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Summary of Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 18th October, 1928.

The HON. GEORGE COLVILLE, in the Chair.

Appointed Lieut.-Commander J. M. Upton, R.D., R.N.R., a District Inspector of Lifeboats.

Decided that, for organising purposes, the North of England be divided into two Districts, namely, North-Western and North-Eastern, the former comprising Westmorland, Cumberland, Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Isle of Man, and the latter Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ t. d.

Admiralty, part of surplus revenue from Naval Canteen trading, in accordance with " the wishes of the men of the Fleet " (Donation) 1,300 0 0 Westminster Abbey (Collection) 22 4 0 To be thanked.

Paid £30,620 6s. 4d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £163 14s. 8d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Rescued.

Campbeltown . S.S. Oliva, of London . 15 No. 1 (Motor) Cresswell . . Steam trawler Darwen, of Fleetwood. Rendered assistance.

Hastings . . Yacht Jimbet, of Ramsgate.

Saved vessel and rescued . . . 2 Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Rescued.

Holy Island . Motor fishing yawls No. 1 (Motor) Isabella and Eventide, of Holy Island. Stood by boats.

Kilmore . . Schooner Brackley, of Wicklow . . . . 4 Scarborough . Fishing boats Protect Me (Motor) and Sceptre, of Scarborough.

Stood by boats.

The Clacton-on-Sea Motor Life-boat saved the yacht Iris, of Colchester.

Also voted £157 13s. lid. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Brighstone Grange, Caister, Clacton-on-Sea (Motor), Eastbourne, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (Motor), The Humber (Motor), Moelfre, New Brighton, Portrush (Motor), Port St. Mary, Southend-on- Sea (Motor), Sunderland (Motor), Walmer, Walton-on-the-Naze (Motor), Whitby, and Worthing.

Granted £52 to men for injury in the Lifeboat Service at Blackpool, Blakeney, Dunbar, Moelfre, and South wold.

Reported that the German Government had decided to recognize the services of the Thurso Life-boat in rescuing the crew, fifteen in number, of the S.S. Aase, of Hamburg, on the 16th March last, by bestowing an " Iron Plaque for rescue from distress at sea " on the Life-boat Crew, a Diploma on the Coxswain, Second Coxswain, and Bowman, and Certificates of Appreciation on the other members of the crew.

Voted £4 7s. (jd. to seven men for rescuing the two hands of the barge Duke, of Derry, on llth August, when they were in distress to the westward of the Garvan Isles, Malin Head.

Also granted 5s. for petrol consumed. The salvors were on their way from Malin Head to Inistrahull Island, just after sunset, when they saw the barge drifting helplessly, and being borne by the tide on to a very dangerous reef of sunken rocks. The weather at the time was fine with a moderate S.W. breeze and sea.

Going at once to the help of the barge, the men, at slight risk to themselves, succeeded in towing her clear of the rocks and to safety at Malm Head.

Voted £1 10*. to the Coxswain of the Sunderland Life-boat and two other men for rescuing the ten occupants of the motor pleasure boat Sandy, of Hylton, at Sunderland, on 23rd September. While returning to port in their motor fishing coble, during a moderate breeze with moderate sea, they saw the motor boat drifting in the direction of the rocks, to the south of the pier. They at once went to her aid, found that she had broken down and was completely helpless, being without sails, oars or anchor, and towed her into harbour.

Voted 15s. to the Coxswain of the New Brighton Life-boat and another man, who with one of the Life-boat's Motor Mechanics, rescued two men at New Brighton on 19th September. At 3.45 P.M. information was received that a small motor boat had broken down off the New Brighton lighthouse. The weather at the time was fine with a strong W. breeze and ebb tide, causing a fairly rough sea. Manning the Life-boat's motor boarding boat, the rescuers went out to the disabled boat, picked her up, and towed her ashore.

Voted 15s. to the Coxswain of the New Brighton Life-boat and another man, wl:o, with the two Motor Mechanics attached to the Life-boat, rescued two boys and a man at New Brighton, on the 30th September. During a strong E.S.E. wind, with a choppy sea and strong ebb tide, a small boat was seen in difficulties below the New Brighton landing stage, and drifting to sea. The salvors promptly put out in the Life-boat's motor boarding boat and picked up the boat, which was partly filled with water. They then took in tow another small boat, with a man in, which had gone to the help of the first boat.

: Tuesday, 23rd October, 1928.

SLR GODFREY BAKING, Bt., in the Chair.

Appointed Captain W. J. Oliver, M.C., Organising Secretary for the North-Eastern District.

Thursday, 15th November, 1928.

SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Reported the death of Mr. Edgar H. Johnson, F.C.I.S., Organising Secretary for the North of England.

Decided to close the New Bomney Life-boat Station.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

R.N.Allison, Esq. (Donation) . 200 0 0 White Star Steamers' Charity Account (Donation) . 50 0 0 Anonymous (Donation) . . 50 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £23,042 10s. Id. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £305 Is. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Rescued.

Aberdeen No. 1 H.M.S. Lunar Bow.

(Motor) Assisted to save vessel.

Aberdeen No. 2 H.M.S. Lunar Bow, Landed 2.

Coverack . . S.S. Gap 6 Galway Bay . Steam trawler Kilgerran (Motor) Castle, of Swansea, Stood by vessel.

Gourdon . . The fishing fleet of Gourdon. Stood by fishing fleet.

Great Yarmouth Motor fishing boat and Gorleston Fulgens, of Yarmouth, (Motor) Saved boat and rescued . . . . 3 Great Yarmouth Motor drifter Fisher and Gorleston Lass, of Fraserburgh.

(Motor) Rendered assistance.

Lynmouth . Motor ketch Nelly Mary, of Bideford . 2 Margate (Motor) S.S. Solway Firth, of Glasgow . . . . 1 0 New Brighton Small boat Gem . . 3 No. 2 (Motor) Penlee (Motor) S.S. Mona, of Antwerp.

Stood by vessel.

Piel (Barrow) . Hopper Iron Dulce, of (Motor) Barrow . . . 2 Southend-on-Sea S.S. City of Lancaster, (Motor) of Liverpool. Stood by vessel.

Staithes . . Eight motor fishing cobles, of Staithes.

Stood by fishing cobles.

Torbay (Motor) Ketch Ivy, of Falmouth, Stood by vessel.

Whitby No. 2 . Motor fishing coble Mary Rose, of Whitby.

Escorted coble into harbour.

The Ramsgate (Motor) Life-boat saved the barge Florence Scholey, of London, and rescued from shipwreck her crew of three.

Also voted £302 2s. 4 Z. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Cadgwith, Caister, Coverack, Cresswell, Great Yarmouth and Gorfeston (Motor), Holyhead, Johnshaven, Kilmore, The Lizard (Motor), Lowestoft (Motor), Margate (Motor), Porthleven, Rhoscolyn, Sunderland (Motor) Walmer, Waltonon- the-Naze (Motor), and Wells.

Granted £8 2s. 6d. to a man for injury in the Life-boat service at Cardigan.

Voted a further compassionate grant of £20 to the widow o£ ex-Coxswain Sidney Harris, of Gorleston. Harris had been connected with the Gorleston Life-boats for many years and left his widow in poor circumstances.

Voted a compassionate grant of £7 10*. to the widow of James Oilier, the Second Coxswain of the Life-boat at New Romney. Oilier, who had been Second Coxswain for nine years, left his widow and two children very badly off.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be addressed to the Crew of the St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly, Motor Life-boat for giving their services free and taking a sick girl to Penzance for an urgent operation, on the night of the 18th October.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to S. J. Hocking, a member of the Coverack Life-boat Crew for his prompt action which prevented an accident to the Life-boat, on the occasion of the service to the S.S. Gap, on the 27th October.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be sent to Captain W. J. Oliver, Honorary Secretary, who went out in the Sunderland Motor Life-boat on Service on 1st November ; also that a Letter of Thanks be sent to the Sunderland Life Brigade for the use of their shelter on the same occasion.

Directed that Letters of Thanks be addressed to Councillor E. J. R. Stapleton, Chairman of the Spalding Urban District Council and President of the Spalding Shipwreck Society, and to Mr. F. Parker for rescuing the only occupant of a small motor boat in The Wash on the 2nd July. The salvors, who were out in the steam yacht Rob Roy, spoke the Boston Pilot Boat about 9 a.m., and learned that a man who had put off for a pleasure trip the previous day had not returned. With the aid of glasses the boat was found and the yacht at once made for her. A strong S.W. wind was blowing with a heavy sea and some risk was incurred by the salvors in carrying out the rescue in the Bob Roy's dinghy. The man whose boat had broken down was exhausted, having been a day and a night at sea without food or drink.

Voted the sum of £5, inclusive of the cost of stores used, to D. Kirkaldie and four other men for rescuing the two occupants of the motor fishing boat Dorothy, of Ramsgate, which experienced engine trouble owing to being swept by seas, when between Ramsgate and Broadstairs, on the 26th October. The rescuers manned the motor boat Salvor, of Ramsgate, and on reaching the Dorothy found that her sails had carried away, that her anchor and cable had been lost, and that she was in danger of filling. A tow-line was put aboard, but parted when a sea struck both boats In the end, however, the Sali-or took the Dorothy in tow and brought her to Ramsgate.

The salvors incurred some risk in effecting the rescue in the strong S.S.E. breeze which was blowing, with a moderate but increasing sea.

Voted £2 5s. to Walter Dyble, ex-Coxswain of the Winterton Life-boat, and two other men for rescuing two undergraduates, whose sailing yacht Venture II. was in difficulties two miles to the north of Winterton on the 18th June.

Also granted 2*. 6d. for stores used. The men put off for the fishing ground at about 6.30 p.m.

and, seeing the yacht aground on the outer banks, went to her help. The wind at the time was moderate and south-easterly. At some risk the salvors, after releasing their ballast, crossed the bank and rescued the men, re-crossing the bank again, as the surf inside was too heavy to land in. Eventually the yacht drove over the bank and was salved.

Voted £2 to four men for putting off in two boats and rescuing two of the three occupants of the yacht Rover which capsized off North Wall, Dublin, on the 8th August. The yacht was shifting her position in a W.N.W. wind with a head tide when she was capsized by a squall. She had a punt in tow into which the men on board jumped, but this also upset, leaving the men struggling in the water.

The rescuers quickly rowed to the spot and succeeded in picking up two of the men. The third man had disappeared but his body was recovered later.

Voted £1 10s. to William Hamilton, Coxswain of the Ardrossan Life-boat, and three other men for saving a small boat and her crew of two, on the 29th September. About noon the boat had both sails blown away while attending to her lobster creels and was being carried out to sea in a strong easterly wind with a rough sea. Seeing the boat's plight, the salvors went to her aid in the Harbour Company's Pilot motor boat and towed her into port. A Letter of Thanks was addressed to the Harbour Company for the use of their boat.

Voted 15s. to two men for landing the crew of three of the ketch Dolphin, of Bideford, which sprang a leak off Porlock and was beached on the 29th October. A light southwesterly wind was blowing with a rough sea.

Directed that Letters of Thanks be addressed to Messrs. D. Ronan and W. C. Forman for rescuing the two occupants of a small sailing boat which was capsized in a sudden squall while off Southend-on-Sea Pier on the 9th September.

The crew of the sailing boat, father and son, were able to cling to their boat until rescued, about half an hour later, by the salvors, who were in the motor boat British Queen. The crew of the motor boat had previously rendered a similar service on the same day to another small boat.

Thursday, 29th November, 1928.

SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Reported that a telegram had been sent to H.M. the King, Patron of the Institution, expressing earnest hope for his early and complete recovery from his illness.

Reported that the Rye Harbour Life-boat capsized while out on service on the 15th November during a south-westerly gale with a heavy sea, with the loss of the whole of her crew of seventeen. The boat launched at 6.45 A.M., in response to a message that a steamer—the Latvian vessel Alice—was in danger. 'Five minutes later a message came that the crew of the Alice had been rescued.

The recall signal was fired three times, but apparently the Life-boat Crew did not see it.

At 10.30 the Life-boat was returning under sail when she capsized. Every effort was made to help the crew as they were washed in, but without avail.

The seventeen men who lost their lives were : Herbert Head, the Coxswain, and his two sons, James Head and John Head.

Joseph Stonham, the Second-Coxswain.

Henry Cutting, the Bowman, and his two brothers, Robert Redvers Cutting and Albert Ernest Cutting.

Charles Frederick David Pope, Robert Henry Pope and Alexander Pope, three brothers.

William Clark and Leslie Clark, brothers.

Maurice James Downey and Arthur Downey, cousins.

Albert E. Smith, Walter Igglesden and Charles Southerden.

The Committee stood for a space of time as a tribute of respect to the Rye Harbour Crew, and a Vote of Sympathy with the bereaved was unanimously passed.

Reported that the Board of .Trade had been asked by the Institution to hold an independent Enquiry into the accident.

Reported that in accordance with the usual practice double service rewards had been granted in the case of the drowned men, and decided that an additional reward should be granted to the helpers who were on duty for a long time.

Decided that the principle be accepted of paying pensions to the dependents of the men drowned on the scale at present in force for corresponding ranks in the Navy and Army and Air Force, i.e., Coxswain, Chief Petty Officer or Colour-Sergeant; Second-Coxswain, First- Class Petty Officer or Sergeant; Bowman, Second-Class Petty Officer or Corporal; Lifeboatman, Seaman or Private ; and that the appropriate pensions be granted as from the date of the accident to the widows and children under sixteen of Herbert Head, Coxswain, Joseph Stonham, Second-Coxswain, Henry Cutting, Bowman, Albert E. Smith, Lifeboatman, and William T. Clark, Life-boatman; also to the invalid parents of the brothers Robert R. Cutting and Albert E. Cutting.

Decided that a Special Vote of Thanks be passed to the Mayor of Rye, Captain LEOPOLD A. VIDLER, who was also the Institution's Honorary Secretary, in appreciation of his public-spirited and indefatigable work in connexion with the disaster.

Decided that a Special Vote of Thanks be passed to the Foreign Life-boat Societies and other bodies who had tendered their sympathy to the Institution.

Decided that Memorial Certificates be presented to the relatives of the men who lost their lives.

Reported that the Mayor of Rye had opened a Rye Harbour Life-boat Disaster Fund.

Appointed Brigadier-General W. S. Swabey, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., Organising Secretary for the North Western District.

Thursday, 20th, December, 1928.

SIR GODFREY BAKING, Bt., in the Chair.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

Civil Service Life-boat Fund, Balance of cost of Southend-on- Sea Life-boat, per H. A. Clark, Esq.,I.S.0 4,500 0 0 Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd.

(Donation) . . . . 100 0 0 White Star Steamers' Charity Account (Donation) . . 100 0 0 Mrs. Ellen Holmes, In memory of the late John William Holmes (Donation) . . . . 100 0 0 Anonymous (Additional donation) 50 0 0 Miss Hilda Bennett (Donation) . 50 0 0 Miss A. Hall (Additional donation) 50 0 0 S. Tattersall, Esq., for two Line- Throwing Guns . . . 50 0 0 Anonymous (Additional Donation) 25 5 0 Anonymous (Donation) . 25 0 0 N. P. Millington, Esq. (Donation) 25 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £23,392 18s. lid. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.

Voted £710 s. 8d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. rescued.

Aberystwyth . Small boat Florrie. Saved boat and rescued. . 1 Arbroath . . Three fishing boats of Arbroath. Stood by fishing boats.

Bembridge . Two fishing boats, of (Motor) Bembridge. Saved boats, and rescued . 4 Bridlington . Ten fishing vessels, of Bridlington. Stood by fishing vessels.

Bridlington . The fishing fleet of Bridlington.

Stood by fishing fleet.

Clovelly . . Herring drifter Battling Jack, of Clovelly . . 2 Cromer . . Schooner Thursonian, of (Motor) Wick 5 Dungeness Schooner Hanna, of No. 2 Poole 4 Fishguard . . S.S. Chislehurst, of Lon- (Motor) don. Stood by vessel.


Flamborough .

No. 1 Flamborough .

No. 1 Gourdon Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (Motor) Helvick Head .

Hythe . . .


(Motor) Margate (Motor) Montrose No. 1 (Motor) Newbiggin New Brighton No. 2 (Motor) North Deal Plymouth (Motor) Poolbeg Ramsgate (Motor) (Motor) (Motor) Scarborough (Motor) Scarborough .

(Motor) Southend-on- Sea (Motor) Torbay . .

(Motor) Southwold (Motor) Southwold (Motor) Torbay (Motor) Torbay (Motor) Lives Vessel. rescued.

Fishing cobles Unity and Doris, of Flamborough.

Stood by cobles.

Fishing coble Doris, of Flamborough. Stood by coble.

The fishing fleet of Gourdon. Stood by fishing fleet.

Boat of S.S. Corcrest, of London, and Ketch Kate, of Gloucester . 11 Cutter Kate, of Ballinagoul.

Stood by vessel.

Schooner Oosterschelde, of Amsterdam. Stood by vessel.

Motor fishing boat Elsie, of Kirkcudbright . 1 Barge Ethel Everard, of London . . . . 11 Four fishing vessels, of Montrose. Stood by fishing vessels.

The fishing fleet of Newbiggin.

Stood by fishing fleet.

S.S. Emile Delmas, of La Rochelle . . . . 2 3 Fishing boats Dorothy, Ida and Ted, of Deal.

Saved three boats, and rescued . . . . 6 S.S. Kentish Coast, of Liverpool . . . . 7 Two fishing boats . . 10 Schooner Mary Barrow, of Barrow . . . 6 Fishing boat Sparkling Sea, of Deal. Saved boat, and rescued . 2 Fishing boat All Right, of Deal. Saved boat and rescued . . . 2 Fishing cobles Jack, Geoffery, Pelican, King Fisher and Eagle, of Scarborough. Escorted cobles into harbour.

Coble King Fisher, of Scarborough. Escorted .

coble into harbour.

S.S. Hunterfield, of Leith.

Stood by vessel.

Ketch Ivy, of Falmouth.

Rendered assistance.

Three fishing boats, of Southwold. Stood by boats.

Fishing boats Betsy and Vigilant, of Southwold.

Saved boats and rescued . . . 6 Motor trawler Test, of Brixham. Saved vessel and rescued . . 2 Tug Heros, of Hamburg, and a floating dock.

Stood by vessels.

Lives Life-boat. Vessel. rescued.

Whit by No. 2 . Motor fishing boats Pilot Me and Remembrance, of Whitby. Escorted boats into harbour.

Whitby . . Nine motor fishing boats, (Motor) of Whitby. Escorted boats into harbour.

Whitby . . Motor fishing boats Re- (Motor) membrance and Guide Me, of Whitby. Escorted boats into harbour.

The Margate (Motor) Life-boat assisted to save the barge Ethel Everard, of London; Cresswell Life-boat landed nine men from the steam trawler Tynemouth Castle, of North Shields, on two occasions ; and the Ramsgate (Motor) Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Mary Barrow, of Barrow.

Also voted £1,001 is. lid. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Abersoch, Anstruther, Ayr, Bembridge (Motor), Boulmer, Brighton and Hove, Caister, Caister No. 1, Clacton-on-Sea (Motor), Donaghadee (Motor), Dungeness No. 1, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston (Motor), Hastings, Hilbre Island, Holyhead No. 1 (Motor), Holy Island No. 1 (Motor), Llandudno, Lowestof t(Motor), Margate (Motor), Montrose No. 1 (Motor), New Brighton No. 1, Newhaven (Motor), North Deal, Palling No. 2, Plymouth (Motor), Poole and Bournemouth, Poolbeg, Port Logan, Port Patrick (Motor), Ramsgate (Motor), Rye Harbour, Selsey and Bognoi (Motor), Southwold (Motor), Sunderland (Motor), Torbay (Motor), Tynemouth (Motor), Walton-on-the-Naze (Motor), and Worthing.

Granted £39 10«. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Kilmore, Plymouth, and Wmterton.

Voted a further gratuity of £10 to RICHARD WILLIAMS, ex-Second-Coxswain of the Holyhead No. 1 Steam Life-boat, who had been compelled to retire owing to ill-health, and was in poor circumstances.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to the widow of JAMES MATTHEWS, a helper at Exmouth, whose leg was broken when the Life-boat was being launched for exercise in May last. The accident in no way contributed to the man's death.

Voted grants of £5 each to the widows of Life-boatmen KANE, MARTIN and STEPHENS, who lost their lives in the Padstow Life-boat disaster in April, 1900, and decided that the matter be further considered.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, accompanied by a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and framed, together with an additional monetary award, to GEORGE ROBINSON, Coxswain of the New Brighton No. 2 Motor Life-boat, in recognition of his gallant conduct and skilful seamanship when the Life-boat under his command rescued twenty-three of the crew of the S.S. Kmile Delmas, of La Rochelle, wrecked in Liverpool Bay during a whole W.N.W. gale with a very rough sea, on the 24th November. Bronze Medals, with Vellums, and additional rewards, were presented to the other members of the crew:—JOHN R. NICHOLSON, Second-Coxswain, GEORGE J. CARMODY, Bowman, RALPH B.


Granted an additional reward to the crew of the Caister No. 1 Life-boat, for a very arduous service on the 16th-17th November.

Granted an additional reward to the crew of the Bembridge Motor Life-boat for an arduous service launch on the 23rd November.

Granted £2 17s. to three men at Donaghadee for salving the Life-boat's boarding-boat which foundered while the Life-boat was out on service, and also for helping to moor the Life-boat on her return on the 23rd November.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to Captain J. FARADAY, of the Great Western Railway Company, for securing and mooring the Fishguard Motor Life-boat, on the 24th November. The Life-boat had been out on service, and was at anchor when she was cut adrift, but was saved by Captain Faraday's tug, as she drifted towards the breakwater.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be sent to the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, and granted the sum of £5 to the crew of the Board's tender Vigilant—no charge having been made for her services in towing the New Brighton No. 1 Life-boat, on service, on the 25th November.

Directed that a Letter of Thanks be addressed to the King's Harbour Master at Plymouth for dispatching his launch to recall the Life-boat, when information was received that she was not required, after she had launched, for service, on the 24th November.

Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be addressed to Mr. T. W. GOMM, Honorary Secretary at Margate, for going out in the Lifeboat on service on the 17th November.

Reported that in connexion with the Rye Harbour Disaster, the Rye Fund Advisory Committee considered that it was not necessary for the Institution to grant pensions to any persons other than those to whom pensions were granted at the Special Meeting of the Committee on the 29th November.

Reported that a letter had been sent to the Board of Trade, expressing appreciation of the services rendered by the Coastguard on the occasion of a service launch of the Torbay Motor Life-boat on the 23rd November.

Voted £5 10s. to seven men, the crews of two cobles, for rescuing the four occupants of the motor coble Invincible, off Newbiggin on the 12th November. While fishing about four miles from Newbiggin, at 5 A.M., the Invincible caught fire. The coble Four Brothers, manned by four men, was near and at once went to her help, finding one man in the water and three in the stern of the boat. A light S.S.W. wind was blowing with a moderate sea, and after taking the endangered men on board, the coble took the burning boat in tow. Another coble, the Wilhelmina Taylor, also came to help and the boats reached shore at 5.45 A.M.

The Invincible''s engine was saved.

Voted £4 15s. to five men for rescuing the two occupants of the Deal fishing boat frothblower, on the 23rd November. Also granted 7s. 6d. for stores used, and £1 5s. to men who helped to launch the salvors' boat. During a S.W. gale with a heavy sea and rain the Frothblower was seen to be dismasted close to the Brake Sands. The rescuers promptly assembled, and, after one unsuccessful attempt, launched a motor boat and went to the help of the casualty, which was towed to the land, her crew baling the whole time. One of the rescued men was the Coxswain of the North Deal Life-boat. It was reported that great risk was run by the salvors.

Voted £1 18s. to two men for rescuing four other men, the crews of two fishing boats, Fisherman's Pride and Early Morn, of Deal, on the 23rd November. Also voted 7s. 6d.

for stores consumed. The rescuers when fishing in Pegwell Bay saw signals for help from the two boats, and at considerable risk owing to the strong S.W. gale, with a very heavy sea, towed them to safety. Several fishing boats were overtaken by bad weather on this occasion and services were rendered by the North Deal and Ramsgate Life-boats, in addition to the boat referred to in the previous paragraph.

Voted £2 to four men for helping to safety the coble Two Sons at Runswick, on the 12th November. Also granted 4s. for fuel con- | sumed. While fishing, the salvors, a Whitby ' crew, saw signals of distress from the Runswick boat and promptly went to her aid. It was found that her engine had broken down and that she was drifting, unmanageable, out to sea in the moderate S.W. gale which prevailed at the time. She was taken in tow to Runswick.

Voted £3 to three men for rescuing the crew, four in number, of the fishing boat Fuchsia Valley. The boat had got into difficulties owing to her nets fouling some outstanding rocks about three miles to the east of Clovelly Pier, on the night of the 9th December. A variable southerly wind was blowing, with a heavy sea and an ebbing tide, when the salvors went to the help of the disabled boat.

Some risk was incurred in towing her to Ilfracombe, a distance of eighteen miles, in the darkness, with the wind and sea increasing.

Voted 10s. to the Coxswain of the New Brighton Motor Life-boat, and another man, who accompanied the two Motor Mechanics in the Life-boat's motor boarding boat on tie 18th November, with the intention of rescuing three children marooned on a drifting buoy.

On arrival it was found that the children had been rescued from the shore..