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The Best Essay

By KATHLEEN WILLMOTT (aged 13J), of S. John Baptist Girls' School, Frome, Somerset.

What are the Qualities of the Life-boatman which make him an Example of Good Citizenship ? OUR small island home is the central jewel of a vast Empire. This great realm has been won and kept for us by citizens of great renown.

Thess patriotic men and women have shown wonderful traits of character, which all of us, great and small, do well to copy. Among the men who serve our country with an unselfish devotion and loyal service are the brave fellows who man our Life-boats, and have rendered such successful aid to those in peril at sea. A first-class Life-boatman is a splendid example of good citizenship, for he must possess all the qualities of a good citizen and loyal subject. Brave and courageous, willing to endure hardships, dangers and perils of the angry sea, for the sake of others, he must be eager to help all in distress, even those unknown to him. This service must be given with no selfish ambition, but a loyal desire to serve the whole community in a free country, working in companionship with others, as a good citizen should. He must be patient, and not get excited or rash if he is in danger, but exercise right judgment in the execution of duty.

A Life-boatman, or anyone striving to be a good citizen, must be active and healthy, ever striving to keep himself fit, for necessity may arise for service when one least expects the call.

" Be Prepared," as the Scout law tells us, is a valuable motto to follow out in the ways of a Life-boatman and a loyal subject of our Sovereign. The Life-boatman should be able to manage the boat with unrivalled skill, and be able to apply his acquired knowledge of seamanship and engineering to further his efforts to bring relief. He should specialise in making himself fit for service ; as a good citizen should work to equip himself for service in state and country.

As the poet says :—• " Without fear or blame, with Sleepless watch, and stedfast aim Holding his country's helm in perilous hour." In spite of all he must put his trust in God when in ths hands of the sea, and remember that he is still fighting through the storm, and has the aid of the Master of Creation, Who holds the earth and sea in the hollow of His hand, and governs t!ie elements and directs the destinies of men.

So in the career and work of a Life-boatman he exercises and cultivates those qualities which are an example of good citizenship.

Loyal, stedfast, true, patient and persevering, overcoming difficulties with cheerfulness and precision, rendering unselfish and often tender aid to those in distress, who depend on help and comfort from those best able to give their strength in service to the weaker ones.

The record of brave deeds performed by members of the crews of our English Life-boat ranks high, and as worthy of praise as the actions of valour wrought for home, country and Empire by the citizens of our land.

The same qualities inspire the devotion and effort called out for service in the homeland, or away on the rainbow coloured sea spray that flings itself against the cliffs of England.

" Not gold, but only men can make A people great and strong— Men, who for truth and honour's sake, Stand fast and suffer long.

Brave men who work while others sleep, Who dare while others fly— They build a nation's pillars deep, And lift them to the sky.".