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A Life-Boat Medallist on His Visit to London

SECOND-Coxswain James Sim, of Fraserburgh, one of the medallists who was present at the Annual Meeting, was interviewed on his return home by the Fraserburgh correspondent of The Fishing News about his visit to London, and this is what he said :— " I canna get words tae express the fine way I wis treatit. Supposin' I had been a lord I couldna been better lookit aifter. I took the wife wi' me for company, and an official of the Life-boat met us at King's Cross, and acted as our guide all the time." " And what were your impressions of the great city, Jamie ? " " I was raither be oot in the Life-boat in a nor'-easter than in some o' yon busy streets we was on. Aifter a' the functions was past, me and the wife dandered aboot seein' the sichts—Buckingham Palace, the Queen Victoria Monument an' museums an' ither interestin' places." " And you had got a great reception at the Life-boat meeting ? " " Ay, the hale saiven o's," was the reply. " We was surroonded wi' lords an' famous men, an Lord Reading, wha began life as a sailor laddie, an' kens a' aboot the sea an' its perils, was the principal speaker, an' said a lot o' kin' things aboot's. Me an' anither man got the silver medal, an' five got the bronze medal fae the Life-boat Chairman, Sir Godfrey Baring." " Then you went sight-seeing ? " " Oor guide first took us to the Hoose o' Commons. We didna go inside, but the Home Secretar' was sent for, an' Sir Joynson Hicks came into the lobby an' gave us a herty handshake.

" Then we were taken to the Hoose o' Lords, an' heard a debate, but dinna ask me what it was about. We had tea in the Queen's Waiting Room, an' were treatit up to the nines." " Did you go to any of the theatres, Jamie ? " " Haud your tongue, man ! Ooor guide took us to the Coliseum in the evening, but I never thought we were to be part of the entertainment. We were given seats in the Royal Box, an' saw a capital show. When the programme was half through the lights went out, and a notice was thrown on the screen—' Seven Life-boat Heroes Decorated To-Day for Rescues at Sea.' Up went the blaze of light again, and our guide told us to stand up in a row.

When the thousands of folk in the audience saw us, they rose to their feet and cheered and cheered till I thocht the place would come doon aboot oor lugs.

The weemin wave't their hankies till us, an' there we stood like statues, clean flabergasted. Then a film o' a Life-boat in a rough sea was screened, and that started the cheerin' over again." " Well, well, Jamie, that was certainly a great experience." " I'll never forget it, an' I'll never forget the goodness an' the kindness of everybody that we met to us, especially of the officials of the Life-boat Institution.

To tell you the real fact, I was perfectly ashamed.".