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The Storeyard's Children's Party

THE fifth Christmas party given by the Staff at the Storeyard at Poplar, with the help of the Staff at Headquarters, to poor children of the district, took place on the 22nd December last at the Poplar Town Hall. Over 150 children were present, from six to ten years old. The entertainment began at 3.30, but there was already a long queue waiting at one o'clock. In addition to the tea each child received a toy and a bag of sweets and fruit. About 100 dolls, which had been dressed by members of the Institution's Staff, were given to the girls. Sir John Gumming, a member of the Committee of Management, had presented a large box of toys for distribution. An entertainment was given by the Rev. Nevill Robertson and a Troop of Girl Guides from Charlton, and Miss Cullen, of Woodford, did some solo dances.

In addition to the entertainment at the Town Hall, there was also a tea given to the children of the Special School at Piggott Street.

Notice, The next number of THE LIFEBOAT will be published in September, 1929.

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