News from the Branches
1st January to 31st March.
[Since September of last year the " News from the Branches " has been given in a more abbreviated form than before, but reference has been made to the work of many more Branches. To notice the work [ of all the Branches, now numbering over 1,000, at any length, would require the ivhole ofthejour issues of THE LIFE-BOAT published each year. Some of our workers, particularly those connected with the larger Branches, may feel that more might be said about M that they are doing for the Life-boat Service, but we hope that they will realize that this brevity does not mean any want of appreciation of their services, and will sympathize with our desire to mention all Branches, however briefly, rather than to give longer reports dealing only with the ivork of the larger Branches. As in the case of the Irishman's soup, we hope they tvill feel that a quart has been boiled down to a pint to make it stronger.] Greater London.—Life-Boat Day.
HACKNEY.—Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.
HABEFIELD (MIDDLESEX).—Branch formed. Hon. Secretary, Mrs. Lee Evans.
—Theatrical performance, including the first performance by amateurs of Mr.
Louis N. Parker's Life-boat Play, " Their Business in Great Waters." TEDDINGTON (MIDDLESEX). Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.
TWICKENHAM (MIDDLESEX).—Address to the Rotary Club by the Organizing Secretary.
WEMBLEY (MIDDLESEX).—By the death of Mrs. Frieake the Institution has lost a valuable worker, who helped it for many years by the organization of Life-boat Day in Wembley and District.
WEST HAM.—Address to the Rotary Club by the Organizing Secretary.
WESTMINSTER.—By the death of Mrs. Fraser Bate, the Institution has lost an old and valued worker in its appeals in the West End.
WILLESDEN (MIDDLESEX).—Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.
WIMBLEDON (SURREY).—Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.
Nine lantern lectures and talks were given during the quarter.
North-Western District.
ACCRIXGTOX (LAXCS.).—Bridge Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
Whist Drive arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
BLACKROD (LANCS.).—Two Lancashire plays in aid of the Branch, produced by Mrs. Gordon, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
CARLISLE (CUMBERLAND). — Annual Meeting on 15th February. The annual report showed that the record sum of £298 had been raised as compared with £173 in the previous year.
COLNE (LAXCS.).—Concert arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
CULCHETH (LAxcs.).—Whist Drive.
HOLLINGAYOBTH (CHESHIRE). Whist Drive and Dance.
INCE-IX-MAKERFIELD (LANCS.). — Whist Drive and Dance.
KENDAL (WESTMORLAND).—Bridge and Whist Drive.
LANCASTER (LAXCS.).—Whist Drive arranged by the Lancashire Special Constables. Football and Picture House Collections arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
LIVERPOOL (LAxcs.).—Annual Meeting on 14th March. The Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair.
Special tribute paid to the officers and collectors of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
The annual report showed that £4,343had been raised, as compared with £3,660 in the previous year.
—Annual Meeting on 8th February, the Lord Mayor, the President of the Branch, in the chair. Speakers : Sir Claude Hill, K.C.S.I., Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of Man ; The Bishop of Salford; Sir William Milligan, M.D., LL.D., J.P., Chairman, of the Branch ; Mr. J. Cuming Walters, M.A., Editor Manchester City News ; Lieut.-Col. Bax, head of the Salvation Army in Manchester; Mr.
P. W. Atkin, Stipendiary for Salford ; Mr. E. D. G. Liveing, M.A., Regional Director of the B.B.C. ; Mr. G. T. Davis, Manager, Co-operative Wholesale Society Bank; Mr. S. Hall, Honorary Secretary of the Clayton District, and Mrs. H. Bronnert, President of the Didsbury District. The Bishop of Manchester was prevented by illness from being present. The annual report showed that £4,362 had been raised, as compared with £4,499 in the previous year.
Annual Meeting of the Salford Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 12th February, the Mayor of Salford presiding. The annual report showed that £177 had been raised, as compared with £140 in the previous year. After the meeting the members were entertained to tea by the Mayor and Mayoress.
Lady Stanley of Alderley has become Honorary Secretary of the Manchester, Salford and District Ladies' Life-boat Guild in succession to the late Lady Sheffield.
MARYPORT (CUMBERLAND).—Annual entertainment of the Life-boat Crew, Whist Drive and Dance, all organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
OLDHAM (LANCS.).—Annual Meeting on 15th February. The Mayor, the President of the Branch, in the chair.
The annual report showed that £322 had been raised as compared with £246 in the previous year. Of this sum the Ladies' Life-boat Guild contributed £137.
Whist Drive and Dance.
RISHTON (LANCS.).—Annual Meeting on 7th March. The annual report showed that £43 had been raised as compared with £24 in the previous year.
ST. ANNE'S - ON - SEA (LANCS.). — Annual Meeting on 8th March, Sir George Mellor, J.P., Chairman of the Branch, presiding. The annual report showed that £124 had been raised as compared with £168 in the previous year.
STANDISH- (LANCS.).—Annual Whist Drive.
TOTTINGTON (LANCS.).—WMst Drive arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
TYLDESLEY (LANCS.).—American Tea.
URMSTON (LANCS.).—Whist Drive.
WARRINGTON (LANCS.). — Bridge Drive.
North-East District.
BLYTH (NORTHUMBERLAND) .—Annual Meeting on 20th March, the Deputy Mayor presiding. The annual report showed that £371 had been raised as compared with £272 in the previous year.
BRADFORD.—Annual Meeting 24th January, the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speakers : Sir Charles Wilson, M.P. (Chairman of the Leeds Branch), and Mr. George F.
Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution.
The Annual Report showed that £1,941 had been raised as compared with £1,900 in the previous year.
BRIDLINGTON (YORKS.). — Annual Meeting on 14th February. The annual report showed that £319 had been raised as compared with £273 in the previous year. Alderman Mainprize was elected President in place of the late Col. Y. G. Lloyd-Greame.
Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Lifeboat Guild on 6th March, the Mayoress, President, in the chair. Special efforts of the year : Whist Drive, Life-boat Day, Collection with street organ. The annual report showed that £245 had been raised as compared with £199 in the previous year.
Sunday evening concert organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
DARLINGTON (DURHAM). — Annual Meeting, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. The annual report showed that £170 had been raised as compared with £216 in the previous year. It was announced that the Guild hopes to raise a considerable sum, each member holding a tea party at her house.
DONCASTER (YORKS.).—Ladies' Lifeboat Guild re-formed. President, the Mayoress. Vice-President, Mrs. Brook.
Hon. Secretary, Mrs. Laywood.
DURHAM.—Annual Meeting on 25th March, the Mayor presiding. The annual report showed that £43 had been raised as compared with £75 in the previous year.
HARTLEPOOL (DURHAM). — Whist Drive and Dance organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
HOLY ISLAND (NORTHUMBERLAND).— Visit of Princess Marie Louise, who went for a trip in the Motor Life-boat.
HORNSEA (YoRKS.).—By the death of Mrs. Sanderson the Branch has lost one of its oldest workers, for she had been a collector for it for thirty-five years. Mrs.
Sanderson was a member of a family which for two generations has taken the greatest interest in the Service. Her father, Mr. William Dyson, was for many years Honorary Secretary of the Hull Branch, and her. sister, Mrs. Sutton, was lady President of Hornsea for twenty years, and still, with her family, takes a great interest in the work of the Branch.
LEEDS.—Annual Meeting on 25th January, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speakers: Sir Charles Wilson, M.P. (Chairman of the Branch), who presented the Report and Balance Sheet, Sir William Priestley, J.P. (Chairman of the Bradford Branch), who spoke of the need of co-operation between the two Branches, and Mr.
George F. Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution. The Annual Report showed that £1,124 had been raised as compared with £1,105 in the previous year.
MALTON (YORKS.)—The Chantant organized by the Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
PONTEFRACT (YoRKS.).— "Freak" Whist Drive arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
RAWMARSH (YoRKS.).—Lantern Lecture by the District Organizing Secretary.
ROTHERHAM (YoB,KS.).—Annual Meeting on 22nd March, the Mayor, the Patron of the Branch, presiding. Special address in the local picture house by the District Organizing Secretary.
Twelve lantern lectures and addresses were given by the District Organizing Secretary during the quarter to Women's Institutes and other bodies.
South-East District.
DOVEK.—Special Meeting, addressed by Rear-Admiral T. P. H. Beamish, C.B., M.P. (a member of the Committee of Management). Ladies' Life-boat Guild formed. Hon. Secretary, Miss E. M. Jordan.
GRAVESEND (KENT).—Whist Drive and Dance.
GBAYS (ESSEX).—Life-boat Day.
HIGH WYCOMBE (BUCKS.).—Address to the Rotary Club by Mr. George F.
Shee, M.A., Secretary of the Institution.
Annual Meeting on 13th March, the Mayor presiding. Speaker: Captain the Earl Howe,, C.B.E., V.D., A.D.C., R.N.V.R. (a member of the Committee of Management). The annual report showed that £19 had been raised as compared with £17 in the previous year.
IVEE (BUCKS). — Two concerts arranged by Mr. George Stanley in memory of the late Commander Stopford C. Douglas, R.N., Deputy-Chief Inspector of Life-boats.
THETFORD (NORFOLK).—A special meeting, with the Mayor presiding.
Ladies' Life-boat Guild re-formed.
Life-boat Day.
UCKFIELD (SusSEx). — Inaugural meeting of the new Branch at Buxted Park, with Lord Portman presiding.
Bazaar at Buxted.
WORTHING (SUSSEX).—Annual Meeting on 22nd February, the Mayor presiding.
Speaker: Colonel the Master of Sempill (a member of the Committee of Management). The annual report showed that £546 had been collected as compared with £528 in the previous year.
Three lectures were given during the quarter.
South-West District.
BKADFORD-ON-AVON Annual Sacred Concert.
BRIDPOHT (DORSET).—Special meeting at the Cinema and display of Lifeboat films.
EXETER (DEVONSHIRE).—Four theatrical performances. (See special account on page 274.) OXFORD (OXFORDSHRIE).—Annual Meeting on 8th February, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair.
Speakers : Col. the Master of Sempill (a member of the Committee of Management), Alderman Sir Hugh Hall, D.C.L., J.P. (Chairman), the President of Corpus Christi, Alderman Perkins, J.P. (Vice- Chairman), Mrs. Legge (Assistant Hon.
Secretary), and the Rev. "W. Mansell Merry, M.A. (Hon. Treasurer). The annual report showed that £660 had been collected as compared with £781 in the previous year.
PLYMOUTH (DEVOX).—First meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, the Mayor of Plymouth, a Vice-President of the Branch, in the chair, supported by the Mayoress, Major Sir Maurice Cameron, K.C.M.G. (a member of the Committee of Management); Mrs. Buller Kitson, Hon. Secretary of the Guild, Mi.
George Scantlebury, Hon. Secretary of the Branch, and Mr. George F. Shee.
M.A., Secretary of the Institution. Sir Maurice Cameron presented the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, which had been awarded to Coxswain Frederick Eagles for the rescue of ten of the crew of the s.s. Deventia, in a strong gale, on 12th February. Mr. F. W.
Foote was presented with the certificate of service awarded to him on his retirement after serving nine years as Second- Coxswain.
Performances of the play, " The Sport of Kings." PLYMPTON (PLYMOUTH BRANCH). — House-to-House Collection.
PORTSMOUTH (HANTS.).— Annual Meeting on 17th January. The annual report showed that £416 had been raised as compared with £429 in the previous year. Presentation of the Challenge Shield for the South of England in the Life-boat Essay Competition, 1928, to the Drayton Road Boys' School, Portsmouth.
ST. IVES (CORN.).—Whist Drive.
SALISBURY (WILTS.).—By the death of Mrs. Hamilton Fulton the Ladies' Life-boat Guild has lost its Honorary Secretary, and a worker who for many years has given her help to the Institution.
SOUTHAMPTON.—Annual Meeting on 5th February. The annual report showed that £778 had been raised as compared with £1,002 in the previous year.
SWINDOX (WILTS.). — Special Meeting.
Address by the District Organizing Secretary. Branch re-formed. Hon.
Secretary, Mrs. C. F. George.
THAME (Oxox.)—A special meeting in the Cinema, with Lieut-Col. S. E.
Ashton, Chairman, presiding. Speaker : | Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., I R.E., Deputy Secretary of the Institution.
Display of Life-boat films.
WITNEY (Oxox.).—New Branch formed. Hon. Secretary, Mrs. Herbert | Smith.
On 27th January the Duke of Mont- : rose, a Vice-President of the Institution, and Chairman of the Scottish Council, ! broadcasted a Life-boat appeal to all the Scottish Stations.
ABERDEEN.—Area Conference and presentation of Centenary Vellum on 25th January. (See special report on page 270.) BANFF AND WHITEHILLS (Banffshire).
Theatrical performance.
DUNDEE (FORFARSHIRE).—Film display and Concert arranged by the Committee and the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
EDINBURGH.—Special meeting on 13th February formally to constitute the Ladies' Auxiliary a Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and to develop its work. The invitations were sent out by Lady Findlay of Aberlour, Hon. Secretary of the Scottish Council, and members of the Edinburgh Committee, and in her unavoidable absence the guests were received by Sir John Findlay, Bt., and Miss Findlay. The Lord Provost, President of the Branch, was in the chair, supported by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, and nearly 300 people were present. It was announced that Lady Findlay had accepted the Presidency of the Guild, that among the Vice-Presidents would be the Countess of Cassillis, Lady Wallace and Lady Salvesen, and that Mrs. Kenneth MacEwan and Miss Findlay would act as joint Hon.
Secretaries. An address was given by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., on the Life-boat Service, and in the course of it he paid a tribute to the work done for the Institution by Miss Scatter, to whom he presented a Picture of a Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress in recognition of her valuable help.
GLASGOW.—Whist Drive on board the Anchor Liner Caledonia, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. (See special account on page 273.) IXVERXESS.—Whist Drive arranged by the Committee of the Ladies' Lifeboat Guild.
XEWBURGH (ABERDEEX). — Dance organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
During the quarter twenty-two lantern lectures were given.
BELFAST (Co. ANTRIM).—Ball arranged by the Marchioness of Londonderry and Ladies' Life-boat Guild. (See special account on page 274.) CELBRIDGE (Co. KILDARE).—Girls' School Collection.
DUBLIX (WiCKLOw).—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, with Her Excellency Mrs. James McNeill, President, in the chair. Speakers : Lady Tate and the Countess Fingall.
The annual report showed that £1,208 had been raised as compared with £974 in the previous year.
(Continued on page 304.) E N N i s (Co. CLARE).—Children's Dance.
LISBUEN (Co. ANTRIM).—Whist Drive and Dance.
—Branch formed. . President, Lady Trevor. Hon. Secretary, Mrs.
Vaughan Roberts.
HOLYHEAD (ANGLESEY). — Special meeting, at which Commander Gregory Stapleton, R.N., King's Harbour Master, Chairman of the Branch, presided. Presentation to ex-Coxswain George Jones, of the Certificate of Service awarded to him by the Institution on his retirement after serving for fourteen years as Coxswain of the Steam Life-boat.
HOLYWELL (FLINTS.). — Branch formed. President, Mrs. White, J.P.
Hon. Secretary, Mrs. Jordan.
LLANELLY (CARMARTHEN).—Public Meeting. Appeal issued by the Mayor.
M U M B L E S (GLAMORGAN) .—Whist Drive and Dance.
N E A T H (GLAMORGAN). — Appeal issued by the Mayor.
PORT TALBOT (GLAMORGAN). — Appeal issued by the Mayor.
P R E S T A T Y N (FLINT). — Annual Meeting, the Vicar presiding. The Annual Report showed that £59 had been collected as compared with £28 in the previous year..