Four Successful Efforts By the Guild. Glasgow Ball and Whist Drive, Belfast Ball, Exeter Theatricals
THE five outstanding efforts made by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild last winter were the Second Annual Life-boat Matinee organised by the Central London Women's Committee last December, of which an account appeared in the last number of The Lifeboat, a Lifeboat Ball and then a Whist Drive organised by Glasgow, the Second Annual Ball organised by the Belfast Guild, and performances of Mr. Frederick Lonsdale's Play, " On Approval," organised by the Exeter Guild, which were so successful, that though only three performances had been intended a fourth had to be given.
Glasgow Ball and Whist Drive.
The Glasgow Ball, organised by the Glasgow Branch Committee, assisted by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, was held on 13th December, on board the liner Transylvania, in the Clyde, by kind permission of the owners, the Anchor Line. It was on the same vessel, the largest liner using the Clyde, that the very successful meeting was held in December, 1927, at which the Glasgow Ladies' Life-boat Guild was inaugurated. The arrangements for the Ball, which were carried through with great efficiency, were deputed to a small committee, of which Mr. S.
W. Harper Gow acted as Honorary Secretary, and very generous help was given by the Anchor Line, in addition to the loan of the liner. It was a very novel and brilliant affair, and one of the outstanding social events of the year in Glasgow. The acceptances for the Ball numbered 650, and of these, 320 dined on board before the ball, and 100 slept and breakfasted on board as well. The dinner was provided by the Anchor Line on such terms that the Committee was able to make on this, as well as on the sale of tickets for the Ball, a substantial sum. The net amount realised was just over £800, and in addition to this, the stewards of the Transylvania made a donation of £25.
Many well-known people from Glasgow and the West of Scotland were present. Among them were :—the Duke of Montrose (President of the Scottish Life-boat Council), the Duchess of Montrose, the Marquis of Graham, Lady Helen Graham, Lady Mary Graham, the Earl of Glasgow, the Countess of Glasgow (President of the Glasgow Ladies' Life-boat Guild), Cameron of Lochiel and Lady Hermione Cameron, Sir Louis and Lady Primrose, Sir Steven and Lady Bilsland, Sir John T. Cargill and Lady Cargill, Mr.
Leonard Gow (Chairman of the Glasgow Branch) and party, Mr. William Henderson (Honorary Treasurer of the Glasgow Branch), Mrs. Henderson and party, Mr. Hourston and Mrs. Hourston, O.B.E., Mr. Gordon Martin (Secretary of the Glasgow Branch), Mr. and Mrs.
L. Harper Gow, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Harper Gow, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Ralston Mitchell and Miss Mona Mitchell, Mr. J. M. Norman Macleod, Mr. and Mrs. Kupert Bethume, Miss Anne Stirling Maxwell and Miss Jean Macleod Baxter.
The originality of the idea, the success of the ball socially, and the amount raised all make this one of the outstanding efforts of the Glasgow Committee, assisted by the Ladies' Lifeboat Guild.
In view of this it is particularly gratifying to be able to record that the owners of the Transylvania were so delighted with the whole affair that they are prepared to lend the liner again this year, and have themselves suggested that the Ball should be an annual event. No sooner was the Ball over than the Committee was asked to organize a Whist Drive on the Transylvania.
It was ultimately decided to hold it on another of the Anchor Line's vessels, and it took place on the Caledonia on 7th March. Again the Institution is indebted to the owners, not only for the loan of the vessel, but for providing tea for all who were present and making all the arrangements.
The Whist Drive was a great success, both as a social function, which brought together the members of the Glasgow Guild, and as an effort on behalf of the Institution. Over £100 was obtained.
In connexion with these most successful efforts it may be mentioned that about the same time that the Ball was held two Glasgow ladies made very generous gifts for the provision of Motor Life-boats on the Clyde. Mrs. Laurence Glen, wife of the head of the Glasgow Shipping Company of Glen & Co., is giving £4,500 to the Institution to provide the new Motor Life-boat to be built for Girvan. At the same time Mrs.
Fairlie, daughter of the late Lady Richmond of Glasgow, is giving £4,758 to supplement a legacy of £1,000 received under Lady Richmond's will, and this legacy and this gift will together provide the Motor Life-boat being built for Troon.
Belfast Ball.
The Second Annual Ball, organised by the Belfast Ladies' Life-boat Guild, of which the Marchioness of Londonderry, D.B.E., is President, and Lady Dixon, D.B.E., first Vice-President and Chairman of Committee, was held at the Plaza on 23rd November last, and was described by the Belfast newspapers as the most successful Ball held in Belfast for many years. The Plaza was specially decorated. In the centre of the Ballroom was a lighthouse with revolving lights, while the orchestra was seated in a Life-boat. About 500 people were present.
Lady Londonderry travelled over specially from London to receive the guests, as President, with Lady Dixon.
Among those present were the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, the Marquess and Marchioness of Dufierin and Ava, the Countess of Clanwilliam, the Viscountess Craigavon, the Right Hon.
Lord Justice Andrews and Mrs. Andrews, the Right Hon. the Viscount Charlemont, D.L. (Minister of Education), and the Viscountess Charlemont, the Viscount Massereene and Ferrard, D.L., D.S.O., the Viscount Castlereagh, the Right Hon. J. M. Andrews, D.L., M.P.
(Minister of Labour) and Mrs. Andrews, Sir Thomas Dixon, Bt., H.M.L., Mrs.
Alderman Julia McMordie, C.B.E. (High.
Sheriff), Lord and Lady Farnham, Captain the Right Hon. Herbert Dixon, D.L., M.P. (Parliamentary Secretary), Mr. George B. Hanna, B.L., M.P. (Parliamentary Secretary for Home Affairs), and Mrs. Hanna, Sir .William Coates, Bt., D.L., Lady Veronica Blackwood, Lady Elizabeth Meade, Lady Mary Meade, Lady Helen Rous, Lady Eden, the Hon. Vera Maxwell, and Lady Burke.
A second Ball, with tickets at a more popular price, was held at the Plaza on 10th April. About 420 people were present, including the Marquess of Dufferin and Ava, Lady Veronica Blackwood, Mrs. Alderman McMordie, C.B.E. (late High Sheriff), and Mr.
and Mrs. Shillington, M.P.
The net proceeds of the two Balls was £137.
Exeter Theatricals.
Four performances of Mr. Frederick Lonsdale's comedy, " On Approval," which were given in aid of the Exeter Branch on 6th, 8th and 9th February last were among the most successful of such entertainments that have ever been given on behalf of the Institution. They had been organized by Mrs. Arthur Reed, Chairman of the very energetic Exeter Guild, with the help of her fellow members, while the production of the play was arranged by Mrs. Gamble, wife of the Dean of Exeter. Mrs.
Gamble herself took the principal part, the other characters being played by Miss Roberts, Mr. P. E. Boddington and Mr. D. Gordon Reid. The play was produced by Mr. Paul Tighe, and the orchestra was under the direction of Mrs. John Bowden. It had been intended to give one matinee and two evening performances, but a fourth performance had to be hastily arranged, as on the first evening over 200 people were turned away. All previous records for charitable performances in Exeter were easily surpassed, and over £210 was taken, more than twice the sum at which the Ladies' Life-boat Guild was aiming. The Rev. The Earl of Devon, President of the Exeter Branch, made a strong appeal for help at the first two performances, and Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, was present at the performance on the Friday evening, and spoke during the interval. He cordially thanked Mrs. Gamble and those who had given her their help with the play, and paid a warm tribute to the splendid and enthusiastic work being done by Mrs. Arthur Reed and the Exeter Ladies' Life-boat Guild..