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A Life-Boat Song

WE wish to draw the attention of all readers of The Life-boat to a song called " The Life-boatman," the words and music of which have been written by Mr. Louis Drakeford. This song is being published, under the auspices of the Institution, by Messrs. Hawkes & Son, and through the kindness of the author and publishers, the Institution will receive a royalty of d. on every copy sold. Copies of the song are supplied to the Institution by the publishers at the wholesale price of Is. id., and Branches may obtain copies from the Institution at this price, to be sold to the public, in aid of the Branch funds, at the published price of 2s. a copy. The song has a very attractive coloured cover, with a picture of a Life-boat going to the rescue. This picture was specially drawn for the song by Mr. Charles Dixon, R.I.

We hope that all Honorary Secretaries, and other Life-boat workers, will arrange to include the song in the programme of all concerts in aid of their Branches, and, wherever possible, will have it sung also at Life-boat meetings.

We want to make the song as widely known as possible, not only because every copy sold will bring a royalty to the Institution, but because a popular Life-boat song is one of the best ways of keeping the work of the Institution remembered by the public. A copy of the song has been accepted by the Prince of Wales.

It will, we think, interest all those who buy or hear the song to know that Mr.

Louis Drakeford is an official in the Chinese Customs. Song-writing is his hobby, and he has had a number of his songs published in this country and America. " The Life-boatman " was written when he was last home on leave.

A gramophone record of the song, sung by Mr. Bernard Dudley, baritone, with orchestral accompaniment, has been put on the market by the Metropole Gramophone Co. (Piccadilly Record 244). On the same record is " Oh ! Oh ! Hear the Wild Winds Blow," also sung by Mr. Dudley. The price of the record is Is. 6d., but branches can be supplied at the wholesale price of 12s. Qd. a dozen or Is. 0| i each.

Honorary secretaries who would like to have the song or the record for sale should write direct to the Institution or to their District Organising Secretaries.

Single copies of the song can be ordered, but as the gramophone records have to be specially packed they should be ordered in quantities of not less than six..