Women and the Life-Boats
WE have received the following letter from the Honorary Secretary of the Acton and Chiswick Branch :— " The Institution often holds up to women the example of those heroic women on the Northumbrian coast who help to launch life-boats, and quotes : ' Other women though they cannot help in the actual work of rescue, can help by raising money.' It is not always true that we cannot help in the actual work of rescue. Sometimes even we ' inland ' women can do that too. One of the members of this Guild, a young and delicate married woman, while staying on the East Coast in September, heard the call for the Life-boat at three in the morning. She ran, with others to the rescue, and helped to launch the boat. She came back, with her hands chafed and bleeding, feeling very proud that she was not only a worker who helped to collect, but one who had taken part ' in the actual work of rescue.' ".