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"The Sea-Microcosm."

Magazine to be sold on behalf of the Institution.

Dorothy Una Katclifie, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., has very kindly decided to devote the gross profits of the current number of the literary and artistic magazine, The Microcosm, to the Lifeboat Service. The number is called The Sea-Microcosm (price 10s.), and is a most attractive collection of poems, prose, plays, water-colour drawings and photographs all dealing with the sea.

Honorary Secretaries who would like to have copies to sell on behalf of their own Branch funds should write direct to the Editor, The Microcosm Office, City Chambers, Leeds.

Mrs. Ratcliffe has been editing this magazine for the past fifteen years, and has had many distinguished contributors.

She devotes each number to a different charity, and since 1921 has contributed to charities £1,240 ; and this is the second time that she has very kindly devoted a number to the Institution..