and Mrs. T. Richardson, and the officers and Committee of the Branch. Speeches were made by the Lord Mayor, Lady Mayoress and Sir William Turner. The Band then played the National Anthem, and the Park stentorphone the new song, " The Lifeboatman.'' A number of regimental and other bands, which generously gave their services, played throughout the fortnight, and the attractions included a boxing competition between the West Yorkshire Regiment and the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, a trapeze act, a '' gymnastic ape" and equilibrists. The two chief attractions came at night : a high-diving act, from a height of 75 feet into a tank 6 feet deep, carried out in a blaze of fire-works, and a shipwreck and rescue by a Life-boat. This last was prepared and carried out by Captain Gordon Park, and we give a picture of it—by day. By night it was described by the Belfast Press as '' very realistic, conveying to city folk an impression of the hazardous work done by those who man the Life-boats of the Institution." The scene opened by moonlight, with a calm sea, and the sound of the song, '' The Life-boatman," coming from cottages on the cliff. Suddenly sky and sea changed to storm : the steamer's distress signal was seen ; the maroon was fired : the Life-boat put out ; the steamer's crew were rescued : the Life-boat returned in safety. Then every light went out and the National Anthem was played in the darkness..