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Income and Expenditure for 1928

Life-boats:- EXPENDITURE. £ New Life-boats for the following stations :—On account —Angle, Courtmacsherry, Clacton, Cromer, Cromarty, Dover, Eastbourne, Fowey, Holyhead, Humber, Padstow, Southend-on-Sea, Stornoway, Stromness, Swanage, Thurso and Walton-on-Naze, etc. . . 93,12-1 s. d.

9 5 £ s. d.

Upkeep of Office and Store at Cowes Alterations and Repairs of Life-boats, etc.

Payments on Maintenance of Steam Life-boat and Tug Consulting Naval Architect . . . . .

Salaries and allowances of Inspectors and Surveyors of Machinery, Surveyors of Life-boats, Assistant Surveyors, Draughtsmen, and Clerks (33 persons) .

Travelling Expenses . . . . . .

Pensions a n d gratuity . . . . . .

Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund Life-boat Carriages and Tractors, viz. : - Repairs t o Tractors . . . . . .

Alterations and Repairs of Life-boat Carriages .

Salary and allowances of Assistant Surveyor of Lifeboat Carriages . . . . . . .

Travelling Expenses . . . . . .

Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund Life-boat Houses and Slipways, including Engineers1 charges . . . . . . . .

Life-boat Stores Life-boat Storeyard at Poplar, including Taxes, insur- Salaries and allowances of Deputy Chief Inspector for Stores, Storekeeper and Clerks (15 persons), and Wages of Manual Workers (00 persons) Pensions . . . . . . . .

Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund Storeyard Extension Works . . . . .

Payments in connexion with Life-boat Stations, such as Repainting and other Small Repairs to Life-boats, Life-boat Carriages, and Life-boat Houses, done locally, Conveyance of Boats, Carriages, Stores, Postages, etc.

Station Centenary Expenses . . . . .

Salaries of Assistant Secretaries, etc., of Stations ( 1 5 persons) . . . . . . .

Life-boat Inspectors, Coxswains, Motor Mechanics, Bowmen, Signalmen and Crews, etc., viz. : — Cost of Wreck Services, including Rewards to Life-boat Crews and others, Special Rewards and Recognitions, Medals a n d Vellums . . . . .

Grants to men injured in the Life-boat service .

Fees of Coxswains, Bowmen and Signalmen, Wages o f Motor Mechanics, etc. . . . . .

Payments to Life-boat Crews and Launchers for exercises, etc. . . . . . . .

Payments to permanent Crews of Steam Life-boat a n d T u g . . . . . . . .

Pensions and Retiring Allowances to Coxswains, Bowmen a n d Signalmen . . . . .

Pensions and Grants to Relatives of deceased Lifeboat m e n a n d others . . . . .

Pensions and Gratuities to permanent Crews of Steam Life-boats . . . . . . .

Carried forward . . . .

120 11,713 1,100 419 9,879 3,040 891 40 3,735 249 175 317 131 57 2 709 12,829 217 31 108 9,740 92 245 7,950 486 21,411 6,573 2,073 3,368 957 671 9 3 19 15 19 15 ti 1 12 8 5 13 16 13 18 1 0 7 5 14 13 10 6 1 7 11 16 2 19 3 4 6 3 1 9 8 8 11 i of on-? A J-iUjOlM J 0 8 9 0 4 2 4 fifi7 Q ,uu ( y 51,930 18 14,584 5 (; 8 0 10 4 1 •" X 0 •"» 1 1O,OUO 1O 2 1 8 10 078 17 0 10 4 0 7 G 0 6 4 498 7 £261,052 12 ( 2 0 4 ] 1 j 5 IKOOME.

Subscriptions, Donations, etc. : — £ a. d.

General Subscriptions to Headquarters . . . 5,721 2 5 „ „ through Station Branches . . 6,491 18 1 „ „ through Financial Branches . 18,177 6 7 „ Donations to Headquarters . . . . 14,644 10 10 „ „ through Station Branches . . 23,922 4 2 „ „ through Financial Branches . . 51,094 11 9 Contributions from Harbour Authorities towards upkeep of Life-boat Stations 1,587 18 4 Contribution Boxes (Headquarters) . . . . 515 1 2 2 „ „ (Station Branches) . . . 4,065 11 6 „ „ (Financial Branches) . . . 512 16 8 £ a. d.

-126,736 12 6 Life-boat Funds : — Civil Service Life-boat Fund, per H. A. Clark, Esq., I.S.O., in respect of the following Life-boat Establishments—Kingstown, Margate, Maryport, and North Deal (additional) . . . . 1,629 11 4 North Deal—Bevan Reward Fund (per the Charity Commissioners) . . . . . . 208 5 0 Covent Garden Lifeboat Fund, per Bert J. Monro, Esq. (additional) 130 0 11 Northrepps Mariners' Fund, for Norfolk Life-boat Stations 12 10 0 1,980 7 3 Income from Investments : — Dividends and Interest on Investments Less Income Tax deducted . 44,655 9 11 . 4,229 14 9 40,425 15 2 Special Purposes Trust Fund Income £ s. d.

Account 1,550 6 1 Less Transfer to Special Purposes Trust Fund . . . . 357 15 0 Less Transfers to Station Branch Contributions, and Financial Branch Contributions Income Tax recovered .

1,192 11 1 27 1 0 1,165 10 1 4,433 13 11 46,024 19 2 Carried forward £174,741 18 11 EXPENDITURE.

Brought forward Life-boat Inspectors, etc.—continued.

Salaries and allowances of Inspectors of Life-boats, and Clerks ( 1 6 persons) . . . . . .

Travelling Expenses o f Inspectors . . . .

Pensions a n d Gratuity . . . . . .

Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund .

Administration : — One half of Salaries and allowances of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary (General), and Clerical Staff (28 persons) £ s. d.

Rent, Rates, Taxes, Lighting, Heating, Insurance, etc. . . . . 1,346 7 5 Insurance under Workmen's Compensation, National Insurance and Unemployment Insurance Acts . . 645 3 10 Commissionaires and Messenger (3 persons) 533 0 0 Telephone, Postages and Parcels . . 727 10 7 Less estimated amount chargeable to Publicity . . . . .

3,252 1 10 1,600 0 0 Pension . . . . . . . . .

Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund Stationery, Office Expenses, Printing, Books, Circulars Forms, etc. . . . . . .

Auditors' F e e . . . . . .

L a w Expenses . . . . . .

Repairs and improvements to the House of the Institu tion . . . . . . . . .

Expenses in connexion with International Conference o f Lifeboat Societies i n Paris . . . .

s. d. £ s. d.

261,052 12 5 6,641 6 8 2,267 13 5 1,501 1G 0 4 13 6 10,415 9 7 4,534 19 3 1,652 1 10 49 13 0 338 4 3 1,802 236 584 810 12 2 100 17 4 10,109 2 9 Publicity at Headquarters and 1020 Branches : — One half of Salaries and allowances of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary (General) and Clerical Staff (as above), and Salaries and allowances of Assistant Secretary (Publicity) and Typist (30 persons) . 5,447 3 11 Salaries and allowances of District Organizing Secretaries, Clerks, etc. (25 persons) . . . . 6,443 14 7 Travelling allowances of District Organizing Secretaries 2,063 7 Gratuities under Pension Scheme, etc. . . . 813 16 Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund 73 15 Annual General Meeting . . . . . . 96 1 Advertising a n d Appeals . . . . . 6,695 1 Stationery, Printing, Books, Circulars, Forms, Badges, Collecting Boxes, Postages, etc 9,402 7 8 Printing and Binding the Annual Report and The Lifeboat Journal . 2,159 1 0 Salaries and Commissions of Assistant Secretaries, etc., of Branches (118 persons) 3,533 12 10 Estimated proportion of Administration Expenses as above 1,600 0 0 3 3 3 10 11 38,328 2 6 Total Expenditure . £319,905 7 3 INCOME.

Brought forward Sundry Receipts : Sale of old Life-boats, Life-boat Carriages, Life-boat £ s. d.

Houses, Condemned Stores, etc. . . . 1,560 6 10 Sale of The Lifeboat Journal, Advertisements, etc. . 174 0 10 £ s. d.

174,741 18 11 Ordinary Income .

Legacies for General Purposes - 1,734 7 8 176,476 6 7 . 63,311 10 9 Gifts and Legacies for Special Purposes: - Income only available :— Legacies . . . . . .

Special Gifts Capital available : — Legacies . . . . . .

Special Gifts Total Receipts Less :— Transferred to Endowment Trust Fund Do. Special Purposes Trust Fund 3,343 12 11 1,302 0 0 25,287 15 5 29,541 5 7 59,474 13 11 299,262 11 3 4,645 12 11 54,829 1 0 59,474 13 11 Total Receipts available for General Purposes Transferred from Special Purposes Trust Fund for Life-boats, etc., included in Expenditure, defrayed during the year by Special Legacies a n d Donations . . . . . . . .

239,787 17 4 26,646 16 11 266,434 14 3 Deficit charged to General Purposes Fund . 53,470 13 0 £319,905 7 3 NOTE.—This account comprises the receipts and disbursements of the Headquarters of the Institution for the year to 31st December, 1928, and of the Branches for the year to 30th September, 1928..